'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

Such a ridiculous world.

I walked into a coffee shop yesterday and saw a new freezer cabinet filled with small pots of ice cream. Now, nothing unusual in this, especially as summer is on its way. However, two price tickets were displayed on top of the freezer showing two types of ice cream available. One was called 'Doggie Ice Cream', the other 'Human Ice Cream'. I thought that both of these must be different brand names, but no! 

One of these expensive little tub ranges was actually for dogs, the other for those who consider themselves human. 

What utter nonsense and stupidity continues to abound in our senseless society! I am sure that not long from now we are going to have to create massive camps for lunatics who have really lost their common-sense and are actually more like zombies than humans. 

When I was young, people had dog kennels in their gardens for dogs to sleep in, but now we have to dress them in dresses, ribbons, and designer clothes, take them to coffee shops for a dog cappuccino, and employ a dog therapist to ease their stress. And all this time, half of the world starves to death, and the governments of our nations attempt to stop farmers from producing food! Where do we think we are headed?

We are happy to send billions of taxpayers pounds to the lost cause of the Ukraine in the silly belief that Zalenski the actor can defeat and destroy Russia. America has just agreed to fund the ongoing nonsense to the tune of $68 billion. Hmmm, wouldn't that be better spent on healing and feeding lives and fixing the mistakes of our short-sighted leaders?

Everyone is screaming at Israel, yet supporting the death of tens of thousands and many more still to come in Europe, whether they be Ukrainians or Russians. Nobody wants to discuss or negotiate a peaceful solution, because to do so would spoil the great 'game' they are all playing, trying out all their new expensive weapons of destruction and pain.

But the foolish fail to see that the world is rushing to war in an international arms race that might well end in the destruction of entire nations, with the death of millions of civilians. Protesters band themselves together flying flags for people who would be happy to destroy the very countries they have come to live in very often under the guise of being victims in their own native lands. 

And the whole world is heading fast to Armageddon.

Only God the Almighty giver of life is able to bring down the madness of a world that hates the name of Jesus Christ. And in his time he shall bring all the evil of man to an utter end, culminating in a judgment that human minds cannot possibly imagine.

God watches patiently, but he will not be mocked, for he sees the foolishness of mankind and his defiance against the Creator. The end of civilisation will not be what man brings about, but what God ordains, and when God ordains it so to be.

He calls the world to 'prepare to meet your God - the One who created you'. For he has a name above every name on earth and throughout the universes, both visible and invisible. That name is Jesus.

Any yet he still calls out to us, and says, "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son Jesus Christ, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life."   jon316.com

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