'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)


Many young people are asking what is happening to our world these days. Of course, the immediate answer that comes back is "Climate Change".

That is an easy way out of coming to terms with the actual reality of what is really going on right now. Climate change is a way to deny people the truth, and lead them down a one-way street to nowhere; and of course the brainwashed populations will all go dancing to the tune of the Pied Piper, and run off to the river where they will all ultimately drown.

We have all heard many comments recently about 'End Times', End of Days', 'Armageddon' etc, but most of this is treated as myth or a science fiction story.

Pakistan is suffering massive and unprecedented flooding with over ten million people now displaced, and hundreds dead. Around the world we have been seeing the most unusual and strange weather pattern shifts along with drought, flooding, scorching heat, in country after country. It feels like the world has gone mad along with all of the elements.

The whole of creation is travailing in pain under the wickedness of mankind, and longing to to see the birth of a new era where evil is destroyed and goodness prevails. The ground is going to heave with earthquakes, the seas are going to rage and roar, there will be signs in the sun, in the stars, and upon earth such signs as will raise the eyebrows of all the people around the world.

We think that the nations are suffering dreadful trouble right now, but in the coming days such will be the distress, that people will wish themselves dead as they see disaster after disaster shaking everything that they took to be 'normal'.

The last three years are but a precursor of what is going to come in the not too distant future. Are we headed for the so-called 'End of Days', or have we already entered such a period of time?

Plagues and diseases, biological evil and endemic health issues are already on the horizon; the threat of a global nuclear war is looming ever closer every day, being propagated by the leaders of nations who think themselves 'gods' in their own right.

Mental health issues are going to ramp up to incredible levels, and people are going to run here, there, and everywhere, to find an answer. Sadly the only answer that can provide peace, hope, and assurance, is not the answer they want, so they will reject it and continue in their frustration and confusion, and in their hopelessness.

The answer to all of this has always been here, and today it stands in front of the world clearly and in precise detail. But people prefer darkness to light, and prefer to believe the lies rather than listen to the truth. They chose their own destiny and their own destruction, while refusing outright the promise of freedom and deliverance.

All the above is spoken of in the Bible and has been there in waiting for generations. It speaks of the days we have now entered and of the judgments of the nations and the end of all things. 

The issue is not so much about  'climate change', but the whole of God's creation doing his bidding and warning mankind of the judgement that is soon to come. Creation itself has a voice that God is speaking to the nations through. You can choose to listen to him, or listen to the fairy stories of the politicians and scientists who hate God and refuse to acknowledge him. Their time is coming.

God is using the whole of his creation to call the world to its senses and to come back to him.

You can escape the things that are coming, and the Bible tells you how. If the leaders of the nations were to listen to God's voice, instead of trotting around in their own arrogance, God may indeed be most gracious and delay his judgments.

You can laugh if you wish. That is what fools do when challenged with truth. However, what has been prophesied and written in the Bible has started to happen already, and there is so much more to come in escalating levels of intensity and unbelievable horror. 

Jesus said that when such things begin to happen, then look up, for it will soon be the time for him to return to this world in great power and glory with all of his fearsome angelic armies to judge the nations for all of their wickedness, sin, violence, and above all, their rejection and hatred of him.

Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you shall be saved. Whoever will call on his name in truth and honesty shall be delivered.

If you want to know more, contact me for more information..

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