'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

THE NAME - a proper study for the serious students of truth

Darkness, incomprehensible darkness, where no light shines at all. Imagine total blindness if you can, yet this darkness is deeper by far.

It is an intangible void of darkness. Yet within the dense blackness something exists; there are physical and celestial depths there, but not anything discernible or articulated. It is huge and measureless, beyond explanation, before the realm and constraints of time ever existed.

Silence: deep, disturbing silence. A silence so profound it would make you rush to cover your ears, or even run away from it as far as you possibly can.

Something ethereal and unknown moves around and over the density and thickness of this shadowland; some great ‘being’ that broods over this chasm in expectation of an awakening: and an awakening is a certainty! There is a stirring and preparing that no human eye has ever seen or can see. It is dreadfully mysterious in its nature, and utterly fearful in its essence. Only a fool would venture too close.

And then a voice like to that of a trumpet-blast hurtles into this impenetrable abyss, splitting the darkness apart and bringing light where no light has been seen before. It is the exposing of the miracle of a birth: the dawning of a most spectacular creation.

The voice is like thunder, echoing throughout the cosmos. It rushes forth like the sound of a dam bursting in torrents of unstoppable waters, driving everything out of its way to create a path for its command to be fulfilled.

Suddenly, light, with no apparent source, surrounds the birthing of this wonder. The darkness recedes into the space around and beyond. The voice declares, “Let there be light!” And it was so. “Let the light be Day, and the darkness be Night.” 

The voice comes again and says, “Let the waters divide and create a sky above the ground and a sea upon the earth.” And it was so. A planet emerges through the billowing clouds and mountainous pillars of vapour.  

Again and again the voice rolls out its commands, and as it speaks, so it creates.

The voice needs no instrument or assistance in making whatever it chooses, for the voice is called the Word, and the Word does what it chooses by the power of the Word’s voice alone. The Word creates as it pleases and takes pleasure in all that proceeds from the thundering of its articulation.

The voice calls the planet to bring forth plants and trees; the waters to deliver living creatures under its waves; the land to instantly bring animals and insects in abundance; and the air to be filled with a crescendo of flying wonders of every colour and variation. And it was so.

It takes but words to bring about the complexities and phenomenal designs of each living creature, each one unique and different in its form and make-up. The Word, in incomprehensible and infinite knowledge, fashions each one without a drawing board or pencil. 

The ground heaves and opens up as millions of trees, shrubs, vines and blankets of grass obey his command to come forth and grow. Millions of flowers hear the same command, and push up through the soil, displaying their glory and effusing their wonderful and diverse fragrances throughout the early sunshine of that day.

And to this day, that same command, that same word, is operating throughout the earth.

Everything was designed, made, and brought into existence by the very thought that the Word imagined. We have to start our considerations here, because ‘in the beginning was the Word’.

This book is called, ‘The Name’. We shall look at something that is both underestimated and misunderstood; and something that can revolutionize your mind-set and your walk with God in this world.

At the creation and phenomenal design of mankind was the Word. He took a handful of dust from off the ground and made a man. He only had to speak and it could have been done, but he did not.

He stooped down to the ground of his creation, scooped up some dirt, and created a being which he called ‘Man’. He named him ‘Adam’, which simply means 'earth': for from dust he came, and to dust he returns.

It seems that there was something super-special about this final piece of his creation. This was to be the pinnacle of all that God would do to finish off this amazing design and plan.

Every other living creature, on land, in sea, or in the air, came into being by the spoken word; but for this, his final masterpiece, he engaged himself in a marvellous and hands-on way. He not only picked up some dust, but after fashioning this first ever human, the Word breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. He made him in his image and set his love upon him.

He held him up on high for the whole universe to see, and said, ‘Behold the work of my hands!”  (Isaiah 29:23; Isaiah 64:8; Job 14:15; Psalm 143:5)

Centuries later, one of the descendants of this first man said, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are your works; and that my soul knows right well!”  (Psalm 139:14)

Many names

Throughout the world we live in, there are stories and histories of great men and women whose names tell us something of their achievements, courage, daring, and invention. There are other names that bring loathing and hatred at their memory for the wickedness and violence that accompanied their few years on this earth.

Graveyards and cemeteries are brimming with inscriptions of names of loved ones and forgotten ones, many of whom were counted special and dear to those who have already followed them to the same place.

Monuments and edifices are designed and displayed in public places commemorating individuals who made some sort of contribution to the welfare or advancement of the human race. Idols and statues of ‘saints’ and religious figures adorn many a church or religious meeting places, and many names attributed to God are revered and worshipped with ignorant servitude by millions of individuals who have never met him nor held a conversation with him. They have their ‘prophets’ and priests and religious hierarchy with their names emblazoned in gold and silver etchings, which if a man talk against he will be considered a heretic and a heathen.

All of these, their names along with their mortal bodies are gone, and are but a distant memory of someone who once walked upon this planet. They are not with us any longer, their bodies returned to dust, their spirits awaiting the judgement day of God when he shall call every one of them to give an account of their actions during their brief lifetime.

Not one of them has a voice that can be heard anymore, neither hands that can reach out from beyond the grave to do anything to anybody, or do anything for anyone. You cannot call to them and expect any sort of answer or response, for they are beyond this world now and cannot interfere in its pursuits or conversations.

Now, if people wish to talk to demons and devils and conjure up unclean spirits from the darkness of forbidden places, then be that upon their own heads. Many there are today who wonder why they live in depression, despair and fear after they played with the Ouija board, or went to a séance, or got involved in some occultist or spiritualist practise. 

However, to suppose that those who have died are now able to come back in some manner to assist, bless or guide us, is folly and superstition. 

In the same way, those who carve images and idols out of silver or wood or stone, and suppose that such man-made objects have supernatural powers and can influence anything, are lost in their own imaginations. 

