'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)


You may not have heard this latest one yet, but apparently we have reached what the 'experts' (who 'created it') are calling, Earth Overshoot Day.

Apparently, it was 'created' (interesting word!) by these 'experts' back in 1990 to explain a moment if the world's history when the population on this planet would be greater than the resources needed to sustain it. I guess we had better go out then and dispose of a couple of billion humans to make sure the rest of us can survive.

Of course it is just a lot of nonsense aimed toward the same agenda of reducing the world's population by whatever means the 'experts' can achieve it; whether that be by a virus, a nuclear war, or some other man-engineered device they rustle up in their laboratories with Bill Gates and the parasites at the WHO, or in the secret counsels of the rich and damned. 

At the same time as this was announced today, we were also informed that a most wretched woman named Susan Michie has been appointed to the chair of a group within the sinister WHO. She has been referred to as 'STALIN's Nanny'; and for very good reason.

She is a sold-out communist who wishes to see the entire world population wearing masks PERMANENTLY, and social distancing, and the evil and ridiculous Chinese-style 'lockdowns' enforced in every nation. Check it out online. She is a threat to every one of us and needs to be removed.

Part of her agenda will be to advise on (maybe even oversee) the reduction of world population, and the enslavement of every person on earth to a central system of command and control. I wonder if she will start in Africa, or maybe India.

The fact remains that India has the capacity to produce enough food for its own people and the people of China, if it would only get itself into sensibility instead of chasing idols and vain superstitions that have kept them impoverished for generations by ignorance. 70% of all that they produce food-wise is lost every year through bad management, lack of infrastructure, and trying to farm with outdated equipment and methods. They have some of the most fertile soil in the world along with a climate to produce excellent harvests.

If the junta in Myanmar was removed by the International Community, Burma would once again become the 'rice bowl' of Asia. If the people of Papua New Guinea were allowed to run their own nation without the systematic raping and destruction of their natural and amazing resources by Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, South Africa, and others, this second largest island on earth could produce outstanding and varied harvests that could feed millions. This in turn would enrich the indigenous tribes of the island who have been treated abominably by the international corporates and the Australian government..

If the stupid and ridiculous continuation of a 'hero president' and his lost cause in the Ukraine were to be brought to the negotiation table for a settled agreement, then the grain harvests that Africa and many other nations rely on could once again be grown and sold.

If we in the UK, Europe, and America, spent more time growing food in our gardens and farmers going back to proper food crops instead of  growing fields for fuel, or handing huge hectares over to solar panels, there would be more than sufficient food for the whole world.

The stupidity of mankind, and the folly of its leaders; the ignorance of the 'experts', and the stupid chanting of the confused protesters all go to prove one thing: Man is a fool. He is fool to forget his Creator. He is a fool to believe that this world cannot sustain its population. He is a fool to think that he is wiser than the God of the universe.

The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God'.

The End of Days is in sight. Indeed, its beginnings are already upon us. The fools however will laugh at such a suggestion. The Bible has spoken of it for generations, The preachers of old told about it because they could see so much further than the money-hungry preachers of today's false church. Religion is a slavery; communism is an evil; ignorance is an addiction that creates zombies who just follow their leaders.

The ignorant politicians and leaders of our world today are blinded by devils and demons because they sold their souls to the lies and deceptions of pride, lust, and avarice.

My father told me about these days we now live in. I was just eight years old when he warned me of the things to come. We never even had a television in those days, but he saw far into the future and was no fool.

You need to tell your children to prepare and get ready to see the return of Jesus Christ to this world in great power and glory when he shall come to judge the earth and its people. No one shall escape that day except those who know God and are true believers that the blood of Jesus is the only salvation of the soul.

What you are experiencing and seeing in front of your eyes these days is the beginning of the most evil of human agendas that this planet has ever known. It will result in the annihilation of millions and the evil enforced slavery of a world gone desperately wrong.

Behind it is the greater evil that few can see and most people laugh about.

However, there is a real hope for anyone who might dare to believe: 'Whoever shall call upon the name of the LORD shall be saved, shall be delivered.'  That is what the Bible says.

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