We have no real health care anymore.
Trying to get a doctors appointment here in the UK is like playing the lottery, but with worse odds.
It does not matter if you have had a heart attack, or suffering an acute and life-threatening illness, the chances of you getting an appointment are next to nil.
India has a far better health system, and the access to a doctor at any time is a thousand times more likely than in the UK, ..... and they have a population of 1.4 billion!
We have been sunk under a massive burden of foreign dependents who have sucked the life out of the health budget and left us to fend for ourselves in whatever way we can from our own medicine cabinet.
Shame on this country for abandoning its own people. What a dreadful embarrassment we must be in front of the whole world.
The government, just like the last one, is quite clearly systematically dismantling the NHS.
While it sends multi-billions of our pounds to support a ridiculous and lost war in the Ukraine, it denies its own people the doctors, nurses, hospitals, and welfare that it promised to supply.
Look after your own house before trying to sort out someone else's, especially when that someone else is just a secret political agenda for changing the world system to suit the so-called 'elite'.
This country has gone to the dogs. We discarded the Bible, rejected truth, swore hatred in the face of the Creator, called Him a liar and non-existent, and think that we will get away with it.
This nation is sick. It is sick spiritually, morally, socially, - and there is no one who can mend it.
If we do not turn back to God and ask for his mercy and help, then there is nothing but trouble coming to us, and such trouble that ultimately will make us cry to God for help.
We have bred the most stupid and silly generation that this country has ever known, living zombified lives with no knowledge of who they are, where they are going, or the reason they are even here.
Now we have yet another government full of nonsense and false promises, secret plans and stupid ideas. None of them know where they are going, neither how to get out of the mess we are in.
Forget the 'climate agenda' (so-called) and the foolish protestors screaming nonsense in the streets at just about anything that stirs up their dormant aggression and mindlessness. If you have a single wish to really know the truth, and find freedom for your soul, then turn to God and call upon the name that is above every name in the universe - the name of Jesus Christ the Son of God, the Almighty Creator.
"Call unto me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things which you have no clue about as yet." That's what God says to every one of us.
"You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Jesus said that.