Such items have no ears that can hear, no voices that can speak, no intellect that can reason, and no power that can save. They are but solid matter with no spirit, no life, and no power. However, they become the focus of man’s desire to worship something that is of their own liking, and thus evil spirits and demons often are drawn like moths to these ‘lights’ of human worship. They make a habitation around these unholy ‘gods’. 

That is why many a house is cursed and under the influence of evil because people place such an idol in their home. 

Superstition and fear are but imagined evidences which turn man away from the real living God, to follow some ritual and religious habit to which they become enslaved. 

If you have such things in your house, then now is the time to cast them out and burn them to dust. Some sicknesses and mental health problems may stem from having that artefact or foreign ‘god’, or ‘Madonna’ or ‘sacred heart’ sat on your shelf. One principal for peace in your residence is not to create or have any man-made idols or images in your possessions, and certainly never to bow to them or reverence them.

After destroying them, you should ask God to forgive, and to cleanse both you and your house with the blood of Jesus, and make him Lord of your life and home. None of those objects can help you or deliver you.

To believe that your ‘St. Christopher’ or the gold cross around your neck is more able than God to save you, is to place a piece of metal higher than the Almighty. Yet your superstition holds you captive to fear.

Throughout the cultures and races of this planet there are many names attributed to God. Humanity seeks something or somebody to worship, whether that be some prophet, footballer, animal, or unseen deity. It could be a cow, a monkey, a religious fanatic, or the interpretation of someone’s dream that creates a ‘god’ in their own imagination. 

The prophets have all died and are buried, likewise the cows and the monkeys and the footballers. They left behind a stone image, or a golden emblem created by the sincere devotees of that particular religion. 

For other people, they have to visit a shrine or some ‘holy’ place that is no less mud and clay than anywhere else on the earth. Others hope that by dipping themselves in a river their souls might somehow be saved, but like the millions gone before them, all they get is very wet.

A child was born. He grew to be a man and went about doing good things, healing the sick, and preaching a radical message that tortured the ears (and still does)  of all those religious folk. They killed him on a cross. He rose from the dead and stormed out of the grave. His name is Jesus. He is alive forever more. Salvation is not in a religion, but in a name.

Christ is the only one who ever came back from the grave and lives forever.

All you need is the Name

Peter and John went up to the temple to pray, and as they approached they heard a crippled man appealing to them for some money. This man was unable to walk and was a miserable wretch who had no hope whatsoever of ever living a normal life.

He had been lame since birth and every day somebody would carry him to the outside of the temple to beg.

Unlike most of the so-called ‘apostles’, ‘prophets’, preachers, pastors, ‘bishops’ and televangelists of today, these two disciples of Jesus had no money, no houses, no television shows, and no cash in their pockets from the conference-goer’s wallets. However, they did have something more significant and more holy.

Peter said, “Look here”, and the man’s eyes widened in expectancy of an open purse. However, Peter told him that he had no cash, no silver or gold, but what he did have, he was ready and willing to give to him.

I am sure that man must have wondered what on earth Peter did have in his hands, and if it was going to be of any good to him.

“In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up off the ground and walk!”  As he finished speaking, Peter grabbed his right hand and pulled him up off the floor: and immediately, instantly, in a split second, the man’s feet and ankles were healed and received strength. He leaped into the air, stood upon his feet, and walked with the two ‘Jesus-followers’ into the temple, leaping and praising God at the top of his voice.

Well, a huge crowd began to gather round as they heard the commotion. Everyone knew the beggar who sat at the gates of the temple; he was the most regular attender every week. Now they saw him standing and jumping, hugging Peter and John, and shouting praise and thanks to God.

Who were these men? Where did they get such power from? Surely they must be ‘men of God’!

Then Peter, beckoning to the crowds, said, “Why are you so amazed? Why are you looking at us as though we had anything to do with this? It is the name of Jesus that has performed this wonder. His name through faith in his name has made this man strong who you both see and know. Yes! this faith, which is by Jesus, has given to this poor beggar perfect and full healing in his body, right in front of you!”

There is power in the name of Jesus, and I want to talk something of this in the next few pages to excite, inspire, and encourage you to forsake all for the sake of his glorious name. You can know personally the power of this name and the authority given to you by God whenever you speak the name of Jesus.

But first, I want to say some things about this glorious name. The Bible says that the name of Jesus is above every name, both in heaven and on earth. It is exalted above all, and his name runs throughout the universe and beyond with all supremacy, authority, dominion and power. At his name every other name shall bow. At his name every tongue one day will confess that he is LORD and Sovereign of the universe, the Potentate (ruler, overlord, the head) of time, the Master of all wisdom and knowledge, the King of Kings, the One who holds everything together and is the author of life itself.

‘For God Himself has given Himself a name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, (Philippians 2:9-11) of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth.’ 

The disciples knew this both by inspiration of the Holy Ghost, and in experience. They baptized in the name of Jesus, healed the sick in the name of Jesus, raised the dead in the name of Jesus, and preached the name of Jesus everywhere. Devils feared and fled from their possessed slaves, lepers were made whole, the blind received sight, the deaf heard, the lame walked, and the diseased and dying were restored to health. 

When Peter and John saw the cripple, they had something in their possession that was worth more than gold or silver. They held a truth and the knowledge of that truth in the palms of their hands and in their hearts. The name of Jesus was sufficient for all the needs of those around them. Freely they had been given, and freely they could give. 

Even before the day of Pentecost, Christ had given them authority over all diseases and incurable illnesses, over demons and devils. In Matthew 10 they were told to go and preach the kingdom and raise the dead.

When the Holy Spirit came as a rushing mighty wind, in cloven tongues of fire and in power from on high (Acts chapter 1), the disciples stepped out in the absolute assurance and knowledge that God was indeed with them to accompany them with signs and wonders that nobody could explain, apart from the fact that the name of Jesus was all that was needed to chase every demon and sickness from the lives of all who would dare to believe.

