'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

Reading real books

A most significant report has shown that reading real books as opposed to digital screens and the money-making google school education systems is far more effectual in learning and memory skills than was believed.

Reading from paper books and writing with a pen or pencil has proven to have a far more profound effect in children's learning and in adult education than the big global digital companies are willing to admit. All they want is the billions of dollars they are making from deceit and trickery. The report has shown that children who do not use real books are considerably less advanced than those who do.

These days we see church-goers and their pastors carrying their mobile phones or iPads to church to read the Bible. Ministers are so proud to show that they are 'in touch' and 'modern' when they place their plastic gadget 'bibles' on the lectern and pretend that this cheap lump of junk is holy. It most certainly is not.

No wonder there is such little reverence or respect for the most holy book in the world these days. These mass-produced Chinese gadgets are not the Holy Bible. They are items which are daily used for all sorts of garbage and nonsense that can never in any way be deemed as being holy.

With a real printed Bible you can make notes in the margin, underline and add dates next to verses of scripture that mean something to you. When you hold that Book in your hands it receives the honour and reverence it should have. It is a holy book, not some app that might nestle alongside some stupid social media app full of the nonsense and sin of a world that hates and despises Christ.

I learned the Bible by reading it daily, making notes in the margins, underlining my favourite texts and passages, and writing out many of the parts onto note pad after note pad. I still so do to this day.

My memory of scriptures and their position on pages was enhanced and developed by these daily habits. 

When Ai starts to mess with your online 'bible', what will you measure the truth by? 

The written, printed Word cannot be maliciously altered by electronic interference or software failure. The Book of books in your hand never suffers an online outage or battery failure. 

The time is coming when you may not be able to see the Bible on your gadget as darkness descends more and more over a society bent on disposing of anything to do with God. 

And truly, what is so wrong with holding a real Bible in your hands and respecting it as the Word of God, inspired and preserved by him, and brought to us through such men as William Tyndale and others at the cost of their own life-blood? Is it that we find it embarrassing to be seen holding a Bible, or is it just too inconvenient to have a real Bible and having to pick it up and carry it with us?

After every national election in the UK, all Members of the new Parliament are called in the early hours of the morning to sware faithfulness, honesty, and diligence in executing their duties. For the great majority of them, they choose to sware with their hand resting on the King James Bible. This practice has gone on for centuries and tells a very real story about what lies underneath the history of this nation.

Where has our fear of God and reverence to his Word gone?

Get yourself a REAL Bible and hold it with great honour; read it, imbibe its truths, get a notebook and write out every verse that means something to you; recite it, speak it out, hold it up for all the world to see that truth cannot be destroyed neither by evil men nor foul demons.

The very root of our faith rests upon this Word of God - and we hold in our hands the written Word which is the Sword of the Spirit. The devil is very afraid of the man or woman or child who loves carrying and using their Bible - their Sword. (Ephesians 6:17)

Be proud to carry a real Bible, a Holy Bible with nothing added, in your hands. Let the world see that you are not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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