'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

Born of a different DNA

Only those who have retained their common-sense and their ability to see through the dense smokescreen of lies and deceit that has been deliberately bombarded on the populations of this earth, only such people as these can perceive the truth of what is really going on in the world around us.

For the great majority, what they see on television and online is the only reality that they can understand. So what the media prints and broadcasts has become their matrix existence. They come out to protest and make all their noise about what is impregnated into their unprotected minds by the social engineering that has been going on over the last decade (in particular) by those hidden powers and wickedness in high places around the globe: puppets doing what puppets must do by the hands of the 'puppet-masters' who pull their strings.

To know the truth is to be made free; but the unrelenting onslaught of disinformation, along with the Fear Agenda, has  subjugated the masses into doing precisely what the secretive slave-drivers intended.

Nothing is what it seems. The news is not news, but a studied and deliberate portrayal of an 'alter-truth'; for this is the easiest way to get people to believe the lie and get them to respond precisely as is intended.

The recent mega protests on the streets of our cities around the world (whatever those protests may be about) are the result of such manipulation through media-infused propaganda by people in high places seeking to change the world into a programmed and evil centralized system which other powers (higher than them) have planted in their minds. It is a chain of command that knows exactly what it is doing and knows how to coerce and control the unprotected minds of both the rich and powerful, the poor and lowly, the old and young alike.

There is, however, a race of people in every nation of the world who are not subject to their devices and deceptions. These are a unique and very different people who know the truth and see through the darkness of deception. They perceive what is on the other side of the cloud of wickedness that has engulfed the earth. Their true citizenship is not related to any country or embassy on earth, in spite of the fact that they may carry national passports with earthly registrations.

These individuals are a real problem to the slave-masters and rulers of the darkness of this world. They are hated by the politicians and the leaders of all the world's false religions. They are targeted every day by 'first-evils', fallen angels, and dark shadows of violence and rebellion, because they are the last line of defence in a lost and doomed world. Their light and knowledge of the truth forms a battalion of righteousness and defiance against all wickedness and deceptions. 

They are the wall of resistance, the sword of deliverance, the voice of discernment, the marching boots of victory, liberty, and deliverance 

They raise a banner, a majestic ensign and flag of hope and certainty across the battlefield of this planet, proclaiming the return of a King who shall bring an end to all evil, and bring the final judgment down upon this world and the invisible world of darkness.

Are you one of these rare people? Are you a true Believer, and not just someone who claims to be 'religious', or a 'member' of some world religion or church denomination?

Do you want to be adopted into this amazing, non-political, liberated kingdom? You must be born again, and born again of a new DNA that excels all and any other DNA.

The way is simple: forsake this world and its evil ways, believe on Jesus the Son of God, receive Him by faith, and live for a future inheritance that is beyond the rubbish of this world.

'You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.'


They changed the world with a clever agenda

'The Covid-19 pandemic and its response may have sent a wave of chronic stress and inflammation rippling through society that impaired our collective and individual decision-making, a new study suggests.' 

This theory comes on the four-year anniversary of the World Wealth Organization (WHO) declaring the global Covid-19 outbreak to be a 'pandemic'. (However, please note that the 'anniversary' is only of their 'declaration' that it was to be a 'pandemic'.)

'The so-called 'pandemic' saw the global mortality rate jump, but hidden in these statistics are the indirect effects of the covid agenda many people are still living with today.' 

One of these is our physiological response to the stressful events of the Covid Agenda. Stress can cause chronic inflammation in our bodies. Chronic inflammation is linked to serious conditions such as cardiovascular disease and cancer – and actually also affects our thinking and behaviour. Many people were (and are still) dying from extreme stress and fear, and diseases directly linked to these; but these deaths are mostly listed as being 'covid'. 

So basically, what we are saying is, that this so-called 'pandemic' was a very clever global psychological attack on the world population to take away their ability to think for themselves and their right to use common-sense to make their own judgments as to what was really going on. Sure, there was a very nasty sickness out there (whether man-made or not), but the agenda behind it was one of greed, corruption, lies, and control.

Through the huge fear agenda propagated through the corrupt and secretly financed media, the nations were subjected to a control and mental manipulation never seen before in history. The fear agenda led to extreme stress and chronic anxiety, which in turn led to sicknesses, disease, death, and both physical and mental symptoms that millions are struggling with to this day.

The Bible refers to 'men's hearts failing due to fear, because of what they see coming upon the earth'.  (Luke 21:26)

The damage and torment inflicted on the global population by the media and their financial backers is quite incalculable. 

Even the drastically increased use of disinfectants and disinfectant wipes that was deemed necessary by the governments is now being proved to be exposing people (including our children) to dangerous and deadly chemicals leading to serious health issues including infertility, birth defects, metabolic disruption, asthma, skin disorders, and other diseases. These chemicals, known as QACs, are absorbed into the blood through touch, ingestion, and inhalation. These chemicals are accumulative and are therefore added to our bodies every time we use them. The chemical companies are making billions of dollars through this part of the financial blueprint of 'covid'.

Old-fashioned washing with soap and water is still the best and safest route to cleanliness and protection. 

Now we have multitudes of people dying in every country from 'Excess deaths', and more than were dying during the covid campaign. More and more evidence is coming forward from top professional and competent medics including consultants, doctors, biologists, toxicologists, etc., clearly proving that huge numbers of these 'excess deaths' are the result of the suddenly-produced and utterly unproven 'vaccines' that were enforced on the public by their governments to 'save the world'.

Well, the Bible says that 'We all like sheep have gone astray', and we would sooner submit to the devilish liars and deceivers who wish to rule over us, than turn to the Living God who could save us.

