'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

It's time to get up and march forward

‘This one thing I do, forgetting the things that are now in the past and behind me (the good, the bad, and the ugly), and stretching ahead to what is in front of me, I press forward with determination and assurance to the calling upon my life, to gain the prize that God has prepared for me.’  (Philippians 3:13)

And how much more at the beginning of this new month!

To run the race and reach the ribbon we must keep our eyes on the prize that is there to be won. The world and all of its 'politics', lies, deceptions and distractions, seek constantly to divert us from the goal and steal our focus from the high and noble calling upon our lives.

There is no looking backward when you are running a race. The finish line is all that matters. The failures and deviations of the past must not be allowed to frustrate our forward progress. The lies of the devil and all his human cronies must not cause our eyes to come off the track that God has put us on.

Let our enemies do their worst. God will take care of them and bring their plans to confusion, insanity, dementia, and obscurity.

Like Paul says, ‘It is not as though I have already ‘made it’, or reached the level or goals I should have achieved by now, but this one thing I am I will do, forgetting what's gone before, I set my eyes on the goal ahead, and with all of my determination and strength, run to fulfil the job that God called me to.

And no devil, no argument, no accusation, no spiteful or cynical spirit, is going to stop me; for I am more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ who loved me from before the very beginning of this world.’

Never give in! Never surrender!

We are more than this world might ever imagine we actually are.

Read this if you want to live better

 King David was a great warrior and leader, but he also made some desperate mistakes. However, he also knew where to go to get himself sorted-out and back on his feet.

Psalm 51

1 Have mercy upon me, O God, according to your lovingkindness: according to the multitude of your tender mercies blot out my wicked sin.

2 Wash me throughly [all the way through and through] from my iniquity, and cleanse me [purge me] from my sin.

3 For I acknowledge my transgressions [I own up to them in shame]: and my sin is always in front of me [it hangs over my life like a shroud].

4 Against you, you only, have I sinned, and done this evil in your sight: that you might be justified [righteous] when you speak, and be clear [pure] when you judge [for I have no argument, no defence, nor excuse for my sin].

5 See now, I was formed [brought forth, born] in iniquity [in sin]; and in sin did my mother conceive me [I was born and am by very nature a wretched sinner].

6 Behold [see now], you desire truth in the inward parts [in my heart, mind, and soul; my motives, emotions, and sincerity]: and in the hidden part [deep within me, the hidden, secret place, the essence of my life] you shall make me to know wisdom.

7 Purge [wash and cleanse] me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. [Hyssop, a purifying herb used to sprinkle the sacrificial blood during the Passover; and thus it is only the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus upon us that cleanses us from all sin.]

8 Make me to hear joy and gladness; so that the bones which you have broken may rejoice.

9 Hide your face from my sins, and blot out all my iniquities.

10 Create in me a clean heart, O God [make my dirty old heart clean; make me a new heart]; and renew a right spirit within me [it was there before, please renew and establish it there again].

11 Do not cast me away from your presence; and do not take your holy spirit from me [do not withdraw your presence, grace, and comforts from me].

12 Restore to me the joy [that joy I once knew] of your salvation; and uphold me [stand me up and be my Keeper] with your free [bountiful and generous] spirit.

13 Then will I teach transgressors [the rebellious] your ways; and sinners shall be converted [turned in repentance] to you.

14 Deliver me from this murderous capital crime, [for indeed, I am worthy of death], O God, you the God of my salvation: and my tongue shall sing out-loud of your righteousness.

15 O Lord, open my mouth; and my voice shall make known your praise.

16 For you do not desire sacrifice [a symbolic sacrifice]; otherwise I would give it: you do not delight in burnt offering [a ritual penance].

Note: [Both of which were sacrifices pointing to the perfect offering of the body of Jesus to atone once and for ever for all sin on our behalf].

17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit [a willing and surrendered life]: a broken and a contrite [crushed and humble] heart, O God, you will not despise.

18 Do good in your good pleasure to Zion [i.e. God's people]: build [establish, enlarge] the walls of Jerusalem [i.e. the kingdom of God].