If ever we needed another visitation of God with his endowment of power, it is now. 

There are of course some preachers who will tell you that God is not into this anymore. Well now, God said that he changes not: he is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is ready and willing to act and show himself strong and mighty in and on the behalf of anyone whose heart is perfect toward him (2Chronicles 16:9). Such preachers who deny this amazing truth are living out ‘ritual’ instead of experience, preaching ‘doctrine’  that denies faith, and raising churches of pew-warmers instead of empowered people out of whom the living rivers of the Holy Spirit flow (John 7:37-39).

The Bible tells me that God will pour water on him that is thirsty, and will send floods upon the dry ground (Isaiah 44:3). This speaks of the outpouring of his Holy Spirit upon anyone who is desperate for God to work and reveal his glory and power once again. Jesus said that if we, being sinful and evil creatures, know how to give good things to our children, then HOW MUCH MORE will our heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him.  (Luke 11:13)

‘Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?’  (Acts 19:2)

You can sing the songs, know the doctrines, become a church-leader or even the pastor, but are you filled with the Holy Spirit? This is a question all of us must ask ourselves.

It is a command: ‘Be filled (be being filled constantly) with the Holy Spirit.’  (Ephesians 5:18)

The disciples were filled again and again. They prayed for God to give them boldness in preaching by stretching out his hand to heal, and that signs and wonders would accompany the preaching of his word in the name of Jesus. (Acts 4:29-30)

God answered them and it says, ‘They were all filled with the Holy Ghost’, again!  (Acts 4:10)

If a glass is filled to the top, there is no room for anything else. When a soul is truly filled with the Holy Spirit, then there is no more room for self and selfish ambitions, no room for unforgiveness and hatred, no room for the world and all its toys, no room for personal ambition and pride. The life belongs to Jesus and for his glory alone. It is filled to the top. No wonder such men as Peter and John ‘turned the world upside down’.  (Acts 17:6)

The Bible clearly states that the name of Jesus is above every name in the entire universe and beyond. It is all-powerful because he is all-powerful; all-mighty because he is Almighty (Isaiah 9:6); absolutely wonderful because he is called Wonderful; all sufficient for every need because he is all-sufficient.

We cannot ever overestimate the worth and majesty of his name. He is the Word from the beginning, and when he came into this world as a baby he was given the name of Emmanuel (which means, ‘God with us’), and was presented to this fallen human race as Jesus Christ.

The Bible says that God himself was ‘manifest in the flesh’ (revealed to us in human form), and that revelation was in the Person of Jesus. 

‘Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government (all authority and power) is upon his shoulders’ alone. 

The Word that spoke in creation, who created all things, came to save us: and that same Word was shown to us in flesh and blood; and Jesus is his name.

Just think for a moment! That same voice that penetrated the dark void at creation’s birth, that Word that called light into existence, that almighty being that only had to speak, and a world of animals and amazing creatures instantly appeared, is none other than Jesus who was born of a virgin and went around healing diseases and preaching hope and salvation to all who would believe.

He is ‘the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, the Mighty God’ (Isaiah 9:6); and when he spoke to the fig tree that had no fruit and cursed it, the same tree died from the roots up, because he is the Lord of creation, and it was his tree which he had designed and brought into being. It should have burst into flowers and fruit the moment its Creator appeared before it, but it showed only leaves.

We should burst into praise and worship every time we meet together, in the morning when we wake up, and especially when we hear his name being spoken. The fruit of our lips should be praise and thanksgiving, and making melody in our hearts to the Lord. (Hebrews 13:15)

Jesus said that where two or three of us meet together in his name, he is there in the very centre of our meeting! (Matthew 18:20) The Word is present listening to all of our conversation and seeing what fruit, if any, we are bearing in our lives.

Let us praise the name of Jesus, and lift his name over this nation, in our houses, over the government, around our schools and colleges, and even in our churches in a way we have never done before in an understanding that goes beyond the monotony of creeds, chants, ritual and habit.

The Lord our God is one. 

Zechariah 14:9 speaks of the day when, ‘The LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one’.

Malachi 1:11 says, ‘from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same my name shall be great among the Gentiles; and in every place incense [worship] shall be offered unto my name, and a pure offering: for my name shall be great among the heathen, says the LORD of hosts.’ The name that would be and is great among the Gentiles is Jesus!

‘If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, says the LORD of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart.’  Malachi 2:2

Devils fear and fly

'Jesus the name high over all

In hell, or earth, or sky;

Angels and men before it fall,

And devils fear and fly.'

If you are a real follower of God, the Bible tells us that we can cast out and drive out demons in the name of Jesus. Jesus spoke a word and the devils had to leave those who were possessed.

He told us in Mark 16:17 that those who are true believers will cast out demons; and there are plenty of them around these days in spite of our sophistication and technological expertise. ‘These signs will follow those who believe.’

Many of the problems afflicting our youth and indeed our nation are the result of demonic activity. We have a spiritual problem throughout our country that is affecting the entire society. There are evil entities ruling over households, and over whole areas, and you can see the proof if you have sufficient discernment. The name of Jesus on the lips of a God-loving, sold-out believer, can break such activity and chase out every power of darkness.

It is not what we have, but in the name we carry and the name we speak in. It delivers power and authority such as the world knows nothing about.

If you know Jesus, you can walk up boldly to any demon and tell it where to go. You have authority, and the power is in the name above every name. Devils fear that name when the person who bears it knows Jesus personally.

‘These signs shall follow them that believe’. In other words, where there are real believers there will also be evidences of their faith and of the power of the name of Jesus. If there is not, then we should ask ourselves some honest questions, like, “Do I really know Jesus? Do I really believe that there is power in his name?”