God calls us to come back to him if we would live and be made free. 'There is salvation in no other name except the name of Jesus.' The Bible makes this more than clear, but foolish and blind man chooses to think himself better and wiser than the Creator, and so he marches proudly and defiantly into the darkness, as his body and soul crumbles and is consumed by     the contamination of unbelief and sin.

But to those who want life and deliverance from the evil that is mastering the populations, Jesus says, "Come unto me: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me'.  (John 14:6)


Be careful what you say online. No one is safe in this country.

Secretive ‘Covid’-era ‘spy’ agency brought in to monitor social media during riots

A secretive government agency already being used to “spy on” anti-lockdown campaigners during the Covid pandemic has been deployed to monitor social media amid the riots, The Daily Telegraph has learnt.

The Counter Disinformation Unit (CDU), now rebranded as the National Security Online Information Team (NSOIT), has been given the task just months after MPs called for an independent review of its activities.

Campaigners have expressed concern that NSOIT is playing a central role in the riots response despite outstanding questions over whether it is fit for purpose.

Peter Kyle, the Science, Innovation and Technology Secretary, has asked NSOIT to monitor online activity discussing the deaths of the three children killed in Southport and the rioting, after widespread public disorder followed untrue claims about the suspect on social media.

The unit has “trusted flagger status”, which effectively gives it privileged access to social media moderators who make decisions on whether posts should be taken down, it is understood.

The CDU was set up in March 2020 to combat what Boris Johnson’s government described as “false coronavirus information online” but, as The Telegraph later revealed, was also used to crack down on dissent from those who disagreed with official policy.

Among those who were monitored by the unit were Carl Heneghan, the epidemiologist who opposed blanket lockdowns, Molly Kingsley, who campaigned to keep schools open during the pandemic, and David Davis, the Conservative MP who called for the CDU to be shut down.

Big Brother Watch, the civil liberties group, described the CDU as “one of the most opaque units in Government outside the security services” and accused it of “spying on” free speech.

Silkie Carlo, its director, has now questioned whether it, rather than another agency, should be used in the response to the riots.

She told The Telegraph: “There are serious questions as to whether NSOIT is fit for this task, given its chilling track record of monitoring the lawful and accurate speech of journalists, scientists, parliamentarians, human rights advocates and members of the public during the pandemic when they rightly questioned the government’s pandemic management.

 “It’s worrying to see NSOIT brought into action shortly after its controversial activities were exposed, and before it has been subject to the important independent review the culture committee called for.”

Ms Carlo described NSOIT as “a deceptively-named shadowy Whitehall cell, which operates far beyond national security” and said that if the Government were to stray into censoring lawful free speech it could “inflame tensions and distrust rather than promote social harmony”.

A report by the Commons culture, media and sport committee, published in April, questioned “the lack of transparency and accountability of [NSOIT] and the appropriateness of its reach”, and recommended that the Government commission an independent review of “the activities and strategy” of the unit to report back within 12 months.

However, Mr Davis said he had no real objection to NSOIT being used to monitor social media during the riots because “it’s perfectly legitimate for the state to monitor things that might incite violence”.

The remit was then said to have widened to include posts being made about the riots more widely as they began to spread across towns and cities in the last week.

A division of labour is understood broadly to have emerged. Home Office figures are flagging up online content that could break the law, such as incitement of violence. Officials in NSOIT are focusing on material that could breach social media companies’ rules, but fall short of criminal activity.

It is unclear exactly where the unit is drawing the line when it comes to disinformation, an area likely to be scrutinised in the days and weeks ahead if the violence continues.

“We make no apology for monitoring publicly available content that threatens public safety. The information is flagged up to social media firms when it is likely to have breached their terms of service, and the police when it meets a criminal threshold.

“That obviously requires monitoring within the rules of privacy and human rights laws: which is exactly what teams across the Government are doing.”

All that is happening around the planet is but part of the global agenda to create a new order in the world. Antichrist demons influence and even possess most of the so-called 'elite' and most members of all political parties.

But "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - Jesus said that.

Put sin away, or sin might just put you away.

Nobody wants to talk about sin, not even church-goers or the 'religious'. It is rather unpopular and not in line with a compromised way of 'christian' life these days. They just want to sing, dance, do their rituals, have parties, and feel comfortable and happy. 

"Who wants to mention this old-fashioned word 'sin', when actually I am very comfortable with the things I do? and why shouldn't I be allowed to live my life how I want?"

They may think they will one day go to heaven and all will be well at the end, but they may be gravely wrong.

Sin is the barrier that separates us from God, blocks our prayers from being answered, and leaves us on a course of self-destruction.

Listen to what the Bible says,

'Your iniquities [your rebellious ways and refusals to do what He says] have made a separation between you and your God (whether you acknowledge him as your God or not), and your sins have hidden his face from you so that He will not hear you (even when you pray and complain about your lot).'  Isaiah 59

The same chapter of Isaiah states the the LORD's hand is not unable to save you out of whatever troubles may afflict you right now. Neither is His ear heavy or blocked that he cannot hear your cries for help, but there is a huge barrier in the way which has been erected by sin in your life and the refusal to listen to what He says and do what he tells you. 

Like a dark nimbus cloud blotting out any sunlight, so sin blots out the realization and the knowledge of the presence of God. God never ceases to be who He is: merciful, gracious, longsuffering and good; but sin blinds us and parts us from the truth. 

The sun does not change in all of its brilliance, warmth, and power when storm clouds cover the skies. It is the clouds that stop us from seeing and feeling the sun shine upon us.

