'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

A two-edged sword

This world has entered an era of great darkness and evil. Violence and degenerate agendas are increasing by the hour; truth and light are being extinguished throughout the populations, and fearful judgment is not very far off. Fear and distress abound in every nation on earth; insecurity and a universal pit of depression loom over humanity's future. The images of coming catastrophes and a devastating third world war are clearly on the horizon.

I believe that this year must be a year of reaching out to the unsaved and the lost on a scale we have never attempted before, for these are dark and dangerous times, and only the gospel proclaimed and all-prayer can penetrate the darkness and tear down the devil's strongholds.

This double-edged sword is most powerful in the hands of anyone who would forsake the things of this world and follow Christ in the Great Commission to go into all the world and preach the gospel.

All of our resources and all our leaders and church members must be released to prioritize and be engaged with this two-edged sword if we are to see citadels torn down and captives released from Satan's grip. Sitting in church singing choruses will achieve nothing except to entertain the troops. The devil ain't scared of the 'worship' band nor the jiving congregation.
Troops, by their very name and nature are supposed to be warriors, soldiers of light and truth; life-changers, transformers of society.

Listen to what is spoken of such in the Book of Hebrews:

'Through FAITH they subdued (overcame and brought down) kingdoms and agendas, instigated and delivered righteous works and laws, obtained promises of good and prosperity, shut the mouths of the intimidating and roaring lions, quenched and drowned the violence of fire (even that fire of evil and wickedness consuming the nations); they escaped the plans of death set against them by those who sought to kill them; out of weakness they were made strong (through the power of the Almighty); they grew stronger by the day and grew more valiant in the battle against evil; they chased out the enemy armies of hatred and despising, and made them run for their lives!'   (Hebrews 13:33-34)

That is what real faith can do when it wakes up to the truth that we were not just called to sit in church for an hour on Sunday , but to go into all the world around us with the light and life of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our weapons are not physical, but are mighty in God when we get up off our backsides and spend our time, our money, and our talents on what we were truly called to do.

There is nothing of value in this world to hang on to, for we are called to an eternal inheritance where rust and moth has no place to destroy and where there are no thieves or scammers to steal what we have. 
Choose this day who you will live for and who you will serve. It is either Christ, or this world; his kingdom, or the toys and pleasures of a doomed race.

Time is fast running out to be who you are called to be, and do what you are called to do.

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