'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

The Trumpet has sounded

We have to get back to common-sense and actual truth about who we are, what we are, and where we are headed if we do not change our minds and turn around from the edge of destruction that stares us in the face.

Watching last night's broadcast of the rally in America before President Trump's inauguration, it became very clear that people in the US are waking up to the folly and stupidity of the madness that has been shoved down our throats by a society that is as dumb and stupid as any that ever existed.

The UK is lost even deeper in the forest of societal lunacy and moral decay, without a single leader who might wake the people up to the ridiculous insanity that has submerged us as a nation into international shame and contempt. 

This great nation, once respected and admired by the world, has exhibited how low we can sink when we refuse the truth that once made us great, and choose the delusions of self-determination and the arrogant pride that turns us into abominable fools in the sight of God and before the rest of  mankind.

And if we still think we can spit in the Creator's face and mock him with our sin and perversions, then just wait to see whether God will be mocked and simply turn a blind eye to our refusal to turn back to what is right and proper in his eyes.

I really thanked God for what might be a potential awakening in America last night, and was so happy to hear all the leaders and the President given thanks to God and asking him for help and blessing on their endeavours. What a contrast to the low-life government we now have here who want to stop any prayer at the beginning of their deliberations every day, and even wish to extinguish people from praying in private for things that concern them.

The trumpet has sounded an alarm here in Britain. Judgment shall fall upon Great Britain, upon this wicked and ungodly government, upon the churches and the false religions that think they can choose their own interpretation of truth instead of what the Holy Bible clearly teaches. 

Our only hope is to pray; pray for God to have mercy and turn our hearts back to him. Stop all the dancing and jiving 'worship' groups and frantic drummers; shut down the 'church programmes'; and get the people down on their knees in humble intercessory prayer to the only One who can turn us around and save us. 

Let us say to God,

'Turn Thou us unto Thee, O LORD, and we shall be turned.'  (Lamentations 5:21)

For unless God himself turns us, we are but lost in the darkness that is growing increasingly more dark and dense by the hour; and unless we pray, there is no hope.

Like it or not, it is the truth.

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