“Am I so involved with this world that I cannot see any devils or demons, but just put everything down to mental health problems and a confused society, because the truth is I am not spiritually-minded?”

The carnal-minded person cannot please God, and is utterly useless within his kingdom. Such a person is concerned about this world and the affairs of this life more than they are about Jesus and the cause of the gospel. They are happier to be at their football match than being in a prayer meeting with Christ where he is the object of attention and focus of joy.

If this be the case, then it is time to open your Bible and get serious with God and begin to prayer in earnest that God might open the eyes of your understanding, and give you wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:17-20), so that you might know the ‘exceeding greatness of his power toward us who believe’.

We sing and talk about the power of the name of Jesus, but when do we actually prove it in our lives and in the world around us? You can have ‘Christianity’ without Christ, but you cannot have authority and power without a personal walk with Jesus and being filled with the Holy Spirit. It is not a ‘theory’: but a living, life-changing, personal, daily ‘encounter’ with the living God.

I have heard many a preacher talk ‘theories’ from all the books they read, but they have no power or conviction that changes lives or makes any difference whatsoever to the communities they live among.

You can know a lot about God and his Book, but it does not mean you know him at all. Tears and sweaty performances prove nothing except there are a lot of actors around.

There were seven brothers who took it upon themselves to become evangelists after watching the apostles preaching and working miracles. (Acts 19:13-16) They found a possessed man who they decided to perform an exorcism on and called forth the devil inside him. However, the evil spirit spoke out and said, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who the heck are you?” And that man, possessed by supernatural strength, beat up these seven men, ripping off their clothes and sent them fleeing up the street naked and bruised!

Oh yes, the name of Jesus is mighty in the mouth of a true follower, but the devils will know if you are just a player with no authority. If you are mean in spirit, an accuser of the brethren, a trickster and play-actor ‘evangelist’, then watch out, because the devil will beat you real good, and none will come to rescue you.

Better humble yourself in the sight of God so that he might lift you up, or you will find yourself toppling from your self-made throne of self-importance.  (James 4:10-12)

‘A son honours his father, and a servant his master: if then I be a father, where is my honour? and if I be a master, where is my fear? says the LORD of hosts unto you, O priests, that despise my name. And ye say, Wherein [how] have we despised thy name?’

The passage goes on to describe religious leaders (like many today) who do not know God at all, but who think that their interpretations and their leadership position is sufficient to do the work of the Lord, while despising his ways and conditions for being a true man of God.   (Malachi chapter 1)

To those who love the Lord truly, ‘The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous run into it and is safe.’  Proverbs 18:10

Far above all

He is far above all, his name far above all, his authority far above all, his government far above all.

See Ephesians 1:21-23.

This passage speaks of the ‘exceeding greatness of his power toward and for us who believe, according to his mighty power.’  Translated, this says, ‘the surpassing greatness of his power for working miracles and doing extraordinary things on our behalf, according to his immeasurable and infinite power’. Two words for ‘power’ are used in this verse. One is for that which pertains to miracles and mighty accomplishments, the other to the awesome power of God himself: and this power is for and toward us in the name of Jesus. 

He is ‘far above all principality and power, and might and dominion’, of which we can say that he is above and beyond the beginning of anything, far above any power that exists within the universe and beyond; far greater and above any devil, demon, fallen angel, or spiritual power that exists anywhere; and far above any and all governments, whether that be the governments of men, or the governments of spiritual worlds. He is high above them all; and then it goes on to say that his name is above every name that is named both here on earth and also in heaven; not just in this time zone of earthly understanding, but also in the world to come which shall endure forever and ever.

Everything, absolutely everything is under his feet, and he is the Sovereign head of all things both seen and unseen. His kingdom rules over all, and it is to his people (the true church) that all of this power and authority is flowing and intended. He has given his name (along with all that is his by virtue of his excellence and supremacy) to his people who believe.

If he is the head of his church (which is his body here on earth), then all things are subject to his people: for we are complete in him.

‘For in him dwells ALL the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And you are complete in him, who is the head [the supreme boss and authority] of all principality [everything right from the beginning, whether that be righteous authorities or evil rulers of the darkness of this world] and power [ruling authority and lordship over everything].   Colossians 2:9-10

We need to step up in our understanding and wonder at who Christ is, and the power of his name throughout the universe. He is no ‘gentle Jesus, meek and mild’, but is Master of all, the Ancient of days, the beginning and the ending, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Mighty God, the Lamb upon the throne, the first-born from the dead, and the Champion of heaven. He is Commander-in-Chief of all the armies of angelic warriors.

He has a name written on his robe and on his thigh, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS (Revelation 19:14-16), and the armies of heaven followed him on white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, and out of his mouth goes a two-edged sword.’

‘And his name is called, The Word of God.’  (Revelation 19:13)

This ‘Word’, this King, is Jesus. There is power in his name! We have been given his name as our inheritance. When a person dies there is a will and testimony that bestows the wealth and treasures of the Testator upon those of his affection and love. The Deed clearly states who are to be the benefactors of such a will. When my father died I inherited the centre horn button from his old abandoned Austin Cambridge car! That was all that was left to share out.

When Christ died he left his will and testament which states that all those who believe in him inherit all that is his: and because he rose again from the dead it did not annul this. It simply meant that he became the Executor of his own Will and Testament. Now everything that is his is mine, for I am ‘an heir of God and a joint-heir with Jesus Christ; for those who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God’. (Romans 8:14-17) 

When the Prodigal returned to the father’s house in Luke 15, he was clothed with the father’s own robes and the father’s signet ring was placed upon his finger. The robes, along with the ring, gave him access and authority to everything that belonged to his father. In days gone by, the signet ring, pressed down as a seal upon any document, conferred the authority of the estate and the rights to all of the owner’s wealth.

