'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

We need to talk

We need to talk

We wake up every day to the ongoing saga of world leaders wanting to go to war; the Ukraine conflict being driven to the brink by presidents, prime ministers, and hardened governments who lust after their new-found ‘power’ that apparently gives them the right to drive the altercation to it’s inevitable and dreadful end.

This war in the Ukraine might have been brought to an end long ago if there had been one sensible leader in the world who stopped listening to the war-monger and puppet-actor Zelensky. This man has utterly refused to engage directly with President Putin, and instead continues in his demands for more and more weapons to annihilate Russia (as if that were even possible!).

And why is it that not a single world leader on this side of the fence wishes to sit down and talk with both leaders of this disgraceful war?

The further we distance ourselves from any meaningful dialogue, the nearer we come to a great and dreadful cataclysm of destruction. Then all the people, who thought it great to load the deluded leader of an already destroyed country, with our billions of pounds for weapons, will cry out in desperation when they see the flames of war on their own doorstep and their own children being sent to the forward battle lines.

“If only they had talked together, this may not have happened!” will be their dismal wail.

Then there’s the utter nonsense of the disruptive and stinking protests throughout our country over a situation in the Middle East, with silly people flying flags that represent an ideology that has absolutely no agreement with our own nation, culture, or national faith. This deceptive agenda has engaged the somewhat mindless, and the ignorant, and the lazy, the jobless, the easily-persuaded, and the middle-class 'do-gooders', to take to the streets, not realizing for a single moment that those behind the agenda are religious bigots seeking to impose and spread their radical beliefs on the western world.

Let us have no doubt whatsoever, that also mixed in among these mobs of protestors are  wretched and devious people who hate us and despise our culture, and wish for nothing more than to see the demise of us as a people. 


God says to all of us right now, “Come, let us reason together! let’s sit down and have an honest and open conversation about why the world is in such trouble; why you are in the mess you now find yourself; why things are not going right for you.”

God speaks to this nation of Great Britain, and says, “Come now, let us have a real honest talk together, let us reason this out, as to why this country has gone down the toilet pan of disgrace and shame.”

It seems that there is no voice in the land that has the wisdom or understanding to call the people back to sensibility. We are led by the blind and unwise, even by fools who have no depth of understanding. They are just as lost as the whole population.

But still, The Voice from heaven speaks to us all from a realm which very few can hear, not even in the churches who are supposed to be ‘in touch with God’! If any group of people should know what we need to do to save ourselves from the coming calamities and judgments soon to fall, it should be the church leaders.

Sadly, they are taken up with their ‘religious’ programmes and church activities, petty games and entertainment, holidays and sport, politics and trying not to upset anyone. They are deaf to the voice of God, yet they talk about him and tell stories from their Bible every Sunday to congregations that are as deaf as they are.

If any one of them were truly to hear what God is saying to us all right now, then they would become bold as a lion in decrying all the wickedness of this nation (and of the church!), and call the people to stop everything, put away all the nonsense of pretended plastic ‘Christianity’. They would open their churches twenty-four hours every day for prayer and intercession on behalf of this once-blessed county, before it is too late and the very real judgments begin to fall.

God promises forgiveness, healing, restoration, and mercy to us if we would change our mind, come humbly before Him, and ‘reason together’.

Just look back, even sixty or seventy years ago, to how nice this country was and how right and normal things were just that short while back. We had a country that was still governed and established upon the teachings of the Holy Bible, where society knew what was right and wrong, where our children were taught truth and the right way to live according to the Bible. 

It was a happy time to live and the world was nicer. Even the criminals, as portrayed in the old black and white movies, had more decency than the average person today.

 “Come, let us reason together, says the LORD God Almighty; even though your sins and rebellions against me are red like scarlet, they shall be made white as snow; though they are deep died and stained like crimson, they shall be as white as bleached wool.”  (Isaiah 1:16-18)

For God is merciful and gracious, and the blood of Jesus Christ the Creator of all things, is powerful and effectual enough to cleanse us from all sin and make us right with God.

But to see anything change, to find any hope for this nation or our world, we must humble ourselves, and pray, and seek after God’s face, and TURN from our wicked ways.

THEN, and only then, will God listen to us, forgive our great sins, and heal our land.  (Chronicles7:14)


November 28th 2024


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