'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

over 30,000 'EXCESS' deaths in UK in just 6 months?

According to latest figures released by a government that hides the real truth, the figures now released about 'excess' deaths in the UK, have jumped to over 30,000 cases in just the last 6 months of 2022.

I mentioned some eighteen months ago about a Tender sent out to a number of companies (copy of which I also received) from Westminster valued at £6million. It was for the erection of TEMPORARY HOLDING FACILITIES OF BODIES in the event of a period of 'EXCESS DEATHS'. The contract was simply for the erection of such temporary constructions around the capital for a period of FOUR YEARS, after which, they were to be dismantled.

The timeline would be from whenever the Government felt it fit to begin. We are probably looking at that being implemented fairly soon as numbers of 'excess deaths' continue to rise 'for no apparent reason'.

Nobody seems to be able to give an acceptable reason for this huge increase in unexpected mortalities. Their are some very flimsy suggestions being offered by the government such as the delay in ambulances and backlog of NHS operations, or perhaps because people do not wish to go to hospital following all of the terror and fear spread by the media over the last three years. Hmmm, all sounds a bit 'fishy' if you ask me.

Obviously the government and 'viral experts' knew this was going to happen, and it makes you wonder just how true those figures really are, and what the government is hiding (as it always does). Why are all these people dying? Why are so many young people dropping dead from heart issues? 

I also wonder what the rates of 'excess deaths' are in other countries. A story is emerging that they cannot contain or cover up. Hopefully, the public will start to use their common-sense and ask serious questions of themselves as to why they still listen to and believe all the media lies perpetrated on behalf of the corrupt governments of the world.

We live in an age of deception and downright lies seeking to cover up the evil agendas that are in play right now globally. Things are not what they seem, and truth has been kicked out at every level of society.

You can know the truth, and the truth will make you free, if indeed you want to be free. However, for most people, they would rather close their eyes and hope that all will be better one of these days. That is the story of the ostrich of course, who buries his head in the sand, hoping that the storm might pass him by. The ostrich is about to get the jackboot of a wretched suited thug right up its rear end.

There is actually only one hope for this world, and only one hope for the individual who truly wants to be free. Believe on the Lord Jesus Yeshuwah Christ, and you shall be saved. Call upon him in the day of trouble, and he will save you.

That is what it says in the Holy Bible. 

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