'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

The rising of the Guardians

'To who shall he teach knowledge? and who shall he make to understand doctrine? Them that are weaned from the milk and drawn from the breasts.'  Isaiah 28:9

A new generation must arise from the dismay and burned humanity that has wiped the ground with lies and deceptions for the last 40 years.

Let us be very honest about the reality of where we are in terms of  faith, practise, and what is called 'church'.

I know some people will say that I am critical of the church (in general), and that I may appear harsh in my writings when speaking of Christian meetings and church programmes. I have watched the years fall one after the other, and through the last four decades have seen the massive changes that have reduced the church gatherings to a sweet little sing-song and pep-talk to keep everyone happy. The Word has been watered down and even set-aside, and the meeting become an entertainment palace rather than a house of prayer. 

On the broader stage, the growth in international 'conference' attendees has been exceptional and brought a whole new and somewhat foreign ideology to what we once thought following Jesus was all about. The most bizarre and weird experiences have been offered along with the frivolous and stage-loving comedian preachers as being the main attraction and reason for going. They are great places for the money-changers, but when did the Living God ever turn up?

The 'big' name speakers are the draw, and the strange laughter and various 'phenomena' (the more outrageous the better) have created a great illusion that they are right and are in touch with God more than the local pastor. As a result, the local churches now try to imitate everything their big platform heroes or heroines have been seen to do. 

The same goes with all the 'Christian' music industry. Because some famous and wealthy church organization in Australia have a band and a good looking worship leader, just about every church around the world now buy their songs and try to copy their smoke and flashing lights performances as though this is the only way to have 'performance' (I won't say 'worship', for Jesus explained to the poor woman at the well what true worship is).

For most of the 'heathen', they have seen the pretence, the greed, the artificiality of  an institution that has nothing to offer, and has no answers to the crisis that the world faces right now.

If you do not believe what I am saying, just go out on the street and ask people (especially young people) what they think of the church. They will answer you far more honestly than church-goers will.  And it is not that they do not necessarily believe in God or eternity, for from my experience, the great majority of youngsters actually think they will go to hell, and never get to heaven. They most certainly believe in the devil, so why not God?

This I know from conducting interviews at street-level with teenagers. I asked the question, 'Where would you go if you died tonight, heaven or hell?' Every one of them, bar none, replied, 'Hell'. They tell me that God would not let them into heaven.

They just do not wish to go to church, and they see absolutely no relevance whatsoever in what the church has to offer them. Here in the UK, hundreds of thousands of children and teenagers have left the churches. They have not the slightest interest in ever going through the doors into something that is completely out of touch with their needs or their troubled world.

That is why it is utterly essential to see a new generation of Believers rise from the dust of a wilderness which came about through the church failing to simply do what God told it to do in Mark 16.

The verse at the top of this paper asks the question, 'Who shall he teach knowledge, and to who shall he impart understanding of truth?'

The answer is not the conference-goers or the church-goers, but to new born babes and those who have recently found Christ. Those who have a child-like ability and willingness to learn.

They say, 'You cannot teach an old dog new tricks', and that is utterly true of a generation of the religious who are more concerned about their football, their vacation, and their shopping trip on Sunday afternoons, than reaching out to win souls to Christ. 

And if you think that is an exaggeration, then check out your accounts for the last year and find out what you spent your money on. The sub-totals and totals will tell you exactly where your heart is: for where your treasure is, that is where your heart will be also.

Jesus said, 'Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men'.

We need a fresh, new, vibrant, eager, zealous, passionate, generation of evangelists and Bible-preaching pastors to turn the world upside-down.

They will not come through the compromised and infiltrated Bible colleges or religious university courses; but through a handful of God's Warriors and Guardians who he has preserved for such a time as this. 

These will faithfully pass on the awesome baton of unadulterated truth of God's Word, and restore the 'old paths' that hold the power of the Word and the anointing of the Holy Ghost. 

No gimmicks needed when the God of heaven and earth is with you. 

Flashing lights, smoke machines, blue or purple lighting enhancements, are tricks to make you feel the place is more 'spiritual' and more 'in-touch' than it is. When God is not there, then we turn to the world's toys and technical gods to make the meeting more attractive. They also did such things at the foot of Mount Sinai. (Exodus 32)

I wrote a book about these Guardians. Back in 2012, God had showed me that these Guardians must rise who will teach and train, and send out a radical and daring host of warriors into the darkness and evil in these fading and devilish times. 

Who are the Guardians? They are those who have refused to compromise on the truth, who stand on the Word of God, who refuse the allures of this world; and who are sold out to God's call. 

For some of them, they feel time has passed them by, or they have missed the moment and now it is too late. Some have backslidden and grieved themselves with their own folly, and wonder whether there is yet hope for them to be of some use. For others, they have been sidelined or even been cast aside by the local church minister, being seen as too radical or intense, or a bit 'over-the-top'. However, the real truth is that they are simply a real threat to the pastor and church leaders because they know God in a way that others do not.

In every nation on earth God has his Warriors and Guardians. They will rise and shake the ground with their words, their prayer, and their faith. Their very presence on earth, even now, is both powerful, effectual, and a threat to the enemy's kingdom. Just walking up the street they are God's agents maintaining what is left of a former generation, and holding back greater evils that otherwise would overwhelm already critical situations.

They are called of God, anointed of God, and shall soon rise to accomplish God's purpose for them on earth.

They will inspire and energize a new generation of true believers who have understanding of the times, and know what to do.  (1Chronicles 12:32)

Dry bones: you warriors and Guardians, wherever you are right now, hear the word of the LORD. It is time to cast off the clothes of disappointment, of failure, of doubt and unbelief, and put on the full armour of God. It is time to rise and shine, for the glory of the LORD God is upon you!

And it is time to face the biggest moment of your life! 

God has not given up on you, even if others have. They may see some dry and worthless bones of an unwanted, battle-scarred, rag-tag weaponless troop; but God sees a resurrection! 

He sees the rising of a powerful and authoritative army, clothed in royalty and glory from head to foot, marching under the ensign of the King of kings. 

These veterans of truth will be clothed upon with fresh armour and double-edged swords. They will rise as the morning sun, and blaze light into the darkness of a burned and scotched wilderness. They will march against all the heresies and the deceptions of unholy religiosity where the dancing attendees float up and down in circles of carnal and make-believe spirituality. 

They will teach the true way of the Lord.

The day is coming very soon when these Guardians shall raise troops of real blood-sealed warriors to storm the citadels of darkness and evil that have been built around the towns and cities of just about every nation on earth. 

The last harvest must come in before Jesus returns in power and glory; and the harvesters must be trained, equipped, and supplied with resources like never before.

JGM  2022

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