'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

An unholy war being waged

Around the whole world this very day there is a gigantic battle raging over the nations and throughout entire continents. 

It is a rebellion led by top level demonic principalities and unseen rulers of the darkness of this world (what is commonly referred to as ‘fallen angels’).

The recent ‘virus’ (whatever it was or wasn't), lockdowns and the fear agenda, riots, violence, looting and thieving, murder, criminal damage, war, and even awful human tragedies and sicknesses, are actually all part of their campaign of terror to bring about their wishes and plans for how they want this world to be run.

Part of their objective is to demoralise the populations, establish fear amongst their inhabitants, and spread a plague of terror and death throughout every town and city in every nation. 

This they do to incite mankind more and more against his Creator, and try to get everyone to blame it all on him.

Man is already desperately wicked in his heart. The devil simply handcuffs his own evil desires to the ‘anti-God’ rebellious nature within each person (rich or poor, powerful or feeble), encouraging them and persuading them to carry out acts of depravity, hatred, evil, violence, and unrighteousness.

This in no way excuses man from his own responsibility. He always has a choice, but he chooses evil over good, preferring darkness to light, because his heart is utterly wicked.

People would sooner give their allegiance to a false god than to the One true God who expressed Himself perfectly in the Person of Jesus Christ. 

Throughout the whole of society, people from all walks of life would sooner conspire with the devil and all his foul and ugly wickedness, than seek for the light of truth and eternal hope.

They believe the lie that says there is no God, no judgment, and no eternal destiny.

Exert from 'The Real War of the Worlds' by JM 2023


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