19 Then shall you be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness, with burnt offering and whole burnt offering: then shall they offer bullocks on your altar. [Then the offerings, gifts, and things I seek to do for God's glory will be acceptable by Him.]

The Easier-English Book of Psalms published by The Hwyl Publishing House 2024 (c)

Two Genders

 "There are only two genders. These are Male and Female.”

President Trump has brought common-sense back into the forefront in America and clarified what the Bible teaches and that which nature itself endorses: ‘But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.’ (Matthew 19:4; Mark 10:6)

Oh, that just has to upset the current governments of Australia, New Zealand and the UK, along with all the protestors with their street parades and rainbow flags.

The world of the confused is reeling at such a statement and other constitutional changes under the new President of the United States, but light is dawning upon those who have understanding.

The Trumpet has sounded

We have to get back to common-sense and actual truth about who we are, what we are, and where we are headed if we do not change our minds and turn around from the edge of destruction that stares us in the face.

Watching last night's broadcast of the rally in America before President Trump's inauguration, it became very clear that people in the US are waking up to the folly and stupidity of the madness that has been shoved down our throats by a society that is as dumb and stupid as any that ever existed.

The UK is lost even deeper in the forest of societal lunacy and moral decay, without a single leader who might wake the people up to the ridiculous insanity that has submerged us as a nation into international shame and contempt. 

This great nation, once respected and admired by the world, has exhibited how low we can sink when we refuse the truth that once made us great, and choose the delusions of self-determination and the arrogant pride that turns us into abominable fools in the sight of God and before the rest of  mankind.

And if we still think we can spit in the Creator's face and mock him with our sin and perversions, then just wait to see whether God will be mocked and simply turn a blind eye to our refusal to turn back to what is right and proper in his eyes.

I really thanked God for what might be a potential awakening in America last night, and was so happy to hear all the leaders and the President given thanks to God and asking him for help and blessing on their endeavours. What a contrast to the low-life government we now have here who want to stop any prayer at the beginning of their deliberations every day, and even wish to extinguish people from praying in private for things that concern them.

The trumpet has sounded an alarm here in Britain. Judgment shall fall upon Great Britain, upon this wicked and ungodly government, upon the churches and the false religions that think they can choose their own interpretation of truth instead of what the Holy Bible clearly teaches. 

Our only hope is to pray; pray for God to have mercy and turn our hearts back to him. Stop all the dancing and jiving 'worship' groups and frantic drummers; shut down the 'church programmes'; and get the people down on their knees in humble intercessory prayer to the only One who can turn us around and save us. 

Let us say to God,

'Turn Thou us unto Thee, O LORD, and we shall be turned.'  (Lamentations 5:21)

For unless God himself turns us, we are but lost in the darkness that is growing increasingly more dark and dense by the hour; and unless we pray, there is no hope.

Like it or not, it is the truth.

Write the vision

Looking at the evils and spiritual desolation in our nation, the enemies of God within and their hatred of our historical and cultural faith, it has left us all wondering what hope there is of any chance of reversing the situation and seeing the divine hand of deliverance in bringing the people back to a right place with their Creator.

With an utterly ungodly and atheistic government fighting against the truth, and selling our nation out to false religions and agendas that discriminate against the Christian faith, it has left multitudes of sensible people distressed and dumbfounded as to what the future holds for us.

The Holy Bible (God’s Word) furnishes us with answers to every dilemma we may find ourselves in; and God calls us back to himself, to turn around and get serious about what he is saying, and to pray until the answer comes.

God can drive out every enemy, dismantle all the plans of those who hate him, and send deliverance to his people. If we will co-operate with him, then we shall live to see his mighty hand at work once more for the salvation of our children, and the transformation of many who are lost in the darkness of a lost and pointless existence.

We have to dump the junk, come back to Him, and to His Word.

See below what the prophet Habakkuk has to say, for here is a message just as suited to us as it was to Israel in his days.

