'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

Knowing who you really are

You are the light of the world.’  Matthew 5:14

What an amazing and powerful statement this is. At first sight you might think that this was being ascribed to Jesus, but you would be wrong. Jesus himself was telling the disciples that they were the light of the world.

It is true, even today, that those who are the genuine followers of Jesus are still the light of this very dark and troubled world.

However, we must ask what this means, for most Christians only understand this to be our meeting in church every week which somehow qualifies us to be such light: a bit like the old children’s song said, ‘Jesus bids us shine like a pure, clear light… you in your small corner, and I in mine.’

Actually, it is far more profound and deeper than most people perceive. Within every born-again person is the energy and presence of the risen Christ through the operation of the Holy Spirit.

I was walking back from the park yesterday morning when I saw what might be called a vision, yet my eyes being open. I was looking at something beyond the physical world all around me. I saw a dark and hopeless-looking night where multitudes of people were going here and there doing whatever it was they felt they needed to do. There were no street-lights, no lit-up shop displays. It looked like a total power black-out. The only lights visible were one or two, here and there, with a warm orange glow, bobbing up and down in the crowds. I realized that those lights were sources of life among the living-dead. Without them, everything was lifeless and without purpose or meaning, cold and empty, oppressive and decaying.

These individuals who had a glow were not preachers or evangelists standing on platforms, but souls that had been regenerated and born again of a higher nature. These lights were the frontline of defence against the greater evils that might come upon the unsuspecting population; and if they were not there, then much more wickedness would surely take opportunity to do just as it pleases in any way it chooses.

They were the wall of protection to the nation, yet most of the bearers were utterly unaware of their purpose, mission, or necessity in being where they were. Because of this, their light was limited and only had a very minimal influence in society. Nonetheless, they still had something.

If only they knew who they were and what the greater purpose of their lives was meant to be. The darkness would soon flee at their authority and their ability to change the atmosphere and ambience around them. They could easily chase out the devil’s dominion in their town or city, if only they recognised the real treasure they possessed.

I remembered a pastor once telling his congregation that our country is safe because I am in it. I reflected on that statement and understood the reality of what he was saying, even if he did not fully comprehend it himself. He meant that just my being here has a real effect and consequence upon the people and the world all round me. I am not of this world, but simply called to fulfil a destiny.  (John 15:19)

I am a pilgrim, but a pilgrim with a purpose, to execute authority and bring light from a kingdom that is not of this world. (John 18:36) I walk through this life as an alien in this world, its mind-set, and constrictions. I live for a higher cause and serve a greater king than all the powerful and rich of earth. This body is just a real troublesome piece of equipment that causes all sorts of problems and difficulties to me, but I am now of another nature that is from above and is both eternal and spiritual in its origin.

The wind blows as it pleases, and you can hear its sound and see its effect, but you cannot tell where it came from, or where it’s going next: that is how it is with everyone who belongs to this kingdom I speak of.  (John 3:8)

Wherever I go, I am the light of the world. If I choose not to shine or live in the light, then not only am I the loser, but so are my people. I can be a source of hope and defence in the nation, or I can simply wander through life trying to survive, look after my own interests, and allow things into my life which quench the flame and obliterate the shining.

Walking down the street, I am the light of the world. Even going into the local supermarket, I am the light of the world; in a business meeting, the light at the table; at the restaurant, the light amongst the diners.  Even on the back row of a church, no matter whether the people want me there or not, it is the same light that walks into the congregation, whether their hearts are hard and unreceptive, or open to God and ready to hear what He has to say.

You may think that this sounds pompous and arrogant, but when you know who you are in Christ, then, you just know who you are in Christ! It is nothing to do with pride, but everything to do with the confidence that we have in the God who we know.  (Proverbs 14:26; 1John 3:21)

‘I am as a wonder (a person wondered at) unto many’ (Psalm 71:7).

