'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

The Zombie generation

We are told that there now 8 billion people on earth. We also hear that there are over 8.3 billion active mobile phone subscriptions in existence.

Just 40 years ago, we did not have mobile phones along with all the time-wasting, friendship-destroying, social media platforms. Somehow we all managed to keep in contact, live our lives, and carry on as usual with all that needed to be done.

The world seemed less evil, and life more simple. So it took a little longer to get news from our friends, but we had telephones in our houses and were quite content with the amount of information available.

We walked with our heads up and saw the sky. Now we mostly walk with our heads bent down scanning our screens for texts and updates.

We may have gained great advances in technology, but we lost quality of life and speaking to people face to face. We have become a zombified generation, plugged into plastic gadgets and unplugged to reality. Who needs robots when you have human slaves?

We lost our commonsense and ability to reason and decide things for ourselves, bowing to the dictates of the fearmongering of  an institution claiming to be the protector of world health. Our governments and pretend 'experts', along with the lying media and enforcements, created a deluge of fear and anxiety upon the entire populations of the nations, creating sickness and diseases that brought about death and trauma to millions everywhere. The greatest cause of fatigue, long-term illnesses, and deaths, has not been due to any 'viral', but due to the bombardment of a sustained and ongoing psychological warfare against every human on the planet (apart of course from those implementing and carrying out the project).

The true results of forcing entire populations into being stabbed with an unknown and unproven drug are yet to be fully revealed. Truth shall prevail and come out in all its naked horror, but meanwhile the governments of the world, along with the wicked pharma companies, will do all they can to try and bury the ugly facts of their money-making schemes and whatever else they were doing and are still doing.

The great Fear Agenda took away the rights of people to think for themselves and use their commonsense to discover the truth of what was really happening, and thus we have a world of zombified people living in a double matrix of illusion and delusion.

They say that God does not exist, yet they believe that the devil does. They say that right is wrong and wrong is right. They would sooner put up with the evil, than come to the light. 

All of this just goes to prove that the Bible is right, and the smart-alecs are nothing but fools, for only 'the fool says in his heart that there is no God'.

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