 Habakkuk 1:1-4

Notes by Matthew Henry (Revisions by John Masters)

1.    I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what He [God] will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved [corrected].  

2.   And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables (tablets of stone), that he may run that reads it.  

3.   For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry [beyond God’s timing].  

4.   Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.

 Here, firstly, the prophet humbly gives his attendance upon God (v.1): "I will stand upon my watch, like a sentry on the walls of a besieged city, or on the borders of an country invaded by enemies, who is very serious to gain intelligence of all matters.

I will look up, will look around, will look within, and watch to see what God will say unto me, will listen attentively to the words of his mouth and carefully observe the steps of his guidance, that I must not lose the least hint of instruction or direction. 

I will watch to see what he will say in me" (so it may be read), "what the Spirit of prophecy in me will dictate to me, by way of answer to my complaints."

Even in an ordinary way, God not only speaks to us by his Word, but speaks in us by our own consciences, whispering to us, This is the way, walk ye in it; and we must attend to the voice of God in both.

The prophet's standing upon his tower, or high place, intimates his prudence (his diligence), in making use of the helps and means he had within his reach to know the mind of God, and to be instructed concerning it.

Those that expect to hear from God must withdraw from the world and its worthless distractions, and get above it, must raise their attention, fix their thoughts, study the scriptures, consult experiences and those experienced, continue continually in prayer, and thus set themselves up on the tower. 

His standing upon his guard-tower shows his patience, his constancy and determination; he will wait the time, and weather the storm, as a watchman does, but he will have an answer; he will know what God will say to him, not only for his own satisfaction, but to enable him as a prophet to give satisfaction to others, and answer their deliberations, when he is reproved or argued with.

“Speak, LORD; for thy servant heareth.” So said the young boy Samuel when he heard the voice of the LORD calling to him.

In this the prophet is an example to us. God is calling you to attention right now, if you have ears to hear.

1. When we are distressed and perplexed with doubts concerning the methods of Providence, are tempted to think that it is fate, or fortune, and not a wise God, that governs the world, or that the church is abandoned, and God's covenant with his people cancelled and laid aside, then we must take trouble to equip ourselves with proper considerations to clear this matter.

We must stand upon our watch against the temptation to disbelieve, to doubt, to be discouraged or disillusioned, that it may not get gain a hold on us. We must climb up from where we are and set ourselves upon the tower, to see if we can discover that which will silence the temptation and solve the objected difficulties. We must do as the psalmist said, to ‘consider the days of old’ and make ‘a diligent search’ (Psalm 77:6); we must go into the sanctuary of God, and there take time and consideration to understand the end of these things (Psalm 73:17); we must not give way to our doubts, but struggle to make the best of our way out of them.

“Come on”, says the LORD, “and let us reason together, for if My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; THEN [and only then] will I hear from heaven their cry, and will forgive their sin, and will HEAL THEIR LAND.” 

2. When we have been at prayer, pouring out our complaints and requests [with thanksgiving and praise] before God, we must carefully observe what answers God gives by his Word, his Spirit, and his providences (spiritual influences), to our humble representations; when David says, I will direct my prayer unto thee, as an arrow to the target, he adds, I will look up, I will look and follow after my prayer, as a man follows with his eyes the arrow he has shot, Psalm 5: 3.

We must hear what God the Lord will speak, Psalm 85:8.

3. When we go to read and hear the Word of God, and so to consult the life-giving oracles, we must set ourselves to observe what God will say from them unto us, to apply to our case, what word of conviction, caution, counsel, and comfort, he will bring to our souls, that we may receive it, and submit to the power of it, and may consider what we shall answer, what responses we shall make to the word of God, when we are corrected or reproved by it.

4. When we are attacked by such as those who quarrel with God and his providence as the prophet here seems to have been surrounded, besieged, as against a tower, by hosts of objectors, we should consider how to answer them, fetch our instructions and responses from God, hear what He says to us for our satisfaction, and be ready to say to others, when we are reproved, to satisfy them, as a reason of the hope that is in us (1Peter 3:15), and beg of God for a mouth and wisdom, and that it may be given us in that same hour what we shall speak.

