'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)



We have heard much about faith over the last few days. We listened to many speakers who stated that Queen Elizabeth the second lived her life with a faith that supported her and steered her throughout her many years as sovereign.

Everyone has a faith of some sort, whether they are religious or not. They have faith that the sofa will support them, faith that the food they are eating is good, faith that the remote will switch on their television.

The atheist also has faith. He believes that there is no God, no after-life, and no accountability for his actions once he passes into his claimed 'oblivion'. Such faith gives him (or her) no sense or reason for being here on earth, except some vague chance of nature that dumped him in the lap of his mother. He came, he goes, without either importance or purpose, but just an 'existence' that left some vague shadows of memory to those who knew him.

There are many expressions of faith. We can see this in the numerous religions throughout the world, and nowhere more so than in India, where there are enough gods and idols to allow you a new one every week.

All of these faiths are either learned, taught, and even enforced upon individuals as well was entire nations. Such faiths hold their power over people through superstition, fear, and bribery. There are multitudes of people who go to church who 'believe' in Jesus, but they know nothing of the faith which will get them to heaven.

You see, there is a faith that is greater than simply believing in something. It is a faith that cannot be worked up, nor intellectually taught, neither earned by merit in any way. 

This faith is a gift. It comes at the most unexpected moment and sometimes under the most unusual circumstances. It is a faith that comes from outside of our feelings, emotions, or abilities. It is, as I just said, a gift.

It is both transforming and revelatory, illuminating, and in no way dependent on whether I am uneducated or a genius in my profession. It is a gift that comes equally, no matter what age, race, or social background we may come from. It is divine in its nature and is a seed that grows day by day through every experience of life. 

It is a faith that brings wisdom and understanding and reveals the majestic purpose for why we are here alive in this world. 

The Bible calls it the gift of faith: a gift from God. It is spiritual in its essence and gives us ears to hear the truth of what God is saying, and eyes to behold amazing things that are yet to come, as well as those things that have been already.

This faith is the 'faith of God'. It is quite different to faith 'about' God, or 'I believe in God' faith. It is the faith which he imparts so that we are enabled to believe him and believe what the Bible says. We do not need to try to believe, for faith from God needs no starter button from us. It is born into our hearts at a moment unexpected and often unrealized even for many years.

Then a day dawns, and we understand that, yes, we believe that Jesus died for our sins to make us holy and righteous through the blood that he shed on the cross. We believe to the point that we want to be like him and live to please him in everything we do. We believe that this world is but a pilgrimage, but heaven and an incredible eternity is waiting to receive us. We believe that Jesus is Lord and God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth.

We read the Bible and hear God speaking to us through its message. We talk to God in prayer and praise and have true fellowship with him in a way others cannot understand.

This amazing faith grows and develops more and more as we spend time daily in the Bible and walking with God. This faith is active and living, defiant and overcoming, persistent and evident, through all that we say and do.

Others may laugh and mock, but this faith cannot be dented nor defeated, for it is of a divine nature and is eternal in its character. 

If you do not know this faith, then ask God for his gift of faith. 'If a child asks his earthly and sinful dad for a gift, will he give him a poisonous snake? No, of course not. So how much more will your heavenly Father give good things to them that ask him?'

You may discover that this gift of faith has been buried and dormant in your heart like a hidden seed for many a year without you even knowing it. It may even have been there since you were child, but you never recognised it. 

Open your Bible and read the Gospel of John. It may just be the heavenly catalyst that will cause your faith to spring forth as the morning into a wonderful and bright new day!

Faith comes by hearing, and hearing comes by the word of God. (Romans 10:17)

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