'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)


'Truth has fallen in the street', said the prophet of old. Never has it been so true as now in this century, and especially over the last forty years, and the last three years in particular.

Truth has fallen in the street because truth has fallen in the governments of the nations all around the world. When truth is toppled and exchanged for deceit, blatant lies, and hatred against the truth, then do not be surprised when it is extinguished in the classroom, in the universities, in the workplace, and in the professional services from top to bottom.

The media and the network of 'social' media have propagated billions of deliberate lies, exaggerations, false accusations, slander, hatred, gossip, and deviously designed deceptions. 

The roll-out of  the current worldwide campaign to destroy hope and create a dense cloud of spiralling fear, began just a few years ago when a devilish plot was devised to change everything to suit the dreams of the would-be slave-masters of the planet. It was built on and promoted by lies and deceptions.

It is possible that a very, very, small amount of truth is out there online and among the populations, but that is only permitted so as to give credence to the bigger lies. However, do you actually know of a single government of any country that you can say you really trust? 

A population cannot rise above its leaders. This impacts within every area of society, business, profession, teaching, and religion. If the government acts wickedly, so will its appointed officers; if the teachers behave improperly in their private lives, so will the students; if heads of companies and businesses deal deceitfully, so will the upcoming and aspiring business people; a congregation cannot rise above the standards and habits that it's ministers live by.

So, from the highest places of power and government, and all the way down to the beggar sitting on the street corner, there is no story that can be trusted, no place to be secure and confident in what you see or hear.

Whether it be the outrageous manipulations going on with the Ukraine and the billions of pounds and dollars being spent there in its crazy escalations, or the total fabrications within the promises of governments, the stories of living on the moon or mars in future generations, or the fearmongering over viruses and vaccines, all these are tainted with the dye of misinformation, deceit, and lying strategies, to trick the populations into surrendering their commonsense and self-preservation instincts.

'Judgment [righteous government] is turned away backward, and justice [that which is upright and just] stands far away: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity [that which is right, fair, and proper] cannot enter.' (Isaiah 59:14) - the Holy Bible

And we wonder why our society is like it is! 

Only a return to righteousness and godly living, where truth is the foundation, and doing what is right becomes the habit and practise in government, business and among the leaders within society, can restore any sort of hope of a better future.

A good place (indeed, the essential place) for this to start should be among church leaders and their congregations who all claim to be God's special people, and who are called to live holy, upright, and honest lives as a daily practise.

That is why the Bible says, 'IF my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS, THEN [and only then] will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins, AND WILL HEAL THEIR LAND.'  (2Chronicles 7:14)

Four vital steps to restoration: 

1. Humble ourselves (get off our high horses and presumption that we are OK, and kneel  in godly fear before our Maker acknowledging our desperate need of him); 

2. Pray (get real serious about our true condition, the situation all around us, and earnestly beseech God for mercy and forgiveness for our backsliding, our casual indifference, and our downright sin); 

3. Seek His face (meaning we need to switch everything else off, and take a real long walk with him, and not just once at some conference or church prayer meeting, but daily and habitually until He returns to us in favour and personal revival); 

4. Turn from our wicked ways (put away every wrong habit, clean our houses of everything that is shameful and offends God, and cease from sin and evil practises. It is an about-turn from the way we have been heading, and a return to the path of righteousness).

That must begin with the church leaders, the elders, and the ones who stand on the platforms with their music and voices. The only cure to the nation lies firmly and clearly in the lap of those who call themselves 'the people of God, called by his name'.

The verse above has been quoted a billion times in the churches, but who really took any notice of it to put things right, and turn back to God's righteous ways? When truth has fallen and been discarded for the sake of compromise, of sin, or just 'keeping the peace', then judgment shall most certainly be the next thing to fall: and fall it shall upon a nation that abandons God's ways. 

It is time for change, because times are changing, whether we like it or not. It is time to come back to the 'old paths' of truth.  (Jeremiah 6:16)

Jesus said, "I am the Way, and I am the Truth, and I am the Life." (John 14:6)

Pilgrim Warrior 2022

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