      II. God graciously gives Habakkuk a meeting; for he will not disappoint the believing expectations of his people that wait to hear what he will say unto them, but will speak peace, and will answer them with good words and comfortable words, Zechariah 1:13. The prophet had complained of the number of the Chaldeans [the hostile enemies within], which God had given him an understanding of. Now, to pacify him concerning it, he here gives him a further knowledge of the coming fall and ruin of those invading enemies, as Isaiah had prophesied before this, when he had foretold Israels’ captivity in Babylon, and also the destruction of Babylon. Now, this great and important event being made known to him by a vision, care is taken to publish [proclaim and declare] the vision, and transmit it to the generations to come, who should see the accomplishment of it.


1.    The prophet must write the vision, v. 2. Thus, when St. John had a vision of the New Jerusalem, he was ordered to write, Rev. 21:5.

He must write it, that he might imprint it on his own mind, and make it more clear to himself, but especially that it might be made clear and profound to those in distant places and transmitted to those in future ages.

What is handed down by tradition is easily mistaken and liable to corruption; but what is written is reduced to a certainty, and preserved safe and pure.

We have reason to bless God for written visions, that God has written to us the great things of his prophets as well as of his law.

He must write the vision, and make it plain upon tables (books, tablets of stone), must write it legibly, in large characters, so that he who runs may read it, that those who will not allow themselves time to read it deliberately may not avoid a passing or curious look at it. Probably, the prophets were in the habit of writing some of the most remarkable of their predictions in stone, and to hang them up in the temple, Isaiah 8:1.

Now the prophet is told to write this very plainly – simply, and made understandable to all. 

Note, Those who are employed in preaching the word of God should study plainness in speech, so as to make themselves intelligible to those the least educated or insensible.

The things of our everlasting peace, which God has written to us, are made plain, they are all plain to him that understands (Proverbs 8:9), AND THEY ARE PUBLISHED WITH AUTHORITY; God himself has prefixed his endorsement to them; he has said, Make them plain – straightforward and clear to everyone.

2.    The people must wait for the accomplishment of the vision (v. 3): The vision is yet for an appointed time to come.”

You shall now be told of your deliverance by the destruction of the Chaldeans' [the enemy’s] power, and that the time of it is fixed in the counsel and decree of God. 

There is an appointed time, but it is not necessarily immediately near.

It may yet be deferred a great while; and that is mentioned here as a reason why it must be written, that it may be reviewed afterwards and the event compared with it when it happens.


Note: God has an appointed time for his appointed work, and will be sure to do the work when the time comes; it is not for us to anticipate his appointments, but to wait upon his time.

And it is a great encouragement to wait with patience, that, though the promised favour be some time coming, it will most certainly come at last, and be an abundant reward to us for our waiting: 

‘At the end it shall speak and not lie.


We shall not be disappointed, for it will come at the time appointed; nor shall we be disappointed in it, for it will fully answer our believing expectations.

The promise may seem silent a great while, but at the end it shall speak; and therefore, though it does not come soon or immediately, yet we must continue waiting for it, being absolutely assured that it will come, and willing to wait in anticipation and earnest prayer until it does come.

The day that God has set for the deliverance of his people, and the destruction of his and their enemies, is a day,

(1.) That will surely come at last; it is never adjourned or changed to another day or time, but it will without fail come at the fixed time and the perfect time.

(2.) It will not tarry [will not be delayed], for God is not slack, as some men count slackness (2Peter 3:9)though it seems not to appear in our idea of timing, yet it will not go past God's time, which is always the best time.

      3. This vision, the accomplishment of which is so long waited for, will be such an exercise of faith and patience as will try and discover and prove men what sort they are.

(1.)  There are some who will proudly disdain this vision, whose hearts are so lifted up that they scorn to take notice of it; if God will work for them immediately, they will thank him, but they will not give him credit; their hearts are lifted up towards personal vanity, and, since God puts them off, they will shift for themselves and not be submitted to him, to his timing; they think their own hands and plans are sufficient for them, and God's promise (the vision) is to them an insignificant thing.

