Charles Thomas was the minister in a little place in Wales back in 1791, long before the well known Revivals of 1859 or 1905. He recorded the amazing move of God in that place so that now, in this evil and despairing world, we might take hope and expectation that the God who has done great things in past times, will do greater things in these days we live. Listen to what he had to say:
"Scores of the wildest and most inconsiderate of young people of both sexes have been awakened by the Holy Spirit. Their convictions have been very clear and powerful; and in some instances so deep as to bring them to the brink of despair.
Their feelings and mindsets have also been equally strong. If the Lord should be graciously pleased to continue the work, as it has prevailed some weeks past, the devil’s kingdom will be in ruins in this neighbourhood. Ride on, ride on, thou King of glory, is the fervent cry of my soul, day and night.
I truly believe that the Lord means to give the kingdom of darkness a dreadful shake; for he tears down its pillars. Those that were before in the service of Satan and rebellion against God, are now the the first in seeking salvation through the blood of the Lamb. It is an easy work to preach the Gospel of the kingdom here at this time.
Divine truths have their own infinite weight and importance on the minds of the people. Beams of divine light, together with divine irresistible energy, accompany every truth delivered. It is glorious to see how the proudest hearts are bowed down and the hardest hearts are melted. I would not have missed seeing what I have lately seen, no, not for the whole world."
“These are the
blessed things I have to relate to you, my dear brother, respecting poor Wales.
The charity schools here are abundantly blessed. Children, that were before like jewels buried in rubbish, now appear with divine light and transcendent
beauty. Little children from six to twelve years of age, are affected, astonished,
and overpowered. Their young minds, day and night, are filled with nothing but
spiritual concerns. All I say is matter of fact. I have not exaggerated in the least
degree, nor related more than even a small part of the whole. The Lord hath done
great things for us, and to him be all the praise.”
"Thousands flock together at the sound of the Gospel trumpet, and hear with great earnestness and attention. Awakenings also are frequent. The report of what had been going on in this place has awakened the attention of the whole country, and filled the churches everywhere with the spirit of thanksgiving and prayer. The beginning was so glorious that I cannot think but that there is much greater to come. The churches everywhere are prepared; they are praying; they are waiting and longing for His coining. He has indeed done already great things in this principality. Within these fifty years there have been five or six very great awakenings."
God has visited this place on many occasions. It is like a heavenly portal, a spiritual footprint, a place where heaven and earth met from time to time.
Oh that we might see such a move of God in these dreadful times that we now live. Is it too late? No! No! No!
But it shall never come unless we prepare our hearts, prepare the place, prepare the ground for the seed to take root, prepare the materials and resources, and 'preprayer' - pray until heaven opens.