'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

No laughing matter anymore

Not so many years ago, people would have laughed if you told them that we are heading toward the end of this world and what has been termed 'Armageddon'. You might have been the centre of ridicule and considered somewhat naïve. However, in the light of the last few years of evil that has been deliberately spread like an infectious plague across the nations by sinister and lying politicians and the rich, greedy money-makers, we are not laughing anymore.

Add to this to the determination of our governments and leaders seeking to raise the real prospect of a third world war, the rotten and unholy organization 'WHO' seeking to force its demands and fear tactics upon every nation on earth so that it can implement its own evil plans upon the worldwide population.

Anyone with a half-ounce of common-sense will realise that we are on the edge of the most dreadful times this world may ever have seen.

Nobody stands shocked or laughs when we suggest that we are in the End Times or headed toward the end of all things as we know them. 

Consider the unusual signs in the skies and the constellations, the freak weather conditions, the fear and anxiety that has become a continual condition of the great majority of earth-dwellers of recent. They can say it is all about 'Climate change' or some other agenda, but actually what is going on right now is part of what the Bible has spoken about in precise details for thousands of years.

People used to laugh and mock at such suggestions, and call you a 'Bible-basher' if you spoke of such things, but now it is a different matter completely.

There are many young people today asking if this is the 'End Times' or the 'End of Days'. They are wise to do so, for they know in their hearts that something is very wrong.

This planet and nature itself are executing their own judgment upon a world that hates God and chooses its own 'gods', religions, and delusion. The Bible says that the whole of nature is heaving and in turmoil because it is waiting for the revelation (the revealing and showing) of those who truly belong to God, and then the end of all evil upon this planet. It speaks of men's hearts failing because of the fear that they have for what is coming next upon the world. 

They used to sneer when preachers spoke of such things, but now they shut their mouths because they cannot escape the facts in front of their eyes. They watch incredulously as their national leaders are seemingly 'drawn' by some invisible hand toward war and destruction with no concern as to the billions that will die in a potential nuclear holocaust. 

And yet they still seek to live as though nothing bad will really happen, and somebody somewhere will sort out all of the world's mess and get us back online. But there is no saviour, no messiah, no hero here within the human race who can do anything for that which is already purposed. 

No 'global climate change' agenda will change anything whatsoever. What is happening all around this world is under the eyes of a much higher order, and man's efforts to try and change things cannot reverse the prophecies of the Bible. We are too far down the road to hope to turn things back.

There is only one hope, one real Saviour, one true Messiah, and most people reject him and spit upon his name. Yet still he calls to us all, "Come to me all of you who are weary of this life, burdened by troubles, lost in the heaving mass of a blinded mankind leading blinded souls to a hell that is just round the corner." 

"And I will give you rest (not religion, not a list of do's and don'ts)", he says. 

Christ Jesus will return to this world in great power and glory, and you really do not want to be on the wrong side when that happens, for then it will be too late get right with him.

Today is the day of salvation for you. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. Whoever calls upon his name in truth and for salvation shall be saved and become a child of God.

The Bible says so.

No need to become all 'religious'. Just believe. Have faith in God.

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