Such a person’s soul that is lifted up in pride is not upright in him; it is not right with God, is not as it should be. Those that either distrust or despise God's all-sufficiency will not walk uprightly with him, Gen. xvii. 1.

But, (2.) those who are truly good (godly), and whose hearts are upright with God, will value the promise, and venture everything they have or own upon it [they will happily sell all that they have or possess to gain the promise (Matthew 13:44)]; and, in confidence of the truth of it, will keep close to God and duty in the most difficult trying times; and will then live comfortably in communion with God, dependent on him, and expecting of him. 

The just shall live by faith; during the captivity (troubles and dreadful times) good people shall support themselves, and live comfortably, by faith in these precious promises, while the actual performance of them is deferred. 

The just shall live by his faith, by that faith which he acts upon the Word of God.

This is quoted in the New Testament (Romans 1:17; Galalatians 3:11; Hebrews 10:38), the proof of the great doctrine of justification by faith only and of the influence which the grace of faith has upon the Christian life. Those that are made just by faith shall live, shall be happy here and for ever; while they are here, they live by it; when they come to heaven faith shall be swallowed up in sight and the revelation of the promise.



Were you baptized the New Testament way?

Wherever there is water, you can be baptized!

It is most noteworthy that the apostles always baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.  (Acts 2:38)

Most churches throughout the world today baptize people by saying, ‘In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost’. However, the disciples throughout the book of Acts baptized only in the name of Jesus Christ. This is really worth looking at. 

I truly love the fact that they knew the power and authority of that amazing name, and acknowledged that it is the name above every name both in heaven, and on earth, and below the earth: both in the world that now is, and in the world to come. 

They preached in his name, healed in his name, raised the dead in his name, and performed wonders in his name.

We may well ask why they baptized in Jesus’ name, yet according to Matthew 28:19 they were to go and baptize in ‘the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost’. However, note firstly in that verse, that the use of the word ‘name’ is singular: it says, 'the name', not the ‘the names’. What name was this to be then, the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost?

Who is Jesus, but the eternal Word of God, the Creator of everything, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father (Isaiah 9:6), God himself manifest [revealed] in the flesh (1Timothy 3:16). God is spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24).

The Holy Spirit is referred to as the ‘Spirit of Christ’, (Romans 8:91Peter 1:11). God has revealed himself to us in human form (flesh and blood) and given himself a name which is above every name. That name he has given to us is Jesus.

The disciples understood this perfectly well and baptized the converts if the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit – that name is the name above all names. That name is Jesus Christ.

The Bible tells us that it is higher than any other name in heaven, or on earth, or under the earth. There is no jealousy in the Godhead. He is one God  (Mark 12:29Deuteronomy 6:4). He has given to us the name of Jesus, and at that name every knee shall bow and every tongue confess clearly that Jesus is Lord (Philippians 2:10).

Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, for the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to as many as the Lord our God shall call.  (Acts 2:38-39)

It could not be clearer. They baptized in the name as Jesus commanded, and they preached in the name, were beaten and hated because of that name, thrown into prison because of that name, tortured and murdered because of that name, and yet the priests and preachers of today think that they were wrong to baptize in that name! 

Away with all the religious rituals and dogmas and Catholicism!

Let’s get back to New Testament faith and practise!

Maybe you feel a bit offended now because you were baptized in the Trinity, and now I am pointing out something different. Please do not be. I saw this matter for myself only recently, and through searching the Scriptures, I believe that what I have seen to be true.

I am quite sure that the apostles would not have disobeyed their Lord and Saviour, and if it were a wrong practice, the Holy Spirit would have shown them: for he guided them at every step in that early church mission. For instance, ‘And the Spirit said unto Phillip, Go near…’   (Acts 8:29); and again, ‘They (the apostles) were forbidden by the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia..’  (Acts 16:6-7).

