Social media - the great life stealer, dream killer, and destiny destroyer.
Social media is the greatest resource of entertainment that has ever been 'gifted' to the world, but it is also the greatest Trojan horse that has ever been fabricated. It is an enemy trick that hides a sinister plan to get a grip on your life and rob you of your future.
It works by entertaining us; simple enough it would seem, but actually quite a master-plan, crafted ingeniously to steal your time, your potential, and your life.
The word 'entertain' comes from the French word 'entertenir'. It means, 'to hold together', - 'to maintain', - to divert', - 'to delay', - 'to waste time'.
Life is precious. Time is of a greater value than any of us can ever imagine. Once spent, we cannot get it back or recover its amazing potential.
Dive into one of the social media platforms for a quick look, and this devious 'drug' of entertainment quickly gets you, and before you know it, an hour has flown by, or several hours, or even a whole night. For many people today, especially the younger generation, every day has been shortened by many hours as they watch transfixed the utter nonsense and stupidity that has absolutely no value and no purpose, except to keep you amused and away from becoming the person that you could be. Morons and idiots flash their wares and utterly pointless antics in front of your eyes, and draw you aside and hold you into the web of empty nonsense.
It's a trap. It's a snare. It's foolishness.
It's a spider's web that will suck away all of your time, your common-sense, and steal your dreams and ideas by wasting the incredible and incalculable value of the time that God has given to you.
The demon of such entertainment and diversion robs you of the hours and days, the months and years appointed to you. Your destiny, - the things that you could achieve for good, both for your well-being and the blessing of others, diminish by the same hours, days, and months that you surrender to such a dream-stealing, vision-robbing, destiny-murdering enemy of life itself.
Whilst you are 'hooked' by this global fishing boat of delusion, your creative abilities and what you might become and achieve in your life are being sucked from your soul day by day.
It's time to stop, and save your life, and take back the greatest gift given to all of us -TIME itself.
We have all heard the saying, 'a fool and his treasure being easily parted'. Social media will steal the treasure that is buried in your heart, in your hands, in your thinking and reasoning, and spoil you of what you could have become, if only you had valued your time.
The Book of Proverbs says, 'There is treasure to be desired and oil in the house of the wise, but a foolish person spends it on rubbish - wastes it on worthlessness.' (Proverbs 21:20)
King Solomon, (said to have been the wisest man on earth), encourages us all to set aside stupidity, and to do all that we do with all of our strength - to give our best always in everything we set out hand or mind to, because when death comes, there is no more strength, no more opportunity, and only regret that we had blown away and killed the time and opportunities we were given.
Do not be entertained by the spider, for his web will trap you and keep you from flying - and the spider will slowly drain you of all life, kill you, and destroy your future.
And it is not just social media that targets your life.
Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal, and to kill, and to destroy."
He then says, "I have come so that you can have life, and have life MORE ABUNDANTLY." (John 10:10)