After these last
two years or so of media brain-washing and governmental dictatorships
worldwide, it will take some time before people find their common-sense which
they readily and easily surrendered to the ‘fear agenda’.
There is, however, a
simple and efficient way to restore the balance of your life and find a measure
of peace and right thinking. In fact, it could well prove to bring you into a
better place in your mind than you ever thought might be possible.
Everyone has
been subjected to a bombardment of psychological warfare that has caused mental
and emotional damage to millions, and inflicted great anxiety and stress on the
world population. These deliberate and carefully orchestrated attacks have been
non-stop for over two years, leaving people lost, mentally disturbed, left in a
state of hopelessness, and even panic.
I have no doubt
whatsoever that the masterminds behind the battle plans are both evil and
cruel, and have very little (if any) humanity left inside them. Oh, they will
say all the nice little phrases about how much they care for us all, and that what
they are forcing upon us if for our own good. And the world believed (and many
still do) their deceptions and manipulations, without even questioning their
But truth is
beginning to prevail at every level, as those with some sense start to question
all of the exaggerated statistics that were thrown in our faces day after day.
Light is beginning to penetrate into the darkness of the lies. You only have to
look at the leaders and so-called 'experts' who buried our nations in stories
of terror. Look into their dark, dark, eyes to see that their souls are lost to
whatever evil has driven them all to inflict such malicious harm upon so many.
There is a great
verse that says, 'Be transformed by the renewing of your mind'. (Romans 12:2) There is a way to filter, clean, rearrange and sort out our thinking and the playground of our minds.
The mind has been, and still is, the great battleground where our humanity and personal liberty is targeted.
When Bush and Blair went unrighteously to invade Iraq, they coined
the phrase, 'Hearts and Minds'. Their
aim was to reach the population through possessing the people's minds, and
convincing them in their hearts that the invasion was right, and that they were
wrong. They would give assurances that their ’experts’ knew more than the
people did, and what they were doing was for the good and future prosperity of the
nation. Of course it was all a deception and a lie.
What has
happened over these last 30 months has been very similar. The strategy was the
same, the method something quite different: an invisible and unexplainable virus
that no one could even prove. The so-called ‘experts’ made out that they knew
what was happening, and the politicians told everyone that the lockdowns and
other imposed, dictatorial impositions, were for the future good of all. The
silly pictures of moon-shape round balls, with little spikes sticking out of
them, changed colour by the day with all sorts of new varieties appearing every
week. That was another clever image aimed at striking fear into the public on
every bus stop and advertisement hoarding.
At one point we
were all told that the viral had become so intelligent that it had learned how
to crawl behind a facemask, and even stay stuck to our hands for nine whole days
after washing! What a smart little creature it must have been!
People scrubbed-up
more religiously and sought for extra-strong facemasks to combat these naughty
little devils. OK, so there is indeed something rather nasty out there, but there is something desperately wrong in the information being thrust upon the world.
The evidences,
that anyone, with even slight intelligence can now see, prove the level of deception.
Now let me say something that can
reverse all the evil inflicted, and bring hope and peace, and a level of
confidence and assurance back to anyone who might dare to believe.
Firstly, get
yourself a Bible.
Secondly, stop
listening to the lies of the media and wicked governments.
determine to give 15 minutes every day to reading it, and an extra 5 minutes to just thinking about what you read.
Fourthly, switch
off your phone for those 20 minutes (the world will still be there when you
Fifthly, ask God
to give you understanding to what you are reading.
My simple
suggestion is to read one chapter from the Book of Proverbs or two Psalms each
day (Old Testament), and then one chapter from the Gospel of John and then the
Book of Acts (New Testament).
Do it for 6 months, and I guarantee that your life will be changed and transformed. This
practice will renew your mind and give you something no therapist can offer.
You may sneer at
this suggestion, but that only proves you have never even tried it. To discount
this advice is to say that you know better: but you are not qualified to make
such a statement having never engaged yourself to do it. ‘Taste and see that
the Lord is good: Happy is the person who trusts in him.’ (Psalm 34:8)
Millions can attest
to the fact, that through reading the Bible, their lives have found a security and
peace that they never had before. They will say that they understand things
better, and in the most difficult of circumstances, they find the Bible to be a
rock in the storm.
The Bible is the
most famous and most read book in the world. In times of trouble, people from
every walk of life, from prime ministers and presidents, to the lowly road-sweeper,
have sought refuge and wisdom within its pages.
Truth never
changes. It is an unmoveable rock in the stormy sea, a refuge in the darkest
night, and a light to shine upon the uncertain path that lies ahead.
‘Sanctify them
through thy truth: Thy word is truth.’
(John 17:17)
In other words, ‘Make
them good, make them right, establish them through your truth, O God.’
And then, ‘Your
word is truth.’
We call the
Bible ‘The Word of God’. It can change your life and make you proper and
righteous. It can transform your thinking and give you wisdom and
understanding. It can chase away fear and anxiety, and give you peace and a
good repose in this evil world.
You will be
blessed and lifted up through reading it daily and consuming its truth. The article below is true, but you do not need to sit in church to read your Bible, neither do you have to become all 'religious' to be blessed by its message.
JGM 2022