So, if the Holy Spirit was leading and speaking to them in such precise and powerful ways, why then were they not reprimanded for 'apparently' disobeying a direct command of Jesus? They were not told off because they were not doing anything wrong. 

They were doing exactly what Jesus had told them to do, and the proof was the fact that thousands were being added to the church daily. They were baptizing in the name given unto men, in whose name only is the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.

Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is no other name under heaven given among men through which we must be saved.’  (Acts 4:12)  The name of Jesus is our glory and praise, and this is the name that we should be exalting throughout the nations. (Ephesians1:21-23) You can talk about God and even the Spirit, but see the difference when you use the name of Jesus. People get real uncomfortable, restless, annoyed, embarrassed, and sometimes angry and violent. Many church-goers often talk of God and what he is doing, but they are somewhat awkward or ashamed to speak the name that is above every name.

I personally believe that the disciples followed expressly what Christ had commanded them to do by baptizing in the name of Jesus Christ. Just because we do what we do because everybody else does it, and we have always done it this way, does not mean that we should simply continue in a ritual because it is expected of us.

I believe that we should baptize people just like the apostles did. It goes from ‘methodology and habit’, to radical confession that Jesus Christ is Lord; and this becomes an outward declaration of our faith in The Name.

I baptize you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.” 

Let’s face it, that was pretty radical back then, and would raise many eyebrows now! but who wants to simply conform, when we can stand out from the crowd, nail our colours to the mast, and show our faith and allegiance to Jesus the Messiah?

It makes us more than just ‘religious’ or a ‘member’ of the church or parish. It declares that we are followers of a Person, not a denomination or a religion.

If it was good enough for the apostles, then it is good enough for me. If it was challenging and daring enough for the new converts back then, then it will also be the same to those who choose to forsake this world and follow Christ today.

Many people, of all persuasions, believe in God in some form or another, and to one degree or another. They all go through some form of ‘initiation’ or ritual to join their particular branch of faith. However, when someone turns around from all that they are and from following the mind-set of this world, and then declares their firm belief in Jesus Christ, suddenly things become a lot more serious. This is not about a denominational tag or becoming 'religious', but about a personal encounter with our God and becoming a Believer and follower of Jesus.

They are giving themselves totally to serve, love, and follow a Man that has been despised and hated by millions down through centuries. They are considered to be too radical, too militant, too intense. 

However, following Jesus leaves no room for compromise or joining some religious social club of do-gooders. They have enlisted in God’s army to carry an ensign across the world declaring the gospel of Jesus. They have enlisted in the army of the Lord, and sworn allegiance to him.

I shared this truth with a preacher and evangelist of forty years just the other day. His response was to request that at the next baptismal meeting I hold, he wished to get re-baptized, but this time in the name of Jesus Christ!

It is time to get back to lifting the name of Jesus high above all the din of religion, and above the unholy music and violent din of this world.

You can mock God, but God ain't mocked!

'There is a way that seems right to people, but the end of that way is death and destruction.'

Your way is not God's way. It is a delusion that claims to be wiser than God. 

Society wishes desperately to discount any notion of God. The reason for this is not science or logic, but simply because the heart of mankind is desperately wicked, and can find no place of peace or comfort if God has to have anything to do with it. 

Why is this? It is because they hate the Creator and would sooner dismiss any thought that ultimately will expose their deepest loneliness, their most impure thinking, and their own rage and evil desires. And so they choose to not believe, for if they did believe, even for a minute, it would uncover the fact that there is an emptiness in their lives that nothing and nobody on earth can fill. It would bring such a disturbance they would find it hard to sleep at night and trouble them throughout the day; for if they choose to live outside of God, then genuine peace of heart and life will always be absent. 

So our secular world continually hurls insults at anything to do with God, and screams and squeals in frustration at anyone who believes the truth, for the truth is what really gets under their skin! That is the real reason for them getting all upset, nasty, and antagonistic. 

And at the end of their time on this earth, then the reality of eternity and a judgment to come will be all that faces them. Too late to turn back or make amends. Then their sneering, their mocking, their  arguments, and their laughing at those who believed, will turn into an eternal horror and regret, with no absolutely escape possible from what lies ahead.