Jesus said that we are the light of the world; but he adds to it by saying, ‘Let your light so shine before men’ like a candle set up on a candlestick for everyone to see; and as a city that is set up high on a hill for all to behold and wonder at. He went on to say that you do not hide your light under a pot, but raise it up into the darkness, so that all may be illuminated.  (Matthew5:15)

We hide away behind closed doors in church, keep the truth of Christ buried in our minds, and hope that by helping a poor old woman carry her shopping home, we might just be fulfilling this call to shine. There are many kind and generous unsaved people all around, but they have no light either.

Our very presence in this world is a big problem to the devil and his spooks, for we stand between the dead and the living. We emit the glory of God as eternal light into a time-constrained world of dead people who do not even know they are dead.

Our light has the power to transform them and bring life and resurrection into their hopeless condition, for our light is the light of Christ, the light of the Almighty, the light of the kingdom of God which is within us. (Luke 17:21)

We are more than we could possibly think we are, for we are not a part of this world, but citizens of another kingdom, transformed, born again, infused and anointed with a power that comes from God himself by his Holy Spirit. Everything we need for every situation is available to us at any time we require it. (John 14:14)

Everything that belongs to Christ, he has already bequeathed to us. As the father said to the Prodigal, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours.’  (Luke 15:31)

It all became available to us at the cross!  All we have to do is ask in his name, and it shall be done.

Am I right, or am I wrong? What says the Scriptures?

Jesus said, ‘I am the door: by me if any one enters in they shall be saved, and shall go in and out and find pasture.’ (John 10:9)

Let me put that in different words.

‘I am the door (the door to the kingdom, to life and life eternal, to salvation, to abundance and goodness): if anyone enters in they shall be saved, and they shall go in and out and find everything they will ever need in life for themselves, and for meeting the needs of those to who they minister.’

Many come to the door and look at the door, and perhaps even knock on the door; but then they just sit there singing songs about the door and listening to the voices of the preachers telling them yet another story about the door. They can see the light of the kingdom and think it is very nice, but the light is not yet within them.

The only saved and illuminated ones are those who enter the door, who cross the threshold into another kingdom that is not of this world. Once inside, they become something they never were before. They are transformed, translated, transfused, and made new creations. Old things are passed away, and everything has become new. And more than this, they are now members and citizens of this awesome and spiritual kingdom that knows no limits, is eternal, and will never pass away.

Their home address has been changed. They have a new postcode, and a new bank account to lay up treasure for the future. (John 14:2; Matthew 6:20)

They have a permanent and bold access into that kingdom (Hebrews 4:16). In their pilgrimage and journeying through the years allotted to them on earth, they will encounter many needs both for themselves and especially for others. The door gives them access at any time to find all that they require within its treasury. The door is not the church, nor the denomination, nor the priest. Jesus said, ‘I am the door.’

All they have to do is take the name of Jesus and see what God has already prepared for them. They are free to go in and out to obtain the blessings and provisions of that kingdom.

So, someone is sick and needs healing, and we have nothing of ourselves to help them. We walk right up to the door and enter in, and bring back the miracle from God’s riches, laying it upon the poor person.  Jesus said, ‘You shall go in and out and find pasture (all that you need to satisfy and fulfil your joy and happiness).’

You can step inside all day long to discover the wonders of a kingdom that others only talk about, but never really see. You can walk right in to get all the help and sustenance you need when things are troublesome and you feel all alone in this world; and then come back to street-level with the joy of the Lord and the sunshine of his smile all over you.  

All that are in this kingdom carry the light within them, and in that light they hold the authority to bind and to loose things upon earth; to be a wall of defence and a flaming sword against unrighteousness and corruption.

Most Christians know nothing of this life, and miss out on all that God has got for them. They get so engrossed in this world and all the attractions it affords, that they have no time to understand or even investigate what the kingdom is all about.

They are happy to have discovered the door and entered in, and are content to sit around with all the others singing songs and having tea-parties; but they have no inclination to find out what is available to them within its unlimited reservoirs of grace. They know nothing of the highness and the awesomeness of the call of God upon their lives, or what it really means to be a citizen of a kingdom that is literally out of this world, and yet within us!