Jesus has clothed us with his own righteousness and given us his name that bears all authority. It is the ring and the seal which the Holy Spirit witnesses as being authentic.

When we pray in the name of Jesus, all of the Will and Testament of our risen Benefactor is at our disposal. That is why Jesus said, ‘If you ask anything in my name, I will do it.’  (John 14:14) The ‘spiritual’ will understand that I am not referring to the wealth and prosperity teachings that simply hanker after gold, personal success, and fame on earth. Our treasures are those being laid up in heaven through our serving Jesus Christ in the brief years we walk this earth. Matthew 6:19-21; Colossians 3:1-4

‘Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For you are dead [to this world], and your life is hid with Christ in God.’

‘He that believes on me, the works that I do shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. And whatever you shall ask in my name, that will I do, so that the Father might be glorified in the Son.’  (John 14:12-13)

Now, as it is said seventy one times in the Book of Psalms, ‘Selah’: stop and think on this; consider these things.

Baptism and the name of Jesus

It is noteworthy that the apostles always baptized in the name of Jesus.  Acts 2:38

Most churches throughout the world today baptize people by saying, ‘In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost’. However, the disciples throughout the book of Acts baptized only in the name of Jesus Christ. This is worth looking at.

I really love the fact that they knew the power and authority of that name, and acknowledged that it is the name above every name both in heaven, and on earth, and below the earth; both in the world that now is, and in the world to come. They preached in his name, healed in his name, raised the dead in his name, and performed wonders in his name.

We may well ask why they baptized in Jesus’ name, yet according to Matthew 28:19 they were to go and baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. 

However, note firstly, that the use of the word ‘name’ is singular: the name, not the ‘names’. What name was this to be then, the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost? 

Who is Jesus, but the eternal Word of God, the Creator of everything, the mighty God, the Everlasting Father, God himself manifest in the flesh. God is spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. The Holy Spirit is referred to as the ‘Spirit of Christ’, (Romans 8:9; 1Peter 1:11).

God has revealed himself to us in human form (flesh and blood) and given himself a name which is above every name. That name of our God is Jesus.

The disciples understood this perfectly well and baptized the converts if the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit – that name is the name above all names. That name is Jesus. The Bible tells us that it is higher than any other name in heaven, or on earth, or under the earth.

There is no jealousy in the Godhead. He is one God. He has given to us the name of Jesus, and at that name every knee shall bow and every tongue confess clearly that Jesus is Lord.

‘Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, for the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to as many as the Lord our God shall call.’  Acts 2:38-39

It could not be clearer. They baptized in the name as Jesus commanded, and preached in the name, were beaten and hated because of that name, thrown in prison because of that name, tortured and murdered because of that name, and yet the priests and preachers of today think that they were wrong to baptize in that name!

Away with all the Roman Catholic rituals and dogmas! Let’s get back to New Testament faith and practise!

Maybe you feel a bit offended now because you were baptized in the Trinity, and now I am pointing out something different. Please don’t be. I found this matter for myself only recently, and searching the Scriptures, I believe that what I have found to be true. I am quite sure that the apostles would not have disobeyed their Lord and Saviour, and if it were a wrong practise, the Holy Spirit would have shown them: for he guided them at every step in that early church mission. 

For instance, ‘And the Spirit said unto Phillip, Go near…’  Acts 8:29; and again, ‘They (the apostles) were forbidden by the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia..’  Acts 16:6-7

So, if the Holy Spirit was leading and speaking to them in such precise and powerful ways, why then were they not reprimanded for apparently disobeying a direct command of Jesus? They were not told off because they were not doing anything wrong. They were doing exactly what Jesus had told them to do, and the proof was the fact that thousands were being added to the church daily. They were baptizing in the name given unto men, in whose name only is the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.

‘Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is no other name under heaven given among men through which we must be saved.’  Acts 4:12

The name of Jesus is our glory and praise, and is the name that we should be exalting throughout the nations. (Ephesians 1:21-23)

You can talk about God and even the Spirit, but see the difference when you use the name of Jesus. People get real uncomfortable, restless, annoyed, embarrassed, and sometimes angry and violent. 

Many church-goers often talk of God and what he is doing, but they are somewhat awkward or ashamed to speak the name above every name.

I shall leave this for your perusal and contemplation, but I personally believe that the disciples followed expressly what Christ had commanded them to do by baptizing in the name of Jesus.

Just because we do what we do because everybody else does it, and we have always done it this way, does not mean that we should simply continue in a ritual because it is expected of us. I believe that we should baptize people just like the apostles did. It goes from ‘methodology and habit’ to radical confession that Jesus Christ is Lord, and is an outward declaration of our faith in The Name. 

“I baptize you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.” Let’s face it, that was pretty radical back then, and would raise many eyebrows now; but who wants to simply conform, when we can stand out from the crowd and nail our colours to the mast and show our faith and allegiance to Jesus?

It makes us more than just ‘religious’ or a ‘member’ of the church or parish. It declares that we are followers of a person, even the Man Christ Jesus. 

If it was good enough for the apostles, then it is good enough for me. If it was challenging and daring enough for the new converts back then, then it will also be the same to those who choose to forsake this world and follow Christ today.

Many people of all persuasions believe in God in some form or another and to one degree or another. They all go through some form of ‘initiation’ or ritual to join their particular branch of faith. However, when someone turns around from all that they are and from following the mind-set of this world, and then declares their firm belief in Jesus Christ, suddenly things become a lot more serious. They are giving themselves totally to serve, love and follow a name that has been despised and hated by millions down through centuries. They are considered to be too radical, too militant, too intense. However, following Jesus leaves no room for compromise or joining some comfort club of do-gooders. They have enlisted in God’s army to carry an ensign across the world declaring the gospel of Jesus.