Remove the barrier by turning to God in repentance, honesty, and the willingness to put away all that offends him, and He shall hear your prayer, reach out his hand to save you, transform your heart and make you new, no matter how dark the night may seem. Once that is done, He will make a way through the darkest night and deliver you from all that afflicts your life. He came to give us life more abundantly, but we think that we can have it better without Him. 

'He that has Christ has life; and he that does not have Christ does not have life, but the wrath of God rests on him.'   (1John 5:12; John 3:36)

Jesus said, "Come unto me, and you shall find rest for your soul."

All these elections... just a diversion

So, the world has become absorbed by ongoing and sudden elections which have diverted the attention from the fact that thousands of healthy young people are suffering and dying from strokes, blood clots, heart attacks, sudden deaths, and new cancers never seen before.

The governments do not want anyone talking about the awful reality that is now becoming clear, that whatever was injected into people (and is still being injected) is now ringing alarm bells all around the world. People recently were beginning to wake up to what appears to be a deliberate and financially lucrative attack on humanity to suppress the nations, enforce a universal form of central control, and prepare the world for the destruction of anything that might be considered good, normal, and right. They certainly do not want any news articles or any talk about the possibility that their actions and the unknown and untested vaccines may indeed have created untold disaster to multitudes of those who took the so-called 'cure'. 

And even now, the propaganda machine of the world health organization and the so-called 'experts' of nothing are raising the spectre of another so-called 'pandemic' headed toward the human race. The media, with all of it's lies, deceit, and in-your-face hysteria, are daily telling everyone that things are getting worse, and soon you will all have to lock yourselves in your houses once again, and bow to the criminals in high places who created a world of unprecedented fear and distress just a few years ago.

The sad thing is, that for most people, they have no point of reference to turn to when such wickedness arises in front of them, and so they bow and cringe to the loudmouths barking at them from their televisions and social media platforms. 

Of course, the other diversion has been the war in Ukraine. Imagine if all the billions of pounds and dollars that have been thrown into such a lost cause had been spent on nurses, doctors, education, and the relief of the poor. What a transformation that would have brought to any society! 

But people are dying from sicknesses and diseases, waiting for an operation, dying from hunger, and lost in the darkness of the mental torture from the fear agenda with which the leaders of the nations afflicted them. While starving families and impoverished communities around the world are sinking into oblivion, our politicians and the over-rich and self-centred so-called 'elite' are engaged in the destruction of anything that is good and righteous, or that which might give real hope for future generations. They want war, they want conflict, they want the destruction of the old world (that was actually rather nice), so that they can turn it into a matrix society where no one has any rights or owns anything... except of course themselves.

Where shall we find any sense or reason in all of this? Where shall we go to find freedom and liberty from the evil works of evil men and women? To who or what shall we turn when the world crumbles all around us? Where is our point of reference that might make any sense of it all?

We need only turn to God, who said, "Come unto me all of you who are burdened, tired of everything, cast down and without hope, lost in the darkness, broken-hearted, and I will give you rest."

These words of Jesus Christ still ring out across the storms and raging seas of trouble that seek to swamp and drown any hope or real peace. They resonate most powerfully in this troubled and uncertain time that we live in. They come to anyone who will listen and dare to believe that whoever calls upon the name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST shall be delivered and saved for all eternity. The Holy Bible is the only point of reference that will hold you steady as this world begins to rock and shake with what is coming just over the horizon.

The world is headed to hell, and the final judgment is but a very short time away. Today is God's day of salvation to anyone who will hear and believe.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son Christ Jesus to die for us, so that if we believe on him, we shall not perish, but have everlasting life. He rose from the dead and said he will return to this world in great power and glory to judge it once and for all.

Make sure you are on his side before that time-ending event happens. It won't be long.

Tearing down the 'old order'

So, the virus agenda failed to do all that it was meant to do, but at least destroyed a great deal of common-sense and freedom of thought amongst the earth dwellers as they surrendered their freewill to the governments and financial institutions who collaborated together to strike fear, terror, and anxiety throughout the world population at an unprecedented level. 

It was a planned attack on the human race by the rich and 'powerful' who control the world markets and financial institutions. The truth of the matter is out there, but the media are ordered to bury it and mock anyone who does not agree with the deception, or who seeks to expose the wickedness that has been deliberately inflicted upon every soul on earth over the last four years.

So to the next move, NATO has just given the warmonger Lewenski of Ukraine, permission to attack Russia mainland with American, French, and British weapons.

They want to escalate the conflict to as high a level as it might go. They want war, and they want it their way. It is all about money and bringing in a new world order where nobody but the super rich have any rights whatsoever. 

We are headed to Armageddon. The world leaders know it, the super rich know it, and the sheep fly their Ukrainian flags, 'baa'-ing as they march around their towns and cities feeling that they are really doing something significant and worthwhile. Will they feel the same when fire falls from the skies and destroys their homes and families?

The raging masses of protestors with their palestinian flags and their screaming and hostile antics around the world are all part of yet another deliberately engineered herding of ignorant and brainwashed non-thinkers who believe that they are actually going to change the situation out in the Middle East through their chanting and violence in the streets. 

The whole thing is a 'Matrix' of delusion, and nobody sees the big black cat grinning at them. 

It is all an illusion planned and mapped out in fine detail by spiritual wickedness in high places. The gathering of all the noisy muppets has very little to do with what is happening in Gazza, but actually far more about sinister and secret agendas.  

And of course, as usual, the 'do-gooders' (or those who really believe they are doing good) are being subtilty coerced into the senseless and silly din of these protests, but along with a much greater number of very aggressive and nasty people who actually love violence more than peace, hatred and murder more than harmony and reconciliation.

