'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

All these elections... just a diversion

So, the world has become absorbed by ongoing and sudden elections which have diverted the attention from the fact that thousands of healthy young people are suffering and dying from strokes, blood clots, heart attacks, sudden deaths, and new cancers never seen before.

The governments do not want anyone talking about the awful reality that is now becoming clear, that whatever was injected into people (and is still being injected) is now ringing alarm bells all around the world. People recently were beginning to wake up to what appears to be a deliberate and financially lucrative attack on humanity to suppress the nations, enforce a universal form of central control, and prepare the world for the destruction of anything that might be considered good, normal, and right. They certainly do not want any news articles or any talk about the possibility that their actions and the unknown and untested vaccines may indeed have created untold disaster to multitudes of those who took the so-called 'cure'. 

And even now, the propaganda machine of the world health organization and the so-called 'experts' of nothing are raising the spectre of another so-called 'pandemic' headed toward the human race. The media, with all of it's lies, deceit, and in-your-face hysteria, are daily telling everyone that things are getting worse, and soon you will all have to lock yourselves in your houses once again, and bow to the criminals in high places who created a world of unprecedented fear and distress just a few years ago.

The sad thing is, that for most people, they have no point of reference to turn to when such wickedness arises in front of them, and so they bow and cringe to the loudmouths barking at them from their televisions and social media platforms. 

Of course, the other diversion has been the war in Ukraine. Imagine if all the billions of pounds and dollars that have been thrown into such a lost cause had been spent on nurses, doctors, education, and the relief of the poor. What a transformation that would have brought to any society! 

But people are dying from sicknesses and diseases, waiting for an operation, dying from hunger, and lost in the darkness of the mental torture from the fear agenda with which the leaders of the nations afflicted them. While starving families and impoverished communities around the world are sinking into oblivion, our politicians and the over-rich and self-centred so-called 'elite' are engaged in the destruction of anything that is good and righteous, or that which might give real hope for future generations. They want war, they want conflict, they want the destruction of the old world (that was actually rather nice), so that they can turn it into a matrix society where no one has any rights or owns anything... except of course themselves.

Where shall we find any sense or reason in all of this? Where shall we go to find freedom and liberty from the evil works of evil men and women? To who or what shall we turn when the world crumbles all around us? Where is our point of reference that might make any sense of it all?

We need only turn to God, who said, "Come unto me all of you who are burdened, tired of everything, cast down and without hope, lost in the darkness, broken-hearted, and I will give you rest."

These words of Jesus Christ still ring out across the storms and raging seas of trouble that seek to swamp and drown any hope or real peace. They resonate most powerfully in this troubled and uncertain time that we live in. They come to anyone who will listen and dare to believe that whoever calls upon the name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST shall be delivered and saved for all eternity. The Holy Bible is the only point of reference that will hold you steady as this world begins to rock and shake with what is coming just over the horizon.

The world is headed to hell, and the final judgment is but a very short time away. Today is God's day of salvation to anyone who will hear and believe.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son Christ Jesus to die for us, so that if we believe on him, we shall not perish, but have everlasting life. He rose from the dead and said he will return to this world in great power and glory to judge it once and for all.

Make sure you are on his side before that time-ending event happens. It won't be long.

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