God laughs at the foolishness and stupidity of the human race which claims to be superior to truth and more clever than what the earth and indeed the whole of the universe visibly declares every single day.

But still God appeals to men and women of every age to be reconciled to Him through believing in the name above every name - the name of Jesus the Christ. For only in His name can anyone be saved from the great judgment to come. 

Religion (whatever religion it might be) is just a set of rules and regulations being enforced and demanded by people just as sinful as anyone else.

However, true salvation, forgiveness of sin, knowing God, and an eternity secured and guaranteed in a far better place than this horribly evil world, is still available to anyone and everyone who will change their mind and believe on Jesus Christ. 

If we will change our minds, God will change our hearts.

To steal, to kill, and to destroy

 Social media - the great life stealer, dream killer, and destiny destroyer.

Social media is the greatest resource of entertainment that has ever been 'gifted' to the world, but it is also the greatest Trojan horse that has ever been fabricated. It is an enemy trick that hides a sinister plan to get a grip on your life and rob you of your future.

It works by entertaining us; simple enough it would seem, but actually quite a master-plan, crafted ingeniously to steal your time, your potential, and your life.

The word 'entertain' comes from the French word 'entertenir'. It means, 'to hold together', - 'to maintain', - to divert', - 'to delay', - 'to waste time'.

Life is precious. Time is of a greater value than any of us can ever imagine. Once spent, we cannot get it back or recover its amazing potential. 

Dive into one of the social media platforms for a quick look, and this devious 'drug' of entertainment quickly gets you, and before you know it, an hour has flown by, or several hours, or even a whole night. For many people today, especially the younger generation, every day has been shortened by many hours as they watch transfixed the utter nonsense and stupidity that has absolutely no value and no purpose, except to keep you amused and away from becoming the person that you could be. Morons and idiots flash their wares and utterly pointless antics in front of your eyes, and draw you aside and hold you into the web of empty nonsense. 

It's a trap. It's a snare. It's foolishness.

It's a spider's web that will suck away all of your time, your common-sense, and steal your dreams and ideas by wasting the incredible and incalculable value of the time that God has given to you.

The demon of such entertainment and diversion robs you of the hours and days, the months and years appointed to you. Your destiny, - the things that you could achieve for good, both for your well-being and the blessing of others, diminish by the same hours, days, and months that you surrender to such a dream-stealing, vision-robbing, destiny-murdering enemy of life itself.

Whilst you are 'hooked' by this global fishing boat of delusion, your creative abilities and what you might become and achieve in your life are being sucked from your soul day by day. 

It's time to stop, and save your life, and take back the greatest gift given to all of us  -TIME itself.

We have all heard the saying, 'a fool and his treasure being easily parted'. Social media will steal the treasure that is buried in your heart, in your hands, in your thinking and reasoning, and spoil you of what you could have become, if only you had valued your time. 

The Book of Proverbs says, 'There is treasure to be desired and oil in the house of the wise, but a foolish person spends it on rubbish - wastes it on worthlessness.'  (Proverbs 21:20)

King Solomon, (said to have been the wisest man on earth), encourages us all to set aside stupidity, and to do all that we do with all of our strength - to give our best always in everything we set out hand or mind to, because when death comes, there is no more strength, no more opportunity, and only regret that we had blown away and killed the time and opportunities we were given. 

Do not be entertained by the spider, for his web will trap you and keep you from flying  -  and the spider will slowly drain you of all life, kill you, and destroy your future.

And it is not just social media that targets your life.

Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal, and to kill, and to destroy."

He then says, "I have come so that you can have life, and have life MORE ABUNDANTLY." (John 10:10)

We need to talk

We need to talk

We wake up every day to the ongoing saga of world leaders wanting to go to war; the Ukraine conflict being driven to the brink by presidents, prime ministers, and hardened governments who lust after their new-found ‘power’ that apparently gives them the right to drive the altercation to it’s inevitable and dreadful end.