The eventual goal of those hiding in the shadows behind all these things, is to reduce the world population, create a fully enslaved society, and remove any and all rights from every human on earth without anyone even realizing what they are doing.

The world never changed in 2020. The evil fanatics of greed and world domination devised a well planned and unified psychological attack on people's minds and sense of well-being, which was further escalated through the enforced vaccinations of millions (if not billions) with an unknown and unproven (and even lethal) injection of a bio-weapon that made the rich even richer and the poor even poorer. 

The world stayed as it always has been, beautiful in its creation. However, the people became stricken with fear and anxiety, forced to comply with the dictates of pretend 'experts' who demanded that they are locked up in their houses, forced to wear rubber gloves and pointless facemasks, and forced to have even more 'non-experts' shoving sticks up their noses and down their throats under the illusion that this was vital to keep them alive.

We are now living with the results of such wicked scheming, where people in great excess are dying from blood-clots, heart attacks, strokes, cancers, and a host of other dreadful consequences of what may be termed a biological war. 

On top of that, we now have a generation of young people inflicted with mental health and an utterly broken future, who have no clue whatsoever as to how things ought to be, neither the ability or sensibility to work things out for themselves. They have grown accustomed to believing everything they see online, hear in the news, or are encouraged to do by those who believe that you can do what you like as long as it is what they also like.

No longer may you have the right to seek the truth and dare to say what you know is right.

Truth has indeed fallen both at government level, and also at street level. It has been shot down by the very people who should be upholding it. It has been exchanged for lies and half-truths by the churches, and left a bewildered generation who do whatever they suppose to be 'normal' and right in their own eyes, but have no sure foundation to base their lifestyles on. They have no point of reference for their lives, except the shameful examples of the world's so-called 'heroes', film stars, performing artists, and 'save the earth' fanatics.

A house built upon the ever-shifting sand will most certainly fall. And this flimsy and whimsical generation that is heading toward a catastrophic calamity, refuses to build their lives upon the Rock of Ages that never moves and never changes the truth, for that Rock is truth. 

Jesus said, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

If you do not know the truth, then you are but a slave to the matrix collaboration of darkness and destruction; you are one of the blind, being led by those who are also blind.

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; nobody can come to the Father except through me."

The Bible, God's Word - the only foundation for a healthy and confident society: for, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God shall mankind live.'

There is still hope, if people will turn around and face their Creator, tell him the truth, and receive him as their Sovereign and their Saviour.

No laughing matter anymore

Not so many years ago, people would have laughed if you told them that we are heading toward the end of this world and what has been termed 'Armageddon'. You might have been the centre of ridicule and considered somewhat naïve. However, in the light of the last few years of evil that has been deliberately spread like an infectious plague across the nations by sinister and lying politicians and the rich, greedy money-makers, we are not laughing anymore.

Add to this to the determination of our governments and leaders seeking to raise the real prospect of a third world war, the rotten and unholy organization 'WHO' seeking to force its demands and fear tactics upon every nation on earth so that it can implement its own evil plans upon the worldwide population.

Anyone with a half-ounce of common-sense will realise that we are on the edge of the most dreadful times this world may ever have seen.

Nobody stands shocked or laughs when we suggest that we are in the End Times or headed toward the end of all things as we know them. 

Consider the unusual signs in the skies and the constellations, the freak weather conditions, the fear and anxiety that has become a continual condition of the great majority of earth-dwellers of recent. They can say it is all about 'Climate change' or some other agenda, but actually what is going on right now is part of what the Bible has spoken about in precise details for thousands of years.

People used to laugh and mock at such suggestions, and call you a 'Bible-basher' if you spoke of such things, but now it is a different matter completely.

There are many young people today asking if this is the 'End Times' or the 'End of Days'. They are wise to do so, for they know in their hearts that something is very wrong.

This planet and nature itself are executing their own judgment upon a world that hates God and chooses its own 'gods', religions, and delusion. The Bible says that the whole of nature is heaving and in turmoil because it is waiting for the revelation (the revealing and showing) of those who truly belong to God, and then the end of all evil upon this planet. It speaks of men's hearts failing because of the fear that they have for what is coming next upon the world. 

They used to sneer when preachers spoke of such things, but now they shut their mouths because they cannot escape the facts in front of their eyes. They watch incredulously as their national leaders are seemingly 'drawn' by some invisible hand toward war and destruction with no concern as to the billions that will die in a potential nuclear holocaust. 

And yet they still seek to live as though nothing bad will really happen, and somebody somewhere will sort out all of the world's mess and get us back online. But there is no saviour, no messiah, no hero here within the human race who can do anything for that which is already purposed. 

No 'global climate change' agenda will change anything whatsoever. What is happening all around this world is under the eyes of a much higher order, and man's efforts to try and change things cannot reverse the prophecies of the Bible. We are too far down the road to hope to turn things back.

There is only one hope, one real Saviour, one true Messiah, and most people reject him and spit upon his name. Yet still he calls to us all, "Come to me all of you who are weary of this life, burdened by troubles, lost in the heaving mass of a blinded mankind leading blinded souls to a hell that is just round the corner." 

"And I will give you rest (not religion, not a list of do's and don'ts)", he says. 

Christ Jesus will return to this world in great power and glory, and you really do not want to be on the wrong side when that happens, for then it will be too late get right with him.

Today is the day of salvation for you. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. Whoever calls upon his name in truth and for salvation shall be saved and become a child of God.

The Bible says so.

No need to become all 'religious'. Just believe. Have faith in God.

