'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

We have less than three more years?

The Doomsday Clock is now set at just 90 seconds.

In 1991 it was set to 17 minutes.
Taking the difference into consideration over the 33 year gap, the clock suggests that we now have less than three years before we reach midnight and the end of civilisation and the world.

One thing is for certain, we need to wake up to the urgency of the hour and be about what we are meant to be doing. And I'm not talking about protests in the streets over some global climate agenda. That is not the issue at all. Nature is fighting back against the evil and violence of a human race that has refused instruction and has turned its back in hatred against its Creator. Nature itself despises the sin and evil that it has to live under from a lost humanity that knows more to do evil than to do good. 

The Bible says that the whole of creation groans and travails (is crying and in agony like a pregnant woman) waiting for the birth of a promised new life to appear. It heaves and contorts in agony under the pain and duress of labour. It is roaring and groaning in expectancy of a new birth and the end of its troubles. (Romans 8:22)

The so-called 'experts' and the screaming protesters can blame it all on fossil fuel and a million other things, but the Bible indicates that what is happening around the planet is a stern warning that things are about to change.
And no international projects, programmes, or agendas will make any difference whatsoever: for the trumpet of the LORD is about to sound and the dead Believers in Jesus shall rise from their graves, and we who belong to Jesus and are still alive will be caught up in the air to meet him with them. (1Thessalonians 4:16)
Then shall be the end of all things, and the judgment shall fall upon this world and all who are left behind. You really do not want to be left behind when that happens.

And what is this 'birth' that creation is waiting for with such expectation and hope? It is the return of Jesus Christ to this world and the revelation of his new creation - i.e. all those who have been born again of his Holy Spirit and are the children of the Lord, destined to live with him forever. 
Though despised and laughed at by an ignorant and rebellious society, they shall now be seen to be who they always said they were. 
Both humans and angels shall behold them clothed with eternal light and glory, standing before the throne of God, glowing in his righteousness.

Make sure you are among that number. 
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. (Acts 16:31)

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