This war in the Ukraine might have been brought to an end long ago if there had been one sensible leader in the world who stopped listening to the war-monger and puppet-actor Zelensky. This man has utterly refused to engage directly with President Putin, and instead continues in his demands for more and more weapons to annihilate Russia (as if that were even possible!).

And why is it that not a single world leader on this side of the fence wishes to sit down and talk with both leaders of this disgraceful war?

The further we distance ourselves from any meaningful dialogue, the nearer we come to a great and dreadful cataclysm of destruction. Then all the people, who thought it great to load the deluded leader of an already destroyed country, with our billions of pounds for weapons, will cry out in desperation when they see the flames of war on their own doorstep and their own children being sent to the forward battle lines.

“If only they had talked together, this may not have happened!” will be their dismal wail.

Then there’s the utter nonsense of the disruptive and stinking protests throughout our country over a situation in the Middle East, with silly people flying flags that represent an ideology that has absolutely no agreement with our own nation, culture, or national faith. This deceptive agenda has engaged the somewhat mindless, and the ignorant, and the lazy, the jobless, the easily-persuaded, and the middle-class 'do-gooders', to take to the streets, not realizing for a single moment that those behind the agenda are religious bigots seeking to impose and spread their radical beliefs on the western world.

Let us have no doubt whatsoever, that also mixed in among these mobs of protestors are  wretched and devious people who hate us and despise our culture, and wish for nothing more than to see the demise of us as a people. 


God says to all of us right now, “Come, let us reason together! let’s sit down and have an honest and open conversation about why the world is in such trouble; why you are in the mess you now find yourself; why things are not going right for you.”

God speaks to this nation of Great Britain, and says, “Come now, let us have a real honest talk together, let us reason this out, as to why this country has gone down the toilet pan of disgrace and shame.”

It seems that there is no voice in the land that has the wisdom or understanding to call the people back to sensibility. We are led by the blind and unwise, even by fools who have no depth of understanding. They are just as lost as the whole population.

But still, The Voice from heaven speaks to us all from a realm which very few can hear, not even in the churches who are supposed to be ‘in touch with God’! If any group of people should know what we need to do to save ourselves from the coming calamities and judgments soon to fall, it should be the church leaders.

Sadly, they are taken up with their ‘religious’ programmes and church activities, petty games and entertainment, holidays and sport, politics and trying not to upset anyone. They are deaf to the voice of God, yet they talk about him and tell stories from their Bible every Sunday to congregations that are as deaf as they are.

If any one of them were truly to hear what God is saying to us all right now, then they would become bold as a lion in decrying all the wickedness of this nation (and of the church!), and call the people to stop everything, put away all the nonsense of pretended plastic ‘Christianity’. They would open their churches twenty-four hours every day for prayer and intercession on behalf of this once-blessed county, before it is too late and the very real judgments begin to fall.

God promises forgiveness, healing, restoration, and mercy to us if we would change our mind, come humbly before Him, and ‘reason together’.

Just look back, even sixty or seventy years ago, to how nice this country was and how right and normal things were just that short while back. We had a country that was still governed and established upon the teachings of the Holy Bible, where society knew what was right and wrong, where our children were taught truth and the right way to live according to the Bible. 

It was a happy time to live and the world was nicer. Even the criminals, as portrayed in the old black and white movies, had more decency than the average person today.

 “Come, let us reason together, says the LORD God Almighty; even though your sins and rebellions against me are red like scarlet, they shall be made white as snow; though they are deep died and stained like crimson, they shall be as white as bleached wool.”  (Isaiah 1:16-18)

For God is merciful and gracious, and the blood of Jesus Christ the Creator of all things, is powerful and effectual enough to cleanse us from all sin and make us right with God.

But to see anything change, to find any hope for this nation or our world, we must humble ourselves, and pray, and seek after God’s face, and TURN from our wicked ways.

THEN, and only then, will God listen to us, forgive our great sins, and heal our land.  (Chronicles7:14)


November 28th 2024


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