I shared this truth with an evangelist of forty years just the other day. His response was to request that at the next baptismal meeting I hold, he wished to get re-baptized, but this time in the name of Jesus!

Power in the name, even in a dream

I have on occasions dreamt the same dream of a great meeting where thousands were gathered to hear the word of God. 

I was aware of a multitude of demons and evil spirits surrounding the place, ready to thwart the purpose of God. I stood on the platform as a myriad of these dark spirits entered the hall, but knew that I only had to say one thing to destroy them all. 

The congregation were waiting indifferently, seemingly oblivious to the host of evil wanting to own their souls. The powers of darkness began to surge into the place. The dream turned into a nightmare because, no matter what I tried, I could not get the one word that would destroy this evil out of my mouth. My tongue would not move; it was like some form of lockjaw had frozen my ability to talk. I struggled and struggled to speak. I tried to form the word in my mouth to get it out. One word! That is all I needed, and every demon would flee from the building! But I could not do it, neither make my vocal chords to even make a squeak.

That one word was JESUS, and oh, how I knew it!

I woke up each time, relieved to have understood it was but a dream. However, I also know that some dreams are given for good reasons, and God sometimes imparts his instructions in the night when men sleep. (Job 33:15-16)

The name of Jesus proclaimed authoritatively, spoken and preached with prophetic utterance, is like one man standing on the seashore carrying a glorious banner in front of an incoming tsunami. The man himself is no match whatsoever against the wave of evil heading unstoppably toward him: but with the flag bearing the name of Jesus, unfurled and held high, that rollercoaster of sin and wickedness must change its course and its destructive waters divide and divert away.

We need to proclaim his name in every way we possibly can throughout our land. Let his name be seen on every street corner, heard in every conversation, spoken of through mass literature distribution, sung about to children and adults alike, honoured in marches and gatherings of God’s people all over the place just declaring his praise publicly. Let an army with a glorious royal ensign and flag march through this land, giving honour to the King of Kings (oh, and I do not mean silly rainbow banners). 

For who is this glorious company that marches ‘forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, terrible as an army with banners?’  (Song of Solomon 6:10). It is the real church, the body of Jesus trampling down the forces of darkness and declaring the kingdom of heaven is a hand.

I believe that there is coming a mighty God-sent breakthrough to this country and the nations. It will send Satan and his legions spiralling out of our towns and cities as the name of Jesus is exalted once again. The devil has crushed and bound up the gospel in this land systematically over the last forty years, silencing the voices of those who should speak out, and shutting them up into muffled corners and gagged cul-de-sacs.

But a new day is coming! I hear the sound of rustling in the leaves of the trees!  1Chronicles 14:15

‘And it shall be, when you shalt hear a sound of going [rustling] in the tops of the mulberry trees, that then you shall go out to battle: for God is gone ahead before you to smite the armies of the Philistines.’

I know that the power of that name is the very thing that can break open every prison door of slavery and depression, heal every broken heart, mend every wounded spirit, snap every fetter and shackle from off every life, and deliver healing to every sickness and disease. 

It has lost none of its power and authority, for it is the name of the Word. It can alter the course of the nation and bring conviction of sin and personal shame upon the inhabitants through the work of the Holy Spirit. Let us never underestimate the revolutionary and extraordinary effect that the preaching of Jesus brings under the immediate anointing of the Holy Ghost. 

For when he the Holy Spirit is come, he will bring conviction of sin, of judgment, and of righteousness; and shame shall cover the rebellious. He will not speak of himself but will glorify the name above all names!  (John 16:8-14)  

The world blasphemes the name and ridicules it, the church sing songs about it and has a cup of tea; film-makers deride it and mock it, and yet others carry crosses around their necks but never speak of it. However, when the people praise the name, and unashamedly rejoice in the name of the Lord, then fear comes upon the rebellious and conviction falls upon the defiant and impure. ‘He has put a new song in my mouth, even praise to my God: many shall see it, and fear, and put their trust in the Lord.’  Psalm 40:3

You just have to walk close to it, and walk close to the One who owns it, and it will become powerful to you to the pulling down of strongholds and the casting down of devils and demons alike. 

To love and honour the One whose name it is, and to be a worshipper in spirit and in truth, will bring you to understanding and wisdom in the knowledge of God and the excellency of the power of that name.

‘Let all the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. Then shall the earth yield her increase, and God, even our own God shall bless us.'     Psalm 67:5-6

The greatness of that name

‘His name is Wonderful’.  Isaiah 9:6

Full of wonder; marvellous; super-extraordinary: amazing beyond comprehension. His name is such to every true believer who knows him, and yet beyond that, his name is the wonder of heaven and the joy of the universe. Little men and women who know nothing of him will one day stand before him in fear and trembling as they peer into the depths and riches and wisdom and majesty of his name and the glory and power of his Person. Too late they will behold him whose name is all-glorious, and they shall eternally regret that they refused to acknowledge him or worship him whilst they lived on earth.

To bow to him now, to surrender ourselves to him whose name is higher than any other, whose royalty exceeds anything that earth has to offer, who himself is indeed the King high over all, is the wisest and most profound thing a human is capable of.

If we have no higher view of Christ than that he was a baby in a manger, was a good man and was crucified by evil-doers, then we are missing the truth and do not yet know him who is God over all.

‘His name is Counsellor’.

He is the fullness of wisdom, the eternal stream of knowledge and understanding, the source of all that has been and ever shall be. He was there right from the beginning; he has no beginning himself and no end. He is the alpha and the omega, the first and the last. Of his government and rule there is no end, and everything in the universe is held together by his word alone. He is the Word from before time, and his majesty and excellence is beyond anything we might attempt to describe or compare it with.

If any of us lack wisdom, let us ask him (James 1:5), and he will give it to us. If we seek for understanding and discernment, he is the river of all knowledge and will pour water on him that is thirsty. He is indeed our counsellor.

