'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

Tearing down the 'old order'

So, the virus agenda failed to do all that it was meant to do, but at least destroyed a great deal of common-sense and freedom of thought amongst the earth dwellers as they surrendered their freewill to the governments and financial institutions who collaborated together to strike fear, terror, and anxiety throughout the world population at an unprecedented level. 

It was a planned attack on the human race by the rich and 'powerful' who control the world markets and financial institutions. The truth of the matter is out there, but the media are ordered to bury it and mock anyone who does not agree with the deception, or who seeks to expose the wickedness that has been deliberately inflicted upon every soul on earth over the last four years.

So to the next move, NATO has just given the warmonger Lewenski of Ukraine, permission to attack Russia mainland with American, French, and British weapons.

They want to escalate the conflict to as high a level as it might go. They want war, and they want it their way. It is all about money and bringing in a new world order where nobody but the super rich have any rights whatsoever. 

We are headed to Armageddon. The world leaders know it, the super rich know it, and the sheep fly their Ukrainian flags, 'baa'-ing as they march around their towns and cities feeling that they are really doing something significant and worthwhile. Will they feel the same when fire falls from the skies and destroys their homes and families?

The raging masses of protestors with their palestinian flags and their screaming and hostile antics around the world are all part of yet another deliberately engineered herding of ignorant and brainwashed non-thinkers who believe that they are actually going to change the situation out in the Middle East through their chanting and violence in the streets. 

The whole thing is a 'Matrix' of delusion, and nobody sees the big black cat grinning at them. 

It is all an illusion planned and mapped out in fine detail by spiritual wickedness in high places. The gathering of all the noisy muppets has very little to do with what is happening in Gazza, but actually far more about sinister and secret agendas.  

And of course, as usual, the 'do-gooders' (or those who really believe they are doing good) are being subtilty coerced into the senseless and silly din of these protests, but along with a much greater number of very aggressive and nasty people who actually love violence more than peace, hatred and murder more than harmony and reconciliation.

The eventual goal of those hiding in the shadows behind all these things, is to reduce the world population, create a fully enslaved society, and remove any and all rights from every human on earth without anyone even realizing what they are doing.

The world never changed in 2020. The evil fanatics of greed and world domination devised a well planned and unified psychological attack on people's minds and sense of well-being, which was further escalated through the enforced vaccinations of millions (if not billions) with an unknown and unproven (and even lethal) injection of a bio-weapon that made the rich even richer and the poor even poorer. 

The world stayed as it always has been, beautiful in its creation. However, the people became stricken with fear and anxiety, forced to comply with the dictates of pretend 'experts' who demanded that they are locked up in their houses, forced to wear rubber gloves and pointless facemasks, and forced to have even more 'non-experts' shoving sticks up their noses and down their throats under the illusion that this was vital to keep them alive.

We are now living with the results of such wicked scheming, where people in great excess are dying from blood-clots, heart attacks, strokes, cancers, and a host of other dreadful consequences of what may be termed a biological war. 

On top of that, we now have a generation of young people inflicted with mental health and an utterly broken future, who have no clue whatsoever as to how things ought to be, neither the ability or sensibility to work things out for themselves. They have grown accustomed to believing everything they see online, hear in the news, or are encouraged to do by those who believe that you can do what you like as long as it is what they also like.

No longer may you have the right to seek the truth and dare to say what you know is right.

Truth has indeed fallen both at government level, and also at street level. It has been shot down by the very people who should be upholding it. It has been exchanged for lies and half-truths by the churches, and left a bewildered generation who do whatever they suppose to be 'normal' and right in their own eyes, but have no sure foundation to base their lifestyles on. They have no point of reference for their lives, except the shameful examples of the world's so-called 'heroes', film stars, performing artists, and 'save the earth' fanatics.

A house built upon the ever-shifting sand will most certainly fall. And this flimsy and whimsical generation that is heading toward a catastrophic calamity, refuses to build their lives upon the Rock of Ages that never moves and never changes the truth, for that Rock is truth. 

Jesus said, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

If you do not know the truth, then you are but a slave to the matrix collaboration of darkness and destruction; you are one of the blind, being led by those who are also blind.

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; nobody can come to the Father except through me."

The Bible, God's Word - the only foundation for a healthy and confident society: for, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God shall mankind live.'

There is still hope, if people will turn around and face their Creator, tell him the truth, and receive him as their Sovereign and their Saviour.

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