'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

They changed the world with a clever agenda

'The Covid-19 pandemic and its response may have sent a wave of chronic stress and inflammation rippling through society that impaired our collective and individual decision-making, a new study suggests.' 

This theory comes on the four-year anniversary of the World Wealth Organization (WHO) declaring the global Covid-19 outbreak to be a 'pandemic'. (However, please note that the 'anniversary' is only of their 'declaration' that it was to be a 'pandemic'.)

'The so-called 'pandemic' saw the global mortality rate jump, but hidden in these statistics are the indirect effects of the covid agenda many people are still living with today.' 

One of these is our physiological response to the stressful events of the Covid Agenda. Stress can cause chronic inflammation in our bodies. Chronic inflammation is linked to serious conditions such as cardiovascular disease and cancer – and actually also affects our thinking and behaviour. Many people were (and are still) dying from extreme stress and fear, and diseases directly linked to these; but these deaths are mostly listed as being 'covid'. 

So basically, what we are saying is, that this so-called 'pandemic' was a very clever global psychological attack on the world population to take away their ability to think for themselves and their right to use common-sense to make their own judgments as to what was really going on. Sure, there was a very nasty sickness out there (whether man-made or not), but the agenda behind it was one of greed, corruption, lies, and control.

Through the huge fear agenda propagated through the corrupt and secretly financed media, the nations were subjected to a control and mental manipulation never seen before in history. The fear agenda led to extreme stress and chronic anxiety, which in turn led to sicknesses, disease, death, and both physical and mental symptoms that millions are struggling with to this day.

The Bible refers to 'men's hearts failing due to fear, because of what they see coming upon the earth'.  (Luke 21:26)

The damage and torment inflicted on the global population by the media and their financial backers is quite incalculable. 

Even the drastically increased use of disinfectants and disinfectant wipes that was deemed necessary by the governments is now being proved to be exposing people (including our children) to dangerous and deadly chemicals leading to serious health issues including infertility, birth defects, metabolic disruption, asthma, skin disorders, and other diseases. These chemicals, known as QACs, are absorbed into the blood through touch, ingestion, and inhalation. These chemicals are accumulative and are therefore added to our bodies every time we use them. The chemical companies are making billions of dollars through this part of the financial blueprint of 'covid'.

Old-fashioned washing with soap and water is still the best and safest route to cleanliness and protection. 

Now we have multitudes of people dying in every country from 'Excess deaths', and more than were dying during the covid campaign. More and more evidence is coming forward from top professional and competent medics including consultants, doctors, biologists, toxicologists, etc., clearly proving that huge numbers of these 'excess deaths' are the result of the suddenly-produced and utterly unproven 'vaccines' that were enforced on the public by their governments to 'save the world'.

Well, the Bible says that 'We all like sheep have gone astray', and we would sooner submit to the devilish liars and deceivers who wish to rule over us, than turn to the Living God who could save us.

God calls us to come back to him if we would live and be made free. 'There is salvation in no other name except the name of Jesus.' The Bible makes this more than clear, but foolish and blind man chooses to think himself better and wiser than the Creator, and so he marches proudly and defiantly into the darkness, as his body and soul crumbles and is consumed by     the contamination of unbelief and sin.

But to those who want life and deliverance from the evil that is mastering the populations, Jesus says, "Come unto me: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me'.  (John 14:6)


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