'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

Where is the real church?

That is the question in the heart of millions of people, many of who have stopped going to their local church.
Religion and ritual replaced the reality of meeting with Jesus.
Doctrinal exclusivities and self-righteous pastors and their hero worshippers have shut fast the doors of welcome to multitudes of people of all ages.

And in that crowd of disillusioned and rejected wanderers that found no love, no acceptance, and no kindness shown, you will find Jesus also, rejected because he sat with the poor, the lonely, the destitute and hungry, and those who did not quite 'fit in' with all the rest.

He is not in the church of the nasty spirits, the stinking attitudes, the judgmental and critical demons. He is not resident in the hearts of those who only have time to dig and search for an occasion to criticize or condemn another person. The dirt-diggers, the gossipers, the fault-finders, and the inquisitors who claim to be Christians, are nothing but agents of Satan. They may sing the songs and raise their hands in 'worship' stance, but their hearts are ugly, knurled, and more like the twisted kernels of walnuts than the fruit of grace and lovingkindness.
Jesus is not in them, with them, or for them.

A new 'something' is coming, where Christ is the leader, the minister, and the boss; where the people truly love on another, and rivalry and jealousies are put to death. 
It will be a gathering of those who really do know God, who really do love him, who really do love those who are without the Saviour, who really are true givers and benefactors of those who are poor.

It will not start or begin in any fancy conference with gilded chairs, flashy preachers, or wailing guitars and singers. It will start in the most unlikely and even despised places, with the most unlikely and despised of people, even the worst backsliders and downcast of the earth.

Pilgrim Warrior

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