Such a ridiculous world.

I walked into a coffee shop yesterday and saw a new freezer cabinet filled with small pots of ice cream. Now, nothing unusual in this, especially as summer is on its way. However, two price tickets were displayed on top of the freezer showing two types of ice cream available. One was called 'Doggie Ice Cream', the other 'Human Ice Cream'. I thought that both of these must be different brand names, but no! 

One of these expensive little tub ranges was actually for dogs, the other for those who consider themselves human. 

What utter nonsense and stupidity continues to abound in our senseless society! I am sure that not long from now we are going to have to create massive camps for lunatics who have really lost their common-sense and are actually more like zombies than humans. 

When I was young, people had dog kennels in their gardens for dogs to sleep in, but now we have to dress them in dresses, ribbons, and designer clothes, take them to coffee shops for a dog cappuccino, and employ a dog therapist to ease their stress. And all this time, half of the world starves to death, and the governments of our nations attempt to stop farmers from producing food! Where do we think we are headed?

We are happy to send billions of taxpayers pounds to the lost cause of the Ukraine in the silly belief that Zalenski the actor can defeat and destroy Russia. America has just agreed to fund the ongoing nonsense to the tune of $68 billion. Hmmm, wouldn't that be better spent on healing and feeding lives and fixing the mistakes of our short-sighted leaders?

Everyone is screaming at Israel, yet supporting the death of tens of thousands and many more still to come in Europe, whether they be Ukrainians or Russians. Nobody wants to discuss or negotiate a peaceful solution, because to do so would spoil the great 'game' they are all playing, trying out all their new expensive weapons of destruction and pain.

But the foolish fail to see that the world is rushing to war in an international arms race that might well end in the destruction of entire nations, with the death of millions of civilians. Protesters band themselves together flying flags for people who would be happy to destroy the very countries they have come to live in very often under the guise of being victims in their own native lands. 

And the whole world is heading fast to Armageddon.

Only God the Almighty giver of life is able to bring down the madness of a world that hates the name of Jesus Christ. And in his time he shall bring all the evil of man to an utter end, culminating in a judgment that human minds cannot possibly imagine.

God watches patiently, but he will not be mocked, for he sees the foolishness of mankind and his defiance against the Creator. The end of civilisation will not be what man brings about, but what God ordains, and when God ordains it so to be.

He calls the world to 'prepare to meet your God - the One who created you'. For he has a name above every name on earth and throughout the universes, both visible and invisible. That name is Jesus.

Any yet he still calls out to us, and says, "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son Jesus Christ, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life."   jon316.com

I'm in HIS hands, whatever the future holds

Faith in Christ Jesus is placing your life, past, present, and future, into the hands of God who loves you and is not willing that any should perish.

It is time to stand up, get free, and get strong.

Choose this day who you will serve. 

You may be a slave to your possessions. If so, then get rid of them all and prove that you are free from such shackles. Maybe you live in fear of losing your job, your house, or your car. Get liberated from these worries and anxieties. 

You said that you trusted Christ to keep you every day of your life, yet you walk around in a constant state of concern and doubt for all these temporary comforts and necessities. He promised that he would never leave you or forsake you and he knows what you have need of. All you have to do is, ‘Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.’ (Matthew 6:33)

You may be a ‘slave’ to another person, perhaps a partner, a girlfriend, a child, a church leader, a domineering mother, or a friend. You were never meant to be their servant and you do not need to be so any longer. If you truly want to do something in God’s kingdom, then it is time to set yourself free. You have asked God to break the chains, to release you, to sort out the situation more times than you can remember, but nothing ever seems to happen. 

The Scripture tells us to loose the shackles from round our own necks, to free ourselves from the heavy burdens, to dismantle the chains of control and manipulation that others have placed upon us; and to claim our life and freedom back. (Isaiah 52:2)

The men, in particular, need to hear this word. The future of our children may indeed depend upon your response to this challenge.

‘The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD has anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound.’  (Isaiah 61:1)

Notice the phrase, ‘to proclaim liberty to the captives’. The preacher simply declares that you are free; that you no longer need to live in your cell; and you can break the chains from off your neck. It is sufficient for me to tell you that God has made you free and granted you your full liberty to come and serve him.

This document proclaims your freedom by the word of God. It tells you that you no longer need to be a slave to anybody or any thing. It is this message of good news that will give you the unction to change your life. It comes from the awesome anointing of Isaiah 61. There is no point in keep on asking God to do what we are commanded to do ourselves. He has won the victory for us at the cross in Jesus Christ. All that we need do is obey him and enter into his conquering power.

It is not ‘deliverance’ that we need, but obedience to God’s word.

‘For this commandment which I command you this day, it is not hidden from you [beyond your power or ability to perform], neither is it far off [somewhere in the distant future]. It is not in heaven, that you should say, “Who shall go up for us to heaven and bring it unto us, that we may hear it and do it?” Neither is it beyond the sea [at some super-spiritual ‘revival’ conference across the world], that you should say, “Who shall go over the sea for us and bring it unto us, that we may hear it and do it?” But the word is very near to you, in your mouth and in your heart, [so] that you may do it [you can do it].’  (Deuteronomy 30:11-14)

If you put yourself in the situation you are now in, or allowed others to take advantage of you, then you can also take yourself out of the situation and stop others running your life according to their dictates. Christ made you free (John 8:36); free to choose, free to live the life he planned for you; and free to hold your head up and be everything that you are inspired of God to be. He called you to liberty and joy in the Holy Ghost. (2Corinthians 3:7; Romans 14:17)

‘Lift up your heads, O you gates; and be lifted up, you everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.’  (Psalm 24:7-8)

Lift up your head and lift up your heart to God, and he shall give you the strength to walk away from the things that are wrong; and enable you to cast off the chains of control and addictive behaviour.