Yes, you have to live your life in this world, do your studies, your job, your shopping, and a host of other things, but the kingdom of God is within you, around you, and always accessible; and ‘you are now dead to this world, and your life is hid with Christ in God’.  (Colossians 3:3)

Only the Holy Spirit can quicken our understanding to comprehend these things.

Jesus said, ‘I am come that you might have life, and have it more abundantly!’ Just by looking, you would never think that to be the case in most church assemblies, or even in the lives of those who claim to be believers.

Jesus came preaching a kingdom. This kingdom is only seen and understood by those who truly enter the door. (John3:3) We have been granted an access into a different kingdom and dimension unlike anything we have ever known.

While all of the existing world crumbles, twists, and writhes in confusion, the kingdom of God remains stable as the Rock upon which it is built. It grows in number by the minute and is a mountain that fills the whole earth.  

We go visiting all the famous landmarks and historic sights of our cities, standing and enjoying the art in the galleries, listening to the music in great concert halls; but when do we take time to explore all the wonders of the kingdom of God and find out the secret places and mansions filled with heavenly treasures?

When do we ever stand on the shores of this vast and transcendent heavenly kingdom and simply gaze in awe at the light and splendour of God’s goodness and creation, and take the time to behold things yet to come?  (John 16:13)

No wonder our light only flickers dimly in the darkness and carries such little authority with it. We spend but few moments in the things of God; and our faces remain dull and grey, blending into the shadows rather than exposing the hidden things of darkness. (Ecclesiastes 8:1)

If we have a single eye toward God’s kingdom, then our whole body shall be full of light. If we walk in the light of the LORD (Isaiah 2:5), his light will fill our spirit and body, and it will radiate his goodness and truth to our world.

An old song had a line that said, ‘Come, beautiful Christ; Radiate thy beauty in me.’

The moon has no light of its own. It is but a dark and cold rock that was created purposely to reflect the light of the sun upon a darkened planet below.  Our light is the reflection of the Son, and when we are in the right place and walking in the beams of his light, our lives become mighty transmitters of his glory.

‘If our whole body is full of light, having no part dark, the whole shall be full of light, like a bright candle or brilliant light-bulb giving light.’  (Luke 11:36)

Let us leave everything that is dark. Put away anything that brings darkness into our lives. Cut off any situation, relationship, habit, and way of thinking, that dims the light in which we should be walking. The world and its sinful ways bring shadows and darkness into our lives, and decrease the light within us. It is up to us to guard our own hearts against all intrusions.  (Proverbs 4:23; 1Timothy 4:16)

Lukewarm Christians reflect no light. The church of Laodecia (today’s brand) is a social club, a musical cabaret, an X-Factor for religious bands and trendy wannabe’s, a format of rituals and ‘social’ evenings that will be lost in the coming storms.

Only those who live in the light, and who keep the windows to their hearts clear, will be able to withstand the tempest that is looming on the horizon, and still shine brightly for Jesus.

Just look at those nations where the great majority are lost in idols and atheism. See the darkness and bondage of such populations. Here in the west we can still see the influence and the old light of long-gone Bible-believing generations flickering yet into our troubled nations;

But it is fading fast, and unless there is a spiritual revival that transforms the way we believers live, then the darkness will soon overwhelm the little light that is still afforded us.

The preservation of our society is in our hands, for we are the light of the world.

The transformation of towns, cities, governments, and entire nations is in our hands, for we are the light of the world.

Mighty weapons that can bring down the evil which is being perpetrated by devilish agendas and the so-called ‘elite’ are already within us, for we are the light of the world. (2Corinthians 10:4)

May God give understanding and knowledge in all these things.

If our light has grown dim through carelessness and backsliding, or through allowing the world and its ways to infiltrate our minds, our hearts, and the church we attend, then we need to earnestly repent: for the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of the Lord. (1Peter 4:17)

Let us have no part dark, but be as Proverbs 4:18 says,  ‘The path of the just (the righteous) is as the shining light, that shines more and more unto the perfect day.’

Just imagine what would happen if all the believers in your town or city were filled with the light of God!

But it has to start with you and me. One is a majority when that one walks in the light of God.


Pilgrim Warrior   2022


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