'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

Truth has fallen. What is right and good is now forbidden

Don’t believe it!

A few years ago, when the world was driven to anxiety and despair by the media and governments deliberately bombarding their own populations with fear and terror, I stood for eight hours every day as a volunteer outside a local supermarket. This was to maintain the number of people entering the shop and bring some happiness to the never-ending queues of perplexed and bewildered shoppers.

As I looked into the eyes of so many who were clearly distressed and suffering both emotionally and mentally, I sought to cheer them up with some positivity and to tell them not to watch the news and not to listen to the constant media reports of doom and gloom.

The greater wickedness over these last few years was not the virus, but the deliberate and concentrated barrage of deceptions, misinformation, and downright lies that politicians and so-called ‘experts’ inflicted upon the nations.

And of course, the most evil and debilitating vehicle for their delivery was the media. This lying and exaggerating column of media mercenaries inflicted severe hurt and pain upon billions of people, with no care and no compassion. Day by day, and hour by hour, they rained their rancid arrows of mental torture into the lives of both young and old. There was never a single positive report of hope or recovery printed or broadcast anywhere, and their strategy for compelling populations to bow to fear and their earthly ‘masters’ knew no bounds.

Can you recall a single news item that ever offered good news or any sort, or any constructive expectation for a better future?

The big question remains, who was financing these mercenaries, and why was there not one single reporter or member of any parliament that was allowed to bring a light of truth and transparency into the darkness created by the love of filthy lucre and their wish to destroy our way of life forever?

During the Second World War, our outstanding Prime Minister Winston Churchill kept the British spirit alive and positively optimistic through his words and his assurance that better days were ahead. He refused to allow negative talk, even when we as a nation were on our backs with seemingly no hope of surviving the onslaught of Hitler.

We live in a weird world now where electronic gadgets rule our lives and the media and its influential backers spew their horror stories continually upon the multitudes of those who now suffer long-term mental health issues and live with absolutely no realistic hope for the future. Our children have been the ultimate targets of the ‘paymasters’ of the media in order to bring them into a zombified and robotic existence, dependent on the a small group of wicked men and women who have plans to change the world into something they selfishly consider suitable to their own offspring.

Don’t believe the news. Don’t believe the lying politicians. Don’t believe the cruel and evil media.

Truth shall prevail because truth does not change. Even when men and women turn the truth into a lie, and call good evil, and say that evil is now good, do not believe it.

Freedom is knowing truth.

Jesus said, “You shall know the truth, and the truth will make you free!”

Notice it does not say, ‘set you free’, but make you free. There is a difference.

In the darkest night, the greatest conflicts, the current plague of lies and deceptions; when there is no one to turn to and nothing to comfort you, truth remains truth: and truth will be your strength and help in the time of trouble because God is truth.

Jesus said, “I am the truth”. “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.”

God says that he is a very present help in the time of trouble, and he never changes.

This world changes from minute to minute. The fantasies of the nation’s leaders and those who wish to inflict evil upon the whole human race, change day by day to accommodate their own evil wishes and desires, but God’s plans and purposes will not change and cannot be changed.

The Bible says that a day is very near and close at hand when he will bring this world to an end and save all those who trust in him, and bring them to heaven. Those who know the truth see through the lies and wickedness and know that God is faithful and will never forsake them.

The only hope, the only assurance, the only way to peace and confidence is through knowing the truth. And Jesus said that nobody can come to God the Father except through him.

Our hope is not in this world and all of its passing entertainments and plastic gadgets, but in the perfect knowledge that what the Bible says is true.

In the words of Jesus, “Come to me all you who are burdened and pressed down with stress and anxiety, and I will give you rest [rest to your soul, assurance instead of fear, confidence even when the world seems to be crumbling, and hope that will never be disappointed].”

As the world spirals downward to its own ultimate end, God will lift you up above the clouds of despair and gloom, give you reason for hope and joy, know absolutely that his love for you will never change, his plan and purposes for your life are written in indelible ink, and his promise of eternal life is within you already.

The Bible says, ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved.’

‘Whoever calls on the name of the LORD [in whatever distressing, troubling, or impossible circumstances they may find themselves] shall be delivered and saved.’

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Begotten Son, that if anyone believes on him they shall not perish with the rest, but have everlasting life.

This world is surely passing away (as the Bible has always said it would), but whoever believes in Jesus Christ to be the Son of God and Ruler of all things, and receives him to be their Saviour and Lord, has eternal life the moment they believe.

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