‘Deliver [escape] yourself, O Zion, that dwells with the daughter of Babylon [the daughter of ‘confusion’]… for he that touches [strikes, hurts] you touches the apple of his eye.’  (Zechariah 2:7-8)

Note also this particular description of what God’s people are to escape from. It is from the daughter of ‘confusion’ (which is what ‘Babylon’ means).

Confusion is the child of ‘envy and strife’: ‘For where envying and strife [contention] is, there is confusion and every evil work.’ (James 3:16) Here again we see a ‘trinity’ of evil: the spirits of Envy, Strife and Confusion.

I do not pretend that there will not be a price to pay, or consequences to your actions, but if you are ‘Looking unto Jesus, the author [beginner and captain] and the finisher [completer, perfecter] of your faith’ (Hebrews 12:1-2), then he will undertake for you and give you strength to meet the task.

You can never over-estimate the value of liberty.

We must learn to start saying: No!to those who demand of us, who believe their will is more important than God’s will for our lives.

At the end of the day, we shall either live for them, or live for God. You only have one life. Don’t throw it away on something less than the outstanding and all-fulfilling plan of God. He has called us to rise to the challenge in these desperately evil days, and to come to the battlefield.

Leave everything behind; then follow him with all of our hearts, souls and minds into destroying the enemy’s positions, freeing the captives and delivering them from Satan’s grip. This world is not our home.

This is a battlefield and the church upon earth is the church ‘Militant’. The church ‘Triumphant’ is with Christ waiting for us to complete our tour of duty and win the day gloriously.

Forget praying the prayer of the conference thousands, ‘Bless me and meet my needs, O Lord and then I will serve you’. That prayer will never be answered. Serve Jesus Christ now and he will bless you and meet all of your needs.

I met an old Indian man in London who told me that when God brings him loads of money from a new house he was building, he would then serve God in the Gospel. He will not and never shall. If he does get lots of cash from his project he will just selfishly hoard it up, or find another project to make himself a bit richer. He already owns three other houses in one of the more affluent parts of the capital but continually moans about how poor he is, whilst his daughter uses every trick in the book to claim any government benefits she can get.

(Oh, I just heard that he recently died!)

The rich are never satisfied. He would rather have his wealth than his health.

You can run to church and ‘play’ at being a soldier and you can even dress up and look like a soldier, but it does not make you a soldier. Running around declaring that you are God’s hero does not make you a hero, and telling everyone that you are an apostle, a prophet or hold the ‘end-time mandate’ for the world’s salvation is definitely a delusion and just another ‘religious’ game. It is all a farce and nobody is really fooled except the gullible and the ‘cheer-leaders’ in the not-so-heavenly choirs and worship groups. It is time to grow up and become men and throw away all the kindergarten nonsense of contemporary Christianity. The martyrs of old were true heroes who fought valiantly and died magnificently for their King and his kingdom.

Get Strong!

The word that comes to your door is first, ‘Awake!’, and then, ‘Put on your strength.’ This is not an instant job. People running to conferences singing, ‘I am a winner’ and other such choruses, does not make them strong. When they get back home they find themselves just the same as they were before they spent thousands of pounds or dollars on the glossy-advertised programmes. The preacher ‘peps’ them all up, in the heat of the moment makes them ‘feel’ strong, and then takes up an offering. Strength is not a feeling, neither an atmosphere, neither some momentary ‘experience’.

True strength is ‘God in me’, the muscles and sinews of his consistent faith working in me It is the hardened steel and toughened cable of my knowledge of the Word. It is the tightly-twisted fibres and unbreakable nylon of my habitual prayer-life.

Strength comes from waiting on God, diligently searching the Scriptures, and discovering the real joy of the Lord. It is not simply engaging in wall-to-wall chorus singing as is the manner in many of the charismatic churches these days. (One or two songs are quite sufficient and then give some practical teaching on how to prepare ourselves to meet with God, followed by the Word being preached and taught. You can sing as long as you like afterwards.)

Muscles need training and exercising, especially when they have been dormant or idle for years. Strength does not come all of a sudden but increases through activity, discipline, and commitment.

To ‘put on thy strength’ is to start somewhere to become strong again for God and learn how to be the overcoming warrior you are called to be. It means getting up in the morning and setting aside time in the Bible. It means feeding on God’s Word until it becomes our life and substance. It is an ongoing process. It means going to God’s ‘gym’ every day and working out, until we are fit for active service.

What we eat will contribute highly to how strong we really are. ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.’ (Luke 4:4. Underline this verse in your Bible).

‘Put on thy strength’, add some muscle to the feeble spiritual skeleton that you drag around with you.

Strengthen the muscle of your heart:

‘Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.  (Psalm 27:14)

‘Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all you that hope in the LORD.’  (Psalm 31:24)

‘They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.’ (Isaiah 40:31)

‘Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.’ Ephesians 6:10

Exercise the muscle of your tongue:

What you speak is what you are.

‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’  (Philippians 4:13)

Surely, shall one say, in the LORD I have righteousness and strength.’  (Isaiah 45:24)

‘No weapon that is formed against me shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against me in judgment I shall condemn [that is, I shall put down with my voice], for my righteousness is of God.’ (Isaiah 54:17)

‘The word is nigh [close to, next to, within] your mouth and in your heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation [deliverance, safety, healing and eternal security].’ Romans 10:8-10

The word is more powerful than the sword or gun. The spoken word changes the world and alters the spiritual atmosphere. O

Just think about this, one word from a politician can send the price of shares tumbling, or make an entire nation feel good about itself. ‘Where the word of a king [ruler] is, there is power.’  (Ecclesiastes 8:4)

What you speak over yourself will ultimately be what you become. It is time to start speaking the word of God into your life and over your family.