‘He is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption’ (1Corinthians 1:30).

He said, “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show you great and mighty things which you know not.”  (Jeremiah 33:3).

If you search for him as for hidden treasure or riches beyond belief, then you will indeed find him, for he is the treasure of all treasures, and his worth more than all the wealth of this world.  (Proverbs 8:12-23)

‘To whom else shall we go’ for wisdom and knowledge, for truth and justice, for counsel and advice, for direction and advice?  (John 6:68)

‘His name is the Mighty God’.

He is not a secondary or inferior person. He is God. 

Many church people see him as less than almighty, and just some sort of ‘in-between’ God who is there to help us get to God.

The Bible teaches most clearly that he is God and his name is ‘The Mighty God’. He is God incarnate (revealed in flesh and blood) and is the express image of God, for in him dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. (Colossians 2:9) 

He is going to appear once more to this wicked world and will come as judge of both the living and the dead. To those who are looking for him and truly walking with him, he will come to take them to amazing wonders and to the fantastic place he has prepared for them for ever, where there will be no more crying, no more pain, no more sadness and no more death.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1) He is from the beginning, was with God as being God, and he was and always shall be God. He has never diminished, neither became a lesser deity, nor became inferior to who he always was. He humbled himself for a season, disguised in human form: was born a baby, just so that he might save us. ‘God was in Christ reconciling [bringing man back to himself in mercy, peace and relationship through his sacrifice] - reconciling the world unto himself.’ (2Corinthians 5:19)

These things are deep and higher than our comprehension and intellectual abilities can grasp or understand; but we are called, (actually, we are commanded) to repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be baptised in his name publicly, declaring him to be Lord and Saviour of our lives.

Unless we become as little children, we will never get into God’s kingdom, no matter how religious we may try to be.  (Matthew 18:3)

It is the heart that has to believe, and then the mouth must declare and confess that Jesus is God, so that these two aspects together make for us to know we are properly saved.  (Romans 10:10)

It is the declaration and owning of his name, along with the gift of faith in our hearts that inspires us more and more to live for him and his purpose.

‘His name is The Everlasting Father’.

And yet his name is Jesus!

It is a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence to everyone who does not believe. (Isaiah 8:14; Romans 9:33; 1Peter 2:8)

This is why there is power in the name of Jesus. He is the author of all things, and all things were made for him and for his pleasure. (Revelation 4:11) He is high above all, and says to us to go in his name and preach his gospel: and he will be with us always; and if he is with us always, then these signs shall follow them that believe, for he is the same yesterday, and today, and for ever. (Mark 16:17-18)

Look at the logic, look at the promise; look at the name in whose name we go, before you tell me of your unbelieving doctrines that say Jesus cannot or will not still do great and mighty things in this day and age. He changes not. He is not a liar. He is the Lord God almighty. He is the Everlasting Father who says “ask what you will in my name, and it shall be done unto you!”

He said that if we abide in him, and his words abide in us, we shall ask whatever we will and it shall be done for us (John 15:7).

‘Up until now you have asked nothing in my name: now ask, and you shall receive, so that your joy may be full!’  (John 16:24) Well, what about that then?

Oh, but this is not referring to the wealth and prosperity nonsense of self-centred carnal desires to get rich quick or have three houses, or be the most successful in your profession. Away with all such diabolical conference gatherings that only want the gold and comforts of this world and the praises of fallen men and women preachers lost in their own pompous delusions. Time is fast running out.

This is Jesus telling his disciples to go preach the gospel to the nations and he will supply them with all that they need, (definitely not private jets and all that devilish rubbish), and he will accompany them with miracles and evidences of his power and resurrection (Acts 4:29-31). It was not about asking for a Rolex watch and a Rolls Royce. It was the Lord promising them that if they walk with him and do his bidding, then he will supply all their needs and intervene in their lives with supernatural happenings, because he is God and Lord of all. He is faithful and compassionate, kind and benevolent, gracious and forgiving, and is plenteous in mercy and loving kindness.  (Psalm 103)

We are but passing through this world. We have a job to do right up to the end. Our calling is to forsake and cast off our love and affiliation with the toys and pursuits of this age, and prepare the way of the Lord, and prepare the way of the people to find the Lord. (Isaiah 62:10; Isaiah 40:3)

If we prepare for a visitation from on high, then ‘times of refreshing’ will come from heaven and Jesus will come in all of his glory to revive us once again, and bring in a harvest.  (Acts 3:19-20)

Let us call upon the name of the Lord with our voices and speak the name of Jesus over every situation. Let us give him the highest honour; and worship and lift up his name in and over everything in our lives.

‘His name is The Prince of Peace’.

When confusion surrounds you; when troubles overwhelm you; when pressures and fears afflict you, then call on the name of Jesus. He is rightly called the Prince of Peace: and as a prince his ears are open to your cry and ready to come to your rescue. All you have to do is speak his name, or shout it from the roof-top, or declare it in faith over every situation that is dictating the negative atmosphere. I shall repeat again and again that there is power in his name!

It is his name and through faith in his name that things change and devils fear and fly. David said that when he was in the gravest of troubles, surrounded by foes, disturbed by his own musings and doubts, then he called upon the name of the Lord. 

In 2Samuel chapter 22 he tells us how God heard his voice and God was angry that his child was being persecuted and bashed up by the enemy. It speaks of God bending heaven down to touch earth. Fires and thunderings accompanied him as he came to rescue his child. God was on the warpath against those who dared to threaten David. In the middle of a nightmare and when all the world seemed against him, God came and brought salvation and peace to David.

In all of life’s crisis, call upon the name of Jesus in faith and expectancy, and he will fill your life with peace. His name changes the dynamics in your home and your workplace; and as we lift it over our nation, the Prince of Peace can bring hope to the multitudes of afflicted people who can find no rest anywhere else.

