'The love of money is the root of all evil.' (1Timothy 6:10)
‘Do not fret yourself because of him
who prospers/advances himself in his way (to his own ends), who brings wicked
devices (deceitful agendas) to pass.’ (Psalm 37:7)
When we see injustices, and deceitful men prospering themselves in unjust and unholy ways, especially those who call themselves Christian, it can bring a real grief to our spirits, particularly when those people are our supposed friends and co-workers. We can then end up fretting (or as we may interpret it today, stressing out because of their unjust behaviour).
When people we trust work out their own secret agendas behind our backs, which exclude us from the same blessings or benefits that we assumed we would all share in, then we need to take notice of the teachings of the two Psalms above.
Money is a great evil at
times, especially when the love of it brings lies and deceptions that change a
man’s heart from good to evil, and causes him to cheat and lie even to his
friend. There are many who will identify with what I am saying.
Many of us think that money will
never change us, especially if we are coming into a proper fortune or a business venture, but I have
watched as the best of hearts have changed as soon as the dollar signs start
flicking up and down in their eyes. All of a sudden the agenda gets changed, and prejudices and favouritisms enter in.
We have all seen the cartoon
character above at some time. It is a real true picture of the destructive and
hypnotic deception when money changes even a nice a person, and the love of it enters
and supersedes doing what is right and just. Such a lust for the cash will make a person choose to sacrifice a good person just to get what they want.
Do not get to fret and trouble
your soul to the point of distraction if this has been, or is, your experience. If they are brothers or sisters in
Christ, then speak with them honestly, and give the opportunity for them to
explain and put things in order. If they do so, then healing and restoration
will take place, and in brotherly love you can move forward in truth and
transparency together, for how can two walk
together unless they are agreed in truth and light?
If the person who has acted unrighteously
toward you refuses to hear you, then walk away and leave the judgment to the
Lord. (There is of course a place to bring them before the church leaders to
try and sort the issue, but nowadays that is most unlikely to happen due to
unwillingness, or simply because the person feels no obligation to do so).
Do not avenge yourself, for the
Lord God is the avenger of all those who hurt his children, and will deal with
them after his own measure.
Pray for them that they might
truly repent and put things right with God and seek to make restitution and
find a way of peace with you. And, of course, as a follower of Jesus,
forgiveness and reconciliation is the new nature that you have within you from
being born again.
We seek reconciliation, but that
can only come from speaking the truth in love, and when the offending party is
willing to put things right.
JGM 2022 Just telling it like it really is at times.