For the last nineteen years I have spoken a word over my nation nearly every day in the firm belief that God will bring it to pass.

Singing the well-known and popular chorus, ‘Let the weak say, I am strong’, is not necessarily a good formula for being strong. The words quoted in this modern song are actually entirely out of context with what the singer is trying to imply. They are taken from Joel 3, where God is calling the heathen, his enemies, to the great end-time battle of the Lord! Like Elijah mocked the false prophets (1Kings 18), so God calls the heathen to get themselves strong to come and fight him! ‘Beat the iron of your ploughs into swords and your pruning-hooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong. Assemble yourselves and come, all you heathen, and gather yourselves together round about.’  (Joel 3:10-11) Their hatred and defiance of God will be their utter defeat and destruction.

True strength will be added to you daily as you dig deep into God’s word, seek him earnestly in prayer, and begin to run after him with all of your heart, soul, and mind. You do not become an Olympic champion after running for just one hour. In the practice and perseverance of your dream, muscles get exercised that were never used before. Day by day your strength will increase and make you into a winner. It may be painful and difficult to start with, but soon the struggle to get going will turn into a wonderful daily habit and routine.

It is time to get started. Do not put it off for another day, for that ‘other’ day may never come.

Go now, pledge yourself to the Lord and to his call; and enlist in his army.

The time is now.

Pilgrim Warrior 2024, from my book, 'For such a time as this'.  

It's time to get free and do what you are meant to be doing.

I hear talk from those who want to be in 'God’s army', but only the desperate, the focused, the souls who are distressed at their circumstances and that of their nation will have the passion and stamina to see the fight through to the end.

These are they who are not afraid to lose their reputations (and probably have already lost them anyway), and indeed have nothing to lose by serving God.

As an old proverb says, ‘Beware the man who has nothing to lose’. The most dangerous man is the one who has no reputation to defend, no home or treasure in this world which he is forever grasping, and nobody to have to prove himself to except God.

Here is a man focused, envisioned, clear-headed and unafraid. He is not seeking to make anyone happy, to get himself a stage, or to make himself a name. He simply serves the King and carries out his orders. The secret to his success is unquestioning and prompt obedience. Here indeed is the finest of all soldiers.

Most men these days are tip-toeing around trying to maintain the equilibrium and the peace, and trying not to cause offence to anyone. They are experts at dodging out of ‘tricky’ situations and have gotten used to hiding when trouble is in the air. No different to Gideon really. If it is not the wife or girlfriend they are hiding from, then it is the challenge to come away from the shadows and be bold and dare to contend for the truth. Instead of this, they just trying to ‘blend in’ and look the same as everyone else.

We have become so versed in ‘tolerance’ and 'political correctness' that we have forgotten that the Gospel and work of God is an offence to those who do not believe, and that wherever truth comes, it causes people to be offended. (Isaiah 8:14; 1Peter 2:8)

Gideon’s call of God would lead him to destroy his father’s idol and devilish place of worship. It would antagonize his own people against him and place his life in peril. Before he could raise an army, he must first of all destroy the false beliefs and wicked practices of his own family. If they chose not to side with him, then let it be so, but he can only do what God tells him to do. If they will not join with him or follow him, then let them stay where they are. He is going on a mission. No turning back and no sentimental or ‘slushy’ talk will divert him from his path.

Obedience is better than sacrifice

When we ‘put up with things’ just to keep someone else happy, when we know it is not the best or right thing for us, then we end up sacrificing our true calling for something less than God’s purpose for our lives.

Often it is the ‘fear of offending’ that keeps us from doing what we know to be right. Our dread of the other person’s reactions to our personal choices leaves us unable to perform our duty in the way that we know we should. Subsequently, we spend all of our efforts in trying to maintain a ‘balance’ on things, juggling with our conscience, but compromising our deepest convictions.

To obey is a far better solution, and in our obedience we need to exercise trust in God that he will undertake for us in all things, even the ‘fall-out’ that may occur when we choose to follow his directives.

Surely, if God tells us to do something or to stop something, then we simply have to obey, and not question his wisdom. If we spend more time worrying about the side effects of such actions than doing what is right, we will end up disobeying God and fearing a person more than honouring the Lord. If this is where you find yourself today, then you have not come to a place of fully trusting God with everything, and still think that you can work it out better than he can.

‘To obey [God] is better than sacrifice.’ (2Samuel 15:22)

If we find ourselves failing God because we feel obliged to please another party, then we have become the servant of another mortal. The Bible says: ‘You are bought with a price; do not be the servants [slaves] of men [or women].  (1Corinthians 7:23)

If you are a slave of another, if you do not have the freedom to do the things that God calls you to, then you are not able to come to war and fight ‘the battles of the Lord’.  (1Samuel 25:28).

Get Free! ‘Loose yourself from the bands (the shackles) that are around your neck’. (Isaiah 52:2)

Get a file and begin to cut off the chains of slavery and manipulation that have held you back from your priestly and kingly office for all these lost years. (Revelation 1:6)

Your time for rising has come. The chains of opposition and persecution, the shackles of being somebody else’s servant and slave must be forced apart and opened so that you might enter into the promises and walk the corridors of spiritual government that oversees this nation.

