Your way is not God's way. It is a delusion that claims to be wiser than God.
Society wishes desperately to discount any notion of God. The reason for this is not science or logic, but simply because the heart of mankind is desperately wicked, and can find no place of peace or comfort if God has to have anything to do with it.
Why is this? It is because they hate the Creator and would sooner dismiss any thought that ultimately will expose their deepest loneliness, their most impure thinking, and their own rage and evil desires. And so they choose to not believe, for if they did believe, even for a minute, it would uncover the fact that there is an emptiness in their lives that nothing and nobody on earth can fill. It would bring such a disturbance they would find it hard to sleep at night and trouble them throughout the day; for if they choose to live outside of God, then genuine peace of heart and life will always be absent.
So our secular world continually hurls insults at anything to do with God, and screams and squeals in frustration at anyone who believes the truth, for the truth is what really gets under their skin! That is the real reason for them getting all upset, nasty, and antagonistic.
And at the end of their time on this earth, then the reality of eternity and a judgment to come will be all that faces them. Too late to turn back or make amends. Then their sneering, their mocking, their arguments, and their laughing at those who believed, will turn into an eternal horror and regret, with no absolutely escape possible from what lies ahead.
God laughs at the foolishness and stupidity of the human race which claims to be superior to truth and more clever than what the earth and indeed the whole of the universe visibly declares every single day.
But still God appeals to men and women of every age to be reconciled to Him through believing in the name above every name - the name of Jesus the Christ. For only in His name can anyone be saved from the great judgment to come.
Religion (whatever religion it might be) is just a set of rules and regulations being enforced and demanded by people just as sinful as anyone else.
However, true salvation, forgiveness of sin, knowing God, and an eternity secured and guaranteed in a far better place than this horribly evil world, is still available to anyone and everyone who will change their mind and believe on Jesus Christ.
If we will change our minds, God will change our hearts.