'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

We need to clean up our act.

Do you ever wonder whether there is anyone who will stand by what they say?

When I was younger and people made a promise, you could rely on them most of the time to keep their word. I have shook hands on a deal and that handshake was sufficient to let you sleep at night comfortably, knowing that a lawyer could not make it more certain than it was. But that was long, long, ago.

From government to business people; from parents to children; the commodities of truth and faithfulness are very rare to be found. There is little, if any, equity, fairness, righteous dealing (unless you get yourself a very good lawyer to keep things right), or even natural affection and consideration at times.

Greed, selfishness, hardness of heart and conscience has become the ‘normal’ these days. In fact, many of the attitudes and behaviour of society has changed so much that we forgot what was the ‘natural’ and righteous, and made anything that contradicts ‘proper and human’, to be termed ‘normal’.

You can lie and steal, trick and cheat, live without any morals, and do whatever you want to do, without even having to give an excuse.

You will find this true, not just in politics and in the man in the street, but also in the church; and when I say ‘the church’, I refer to those people who claim to be followers of God and sometimes or regularly go along to a local church building for a meeting. They may be pastors, elders, deacons, or even heads of denominations. They may be the ‘worship leader’ or the young people’s pastor.

Paul speaks of them as ‘backbiters, covenant-breakers (promise-breakers), covetous (greedy), malicious (unashamed to do wrong), implacable (unwilling to tie themselves to an agreement). Romans 1:28-32

And then later, he speaks of a time when people will be lovers of themselves, and lovers of pleasures and entertainments more than lovers of God. He speaks of a selfish and self-indulgent society where arrogance and selfishness will be the cap that is most commonly worn.   (2Timothy 3:15)

He speaks of the religious claiming to be ‘godly and followers of God’, but without any evidence or proof in their habits, attitudes, or practices.

If the proof of righteousness is not clearly evident, then you do not need to mix with them. A man may be well known by the company he keeps. A crooked businessman will employ people who will themselves be crooked or who he believes he can turn crooked. Those who are clean will escape from those who live in deception and untruths.

There are plenty of people outside of any religion who tell the truth, do good and kind things, who actually do care, and who will stand by their word.

The church needs to clean up its act; and when I say the church, I refer again to anyone of us who may claim to be a follower of Christ.

If we cannot show the world the standard of God in all that we do, then what hope is there left?

Put God first. Put his portion first. Put his standards first. Then blessing will follow. If not, then His judgment must come to set things in order.

You can hate me for telling the truth, but the truth will make you free.

To follow Christ is to walk in truth and love.

Pilgrim Warrior   



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