 Breaking off the ball and chain that the devil attached to your life (however many years ago), will possibly take a little more effort than just shouting, "In the name of Jesus". It may need planning, strategizing and a big spiritual angle grinder to cut through it and snap its hold. It will definitely take a momentous personal decision and some gritty determination to break free and stay free.

Loose yourself from the chains that you are wearing. You do not need a ‘Christian counsellor’ or a psychiatrist to help you with this. They never put the chains on you and they cannot take them off you. It was your decision to live as you do and to submit to someone else’s dictates over your life. It was your will that succumbed to the enemy and accepted the spiritual handcuffs that would keep your hands bound from serving God to your fullest.

If you want to be free, then break off the things that drag you around, which steal all of your time, that intimidate you and hold you fast to a powerless and ineffective existence, rather than running hard and fast after God and his call upon your life.

There are no short cuts to liberty. If you want freedom, then get rid of the things that make you a slave, and stop wearing the garments of a prisoner.

Pilgrim Warrior

The Hwyl


During the great spiritual revivals in Wales between 1859 and 1905, the preaching during those momentous times was extraordinary. There was something very special and indefinable about those men who declared God's word to the gatherings of thousands of people. There was a clothing-on of the power of God that was both seen and felt, not just in church and chapel, but out in the streets, down in the coal mines, and throughout the whole principality.

They spoke about a strange phenomena that overtook the preacher as he delivered his message from heaven. It was as though he got caught up in the Spirit of God, and his words poured forth as a torrent of water, even as a scorching flame at times, and nobody could escape the sense of holiness and the presence of God in the house. It rendered strong men and women to tears, crying out for God to be merciful to them and forgive their sin. To others, it caused songs of worship and praise to flow unembarrassedly and spontaneously, breaking out even in the middle of the meeting.

The preacher, deeply moved, seemed to flow with words directly from the throne of God himself. 

They would say that he had the 'hwyl' (pronounced 'hhoowul'). Here is the real meaning of this old Welsh word. It described the moment that the preacher opened his sails to the wind, and the wind filled those sails and carried him across the waves, driving his message into the hearts of every soul in the building, whether they were notorious sinners, sad backsliders, or those who imagined themselves as good. 

Whoever they may have been, they soon came to feel their desperate need of Christ. The wind of the Spirit carried the words of the preacher into the very heart and conscience of every soul gathered there.

People were struck down by convicting power as though sharp arrows had penetrated their guilty souls and brought them to their knees. Others would melt under the weight of the closeness of a divine presence they had never felt or experienced before. 

It seemed that as the preacher opened himself to God, his spirit, like a sail, would catch the wind of the Holy Spirit. He was taken up into the glory of God and his tongue became the pen of God, writing the awesome words of the Creator over the packed pews filled with desperate or inquisitive hearts.

Like a ship in full sail, driven by an invisible force, the word powered through every wave of rebellion, every high and mighty look, every height and depth of sin that imprisoned the souls of men and women, and even children, in its vice-like grip.

What followed was not about eloquence or clever sermons, but power from on high taking possession of the preacher's heart and mind. This was the moving and sovereign work of God through his servants: men who knew God in a way that is rare to find in our twenty-first century plastic veneer of 'knowing God'.

Nowadays, the platforms and pulpits are filled with entertainers and music groups, comedian preachers and those who hold a religious office but know nothing of the 'Immortal and Invisible One' who can melt the hardest heart. That is why the church is worldly, unsanctified, powerless, and unable to turn a chair over, let alone turn the world upside down. It has lost its way and lost the divine presence that brings a man to his knees, and lifts the fallen to highest heaven.

These days we simply 'do church', get everyone excited, sing some ditties, listen to a sermon; but when did God last visit? There is not enough time and space in the programme for him to speak and have his way. The preachers and congregation must hurry home to watch their football, wash the car, or go on a shopping spree. 

Unless a generation of renewed or new preachers and pastors arise from the spiritual cemetery of this lost age, there is no hope for the church or the community in which it resides to ever see revival or restoration. 

Such preachers are those who know what it means to wait on God, to abide in his word, and to walk with him as the habit of their lives. We need preachers and evangelists who take time to stand in the counsel of God, to hear his voice, and then walk out into the pulpit, with God, to deliver a life-transforming word from the throne room.

Away with all the cheap jokes and laughter, the dry sermons that could not wet a teabag, the intellectual essays and messages borrowed from the internet. 

We are in the business of life and death every time we stand to preach. We are engaged in eternal matters where precious souls will either find salvation, or continue on their way to hell because the preacher has no passion, no conviction, and possibly even no true belief in what the Bible actually says. 

I hear many preachers say that God said this, and God said that: but when did they really ever hear from God? They may have dreamed many a dream, they may think themselves prophets and apostles.

However, if there is no power, if there is no evidence, if there is no conviction of sin and repentance on the part of his hearers, then he has nothing. He is but a clanging gong and crashing cymbal - a lot of puff and noise, but no holiness of heart and no anointing from on high.

In these most serious and fearful times, when people everywhere are looking for an answer to the distress and desperation of a world in upheaval, only truth will prevail; and such truth will be measured by the testimony of the Holy Spirit, and the evidence of a risen Saviour accompanying the preacher onto the platform.

We need men again who have the 'Hwyl'.

In my next paper I shall seek to share my heart and thoughts on how to prepare for a move of God. God is willing to show himself mighty in the behalf of him whose heart is perfect towards him. He can turn our wilderness into springing streams of blessing, our desert into a fertile and fruitful harvest.

It is not so much about us waiting for him to move, as it is about him waiting for us to obey.

May God help us.


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