'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

The Greatest Need

The Greatest Need in the world right now

As we look on the confusion, distress, rising violence, and desperate needs of our twenty first century, it may be difficult to know where quite to start in trying to find answers.

However, the call of Jesus Christ rings out across the centuries, telling us to follow him, and he will make us fishers of men: he will teach us to catch men alive for his kingdom.

If ever there was a time for evangelism, it is now!

The early church had none of the technological inventions and wizardry that we are afforded today, neither did they have the means of travel or communication that we take for granted from morning and through the night.  However, simply by word of mouth, through child-like testimonies and a primitive form of evangelism, passionate people achieved rapid, far-reaching, and unparalleled results that shook Paganism to its foundations.

The gospel flew from lip to lip from new believers who did not even have a New Testament, let alone a Bible. They just talked about what Jesus meant to them. It was a gossiping of the good news, a story-telling of their encounter with a risen Christ, who having not seen, yet they loved, and rejoiced with joy unspeakable! 

Within a century they had turned the world upside-down.

These were not apostles or preachers, neither were they Bible college students. They just somewhat imperfectly, and actually quite unprofessionally, spread the wonderful message that had set their souls on fire. They never knew doctrine nor theology, but they did know Jesus.

And I guess that is what makes the big difference between the church of then, and the church of now.

We build nice meeting halls and churches, try to lure people inside through whatever we think may attract them, and then think of even more ways to keep them there. After a few years, (if perhaps they are still with us), we may get them into some sort of evangelism school, or a three year course to make sure they are good enough to participate in some Bible study or ‘worship’ group.

But when did any of them ever lead a soul to Christ, or go out and become a fisher of men?

We would sooner spend all the money and energy on the sound system, the carpets, the comfortable seating and dimmed lighting to make things attractive, rather than infuse people with a passion and urgency to go catch some fish from the turbulent and dreadful ocean of lost humanity.

If every believer here in England were to win one soul to Christ every two months for the next year, there would not be room in all of our church buildings to contain the catch. The population would be impacted by a new generation of believers who themselves would turn things around and stamp the kingdom of God on a perverted and prodigal nation that forgot God.

But only passionate people really care anything about the perishing people.

A sterile church is as useless as a car with no wheels and no engine. It is not moving, and it cannot go anywhere. It may be polished and look very futuristic; it may have nice seats and a good radio, but it is just a show and a place for the gang to hang out and drink coffee.

Passion is the engine, and love-for-souls are the wheels that make the church fit for purpose. If those are missing, then it is nothing more than an edifice, another building on the side of the street.

It is the gospel, the preaching of the cross, that changes lives: not the architecture, nor the band, neither the best looking auditorium; and not even the smooth-talking preacher on the platform.

We need fishermen and fisherwomen far, far, more than we need worship groups and 'worship leaders'.

We need story-tellers (not screaming preachers), and not for inside the church either: but outside on the street, in the work places, and in the houses, wherever there are drowning souls who need Christ.

Pilgrim Warrior     2022

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