Come unto me all you who are afflicted, burdened, cast down with care, labouring under depressing troubles, and I will give you rest.  (Matthew 11:28)

Healing in the name of Jesus

If I were to say that I do not believe in healing and God’s ability and readiness to heal, I would be lying.

I do not claim to have a ‘healing ministry’, but I have seen God heal miraculously, and I do believe in praying for the sick according to the teachings of the Bible. 

The disciples were told to go and preach the gospel, heal the sick, cast out demons, cleanse the lepers, and raise the dead. They did.

There are many charlatans (especially on their televised ‘crusades’ and conferences) who have really dented the faith of believers who have seen their scandalous tricks and lies whilst claiming to be men and women of God. Africa is enslaved by lying preachers who pretend that they are the ‘power of God’ and claim to turn grass into food and get their beguiled congregation to crawl around on all fours eating it; or claim to turn petrol into orange juice whilst poisoning their faithful members who believe the lies.

Such ministers and ministries (so-called) all around the world have done much damage to the gospel and the truth of the power of healing in Jesus name. People falling over on their backs are not necessarily an evidence of God or some supernatural happening. Such common practises nowadays can make it difficult to talk about miracles and wonders, without being frowned upon by the straight-laced, unmovable evangelicals who worship their own cut-and-cold-dried doctrines more than they do Jesus.

However, God has not changed, and all the nonsense and unbelieving theologians will not thwart his purpose or those who he sends to do his work.

In Isaiah 53:4 we read, ‘Surely he has borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows’.

The word ‘griefs’ actually should say ‘sicknesses’. He has borne our sicknesses and diseases, and carried our sorrows (our pain, both physical and mental).

Now, all the theologians cannot argue with this, for it is in black and white, and even some of their new fancy versions say similar or the same.

So, we can either ignore it, simply deny that it has any relevance today, or search the Scriptures to find out if it is true and that it actually means something for us in the 21st century.

In Matthew 8:16-17, Jesus healed all that were sick, and verse 17 says, ‘So that it might be fulfilled what was spoken by Isaiah, saying, Himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses’.

In that chapter there is the record of many instances of healing, and then it says that he cast out many devils with his word, and healed all that were sick, confirming the prophetic passage of Isaiah 53.

This is a good starting point for finding a reason to pray for the sick or believe in healing for yourself. Then Jesus sent his disciples to go and do the same whilst he was in another town doing great things. He gave them authority in his name to speak and experience such miraculous happenings all in his name. They returned astonished at what had happened.

On the Day of Pentecost they received power from on high. Jesus had ascended on high and now he sent his Holy Spirit to endue them with power, so that the miraculous would continue, and signs and wonders be manifested in his name.  This enduing of power would be the anointing that every preacher needs to speak authoritatively and with a conviction that turns men’s hearts to God: 

for without him we can do nothing.

Such an anointing gave an unshakeable confidence that led Peter to tell the lame man he had something incredible for him. It was the same anointing that made peter grab his arm and lift him up. You cannot explain it any other way. The Holy Spirit points to Jesus and brings you into the knowledge of the power of his name. 

If you are endued with power from on high, and if you are walking with Jesus and know the exceeding greatness of that power toward you, then you only have to step out and declare his name, and his name through faith in his name will bring about miracles and manifestations of his glory and presence.

If you are not there yet, then earnestly seek the Lord until he come and rain down righteousness upon you.

Do not pray just once or for five minutes. If you really want to know Jesus as Paul wanted to, then you will also count all other things as rubbish, waste and dung in comparison to being found of him and discovering a deeper, more personal and intimate walk with him.  (Philippians 3:7-10)

Our hearts should long for knowing the power of his resurrection and the abiding company of his presence with us. Nothing less will do; and that is why I am utterly convinced that one of the greatest needs for the church today is to forsake the world and its worldly mind-sets. You cannot walk in power and walk with the world’s dreams and playthings.

You have to make a choice between the world and Jesus. There is no other ground. We used to sing, ‘You take the whole world, but give me Jesus. I’m satisfied; I’m satisfied.’

If we would walk as Jesus walked, if we would minister as the disciples ministered, then we must turn our back on the world and come out of it and be separate. Only then can we walk into it with the healing and delivering power of Jesus. Only then will we know the reality of the effect of Jesus name and walk in its exceeding great power and authority. We are either part of this world and its pattern, or we have been transformed and renewed; and changed into new creations with a citizenship and home of a different world. No compromise.

‘Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? Who shall stand and live daily in his holy place? he that has clean hands and a pure heart; he who has not lifted up his soul to the worthless things of this age, nor made false claims as to his following of Christ.’  (My transliteration of Psalm 24:3-4)

We must be single-minded, and be living for God alone if we would know the power of his name.

It is not through screaming and repeatedly shouting, ‘In the name of Jesus’ that miracles happen, but simply in the anointed knowledge of who he is and speaking his name with calm authority. It is in the walking with Jesus and the filling of his Holy Spirit that our lives are transformed, and living waters flow out of our innermost beings to the hurting and struggling cries of a drowning world.  (John 8:38-39)

‘Speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed’.  (Matthew 8:8)  When you walk in oneness with Jesus, you only have to speak out the name! (John 17:20-23)

We need to rise up and proclaim the name of Jesus all over the nations. Print it, speak it, sing it, publish it, declare it in newspapers, magazines, on radio, television and the internet. Invest your time and money in spreading his name and the gospel of his name in your own personal outreach plan. We are not called to silence or a private faith that we cuddle to ourselves for personal comfort. We are each and every one of us called to bring the name above all names to the whole world.




First published in Great Britain

in 2019 by TTT Publishing


Copyright © John Masters 2019


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