'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

Born of a different DNA

Only those who have retained their common-sense and their ability to see through the dense smokescreen of lies and deceit that has been deliberately bombarded on the populations of this earth, only such people as these can perceive the truth of what is really going on in the world around us.

For the great majority, what they see on television and online is the only reality that they can understand. So what the media prints and broadcasts has become their matrix existence. They come out to protest and make all their noise about what is impregnated into their unprotected minds by the social engineering that has been going on over the last decade (in particular) by those hidden powers and wickedness in high places around the globe: puppets doing what puppets must do by the hands of the 'puppet-masters' who pull their strings.

To know the truth is to be made free; but the unrelenting onslaught of disinformation, along with the Fear Agenda, has  subjugated the masses into doing precisely what the secretive slave-drivers intended.

Nothing is what it seems. The news is not news, but a studied and deliberate portrayal of an 'alter-truth'; for this is the easiest way to get people to believe the lie and get them to respond precisely as is intended.

The recent mega protests on the streets of our cities around the world (whatever those protests may be about) are the result of such manipulation through media-infused propaganda by people in high places seeking to change the world into a programmed and evil centralized system which other powers (higher than them) have planted in their minds. It is a chain of command that knows exactly what it is doing and knows how to coerce and control the unprotected minds of both the rich and powerful, the poor and lowly, the old and young alike.

There is, however, a race of people in every nation of the world who are not subject to their devices and deceptions. These are a unique and very different people who know the truth and see through the darkness of deception. They perceive what is on the other side of the cloud of wickedness that has engulfed the earth. Their true citizenship is not related to any country or embassy on earth, in spite of the fact that they may carry national passports with earthly registrations.

These individuals are a real problem to the slave-masters and rulers of the darkness of this world. They are hated by the politicians and the leaders of all the world's false religions. They are targeted every day by 'first-evils', fallen angels, and dark shadows of violence and rebellion, because they are the last line of defence in a lost and doomed world. Their light and knowledge of the truth forms a battalion of righteousness and defiance against all wickedness and deceptions. 

They are the wall of resistance, the sword of deliverance, the voice of discernment, the marching boots of victory, liberty, and deliverance 

They raise a banner, a majestic ensign and flag of hope and certainty across the battlefield of this planet, proclaiming the return of a King who shall bring an end to all evil, and bring the final judgment down upon this world and the invisible world of darkness.

Are you one of these rare people? Are you a true Believer, and not just someone who claims to be 'religious', or a 'member' of some world religion or church denomination?

Do you want to be adopted into this amazing, non-political, liberated kingdom? You must be born again, and born again of a new DNA that excels all and any other DNA.

The way is simple: forsake this world and its evil ways, believe on Jesus the Son of God, receive Him by faith, and live for a future inheritance that is beyond the rubbish of this world.

'You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.'


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