'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

Watch out! INSANITY spreads like the wildfires of summer.

UK authorises 'next generation' omicron booster vaccine in a world first. 

Speaking about this new vaccine, Professor Anthony Harnden, deputy chair of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), said,

“The key point is that people need to get vaccinated rather than worrying too much about the type of vaccine that they’re receiving,”

In other words, 'you just need to get vaccinated, and don't worry about what might be in the vaccine or what long-term or short-term consequences it might have.' !!!  So there you have it perfectly expressed, revealing the deception.

Here we go again! Cash hungry governments and pharmaceutical companies spy yet another opportunity to raise the level of the Fear Agenda with yet another batch of genetically dangerous and unproven injections to poke inside the populations of the world in a false promise of better health.

According to a number of official reports, 90% of people dying here in the UK recently from the so-called viral are those who have already been triple vaccinated. Does anyone really know the truth of what they are injecting into your body? Has anyone any evidence that could be brought to court to show the very existence and qualification of the viral? No.

There will soon be HUGE scaremongering towards October and November telling of another 'strain' of whatever it might get named this time. I wonder what colour the 'picture' of the naughty spikey little germ will be this time. We have had many, many, pictures by the lying media, red, pink, green, purple, and a mixture of orange and red viral 'balls' with their little protrusions emanating sensationally from them, so maybe this one will be the gold-coloured viral to eclipse all the others!

So, as there have been absolutely no 'spikes' in terms of deaths from the viral in holiday resorts, football matches, cricket matches, Wimbledon, the massive Jubilee events, and the millions of people gathering everywhere during the last 6 months of this year, how will they defend their latest forecast of a 'viral' Armageddon?

Oh, that will be done by digging up some 'experts' in white coats and suits, and show scary pictures of national decimation and horror in all of the media networks, all promoted by the governments and that organization for world population reduction, Yes! that which they abbreviate to the letters WHO. 

(China just did yet another of their insane 'lockdowns' today because 8 people tested positive for something. I guess Australia and New Zealand will soon begin their evil Nazi-type enforcements, locking their people in their houses once again under the threat of being arrested and sent to prison for non-compliance).

Of course, we should all realize that the winter is 'flu' season. Strangely enough, for the last two winters nobody got the flu, and that's according to the 'experts' and the NHS !!!

The latest report is that the government say another vaccine offer would give the population a feeling of security over the coming winter months! 

Oh yes, that's right, you had your triple jab and still got the viral, and a great number of you still died as well! So, yet another hashed together convenient 'booster' they suggest might mean you do not get as ill as you might have got without it, but the long-term side effects, - well, nobody knows about those! 

"But have it anyway to give you some peace of mind that at least you had it." "You will feel more happy about viruses once you have been injected."

And the majority who have surrendered their ability to think and reason for themselves will all line up to get their strange 'fix'.

Anxiety and fear are creating more sicknesses of the body and the mind than any multitude of flu or viral threats. People are getting sick, and some even dying prematurely, from the fear and stresses that the governments and the so-called 'health experts' are attacking the population with. I am not wrong to use the word 'attack', for that is the method and the strategy of those who wish to subdue the nations into a new form of universal slavery.

The lady below is looking for a zombie 'army' to help her get as many people injected and  turned into whatever she may be!


a rather silly zombie who works for St John's Ambulance and wants an army of volunteers to inject something she knows nothing about into the population one by one, to prove they are just as zombified as she is. 

Psalm 91


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