'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

An age where truth has no place

The world has changed. I have said this many times recently, but one of the most significant ways it has changed is through the widespread telling of lies rather than being honest.

The Bible says that 'truth faileth, and whoever seeks to do what is right becomes a target of the liars and those who choose not to do what is good and proper'. (Isaiah59:15)

From government to business, from the living room to the church, lying has become acceptable, and to be expected on every occasion. The media has become a powerful conduit to promote all the lies and political agendas of governments and the money machines for deceiving the nations. We have seen the overwhelming evidence of this over the last two years with the distortions and fearmongering by the editors doing their master's bidding.

'Help, LORD; for the godly man ceases; for the faithful are gone from among the children of men. They speak falsely every one with his neighbour: with flattering lips and with a double heart do they speak.'  (Psalm12:1-2)

What a cry this is from the heart of David! He could not find a man who was faithful and honest! He sought for one who would stand with truth, and not deceive him, but discovered that such men were very few and far between. 

His words echo loudly through the streets and corridors of society and church today. Men think nothing of breaking promises even to the nearest and best of friends, of lying and deceiving one another in order to gain advantage or just to hide their true intentions.

This disease is rampant in governments throughout the earth and has infected the pulpit and the seats in most churches: and people say to us, 'Why should I believe you?' 'What makes you different?

'Truth is fallen in the street, and equity (that which is right and upright) cannot enter.  (Isaiah 59:14) Here is the mindset and state of things in this 21st century. 

It means nothing to break a promise and to fail to keep our word. Once upon a time in England, it was known that a handshake sealed a deal, and a man was only worth the keeping of his word. He would abide by what he promised and agreed, no matter what happened afterwards. If he said he would meet you at 9pm, he would be there at 9pm, even if it was snowing. If he gave his word on a deal, then nothing in him and no-one could convince him to break that agreement.

How things have gone sadly wrong! Truth is most certainly fallen as a wounded and dying soldier upon the streets of selfishness and deception.

'With flattering lips and with a double heart do they speak'. What a statement is that! Flattering lips come with the sweetness of honey, but only to gain approval, advantage, trust, and whatever it is the person wants to get from you. 

The double heart is the same as what we would call the 'forked tongue' (like that of a snake). There will always be a hidden agenda behind the words you hear. They are masters of deception and skilled in their trade of trickery and deceit. They say one thing to you, but their hearts are bent on something else hidden away behind all their sweet smiles and slick looks.

'Tell the truth and shame the devil!', was something we were taught from childhood; but now the saying is, 'You've got to look after yourself, so anything goes!'

The world looks at 'Christians' and church people with an expectation of higher standards and truthfulness, but sadly they discover, all too often, that we are no different and no better than the man in the street selling rotten tomatoes behind a display of perfect ones.

The Bible has a lot to say about liars and those who defraud each other. We had better wake up before it is too late to put things in order. If not, then we are nothing, and our words hold no value, not even when we are telling the truth, for we are judged upon our consistency and habit of life, and not on an occasional sentence that makes us sound a bit godly. 

Are we willing to stand up and be counted as those who are faithful to their word, honest in their conversation, truthful when challenged to own up, and righteous both in business and social life? 

I have seen much wickedness and deceit in those who run their businesses under the name of God and Jesus, but with the type of practises that God will never hold with. Sweet and Sour may be a Chinese dish, but there is no place for such a mix in God's kingdom. Truth and lies cannot live with each other anymore than sweet water and bitter water can come from the same fountain head. 

Churches mostly appoint rich or influential people to be leaders and elders, just as businesses and governments do; but what does God say? 

'You shall appoint out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over the people, to be rulers....'   (Exodus 18:21)

It matters not whether they be rich or poor, educated or illiterate. What matters the most is their integrity and their hearts: being truthful, fearing God, hating greed and covetousness, yet able to discern between good and evil, and make righteous decisions based upon truth.

'By mercy and truth iniquity is purged (covered, cleansed): and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil.'  (Proverbs 16:6)

Bring back the plumb-line of truth, and godliness shall prevail. A plumb-line is what builders use to make sure the building is straight and upright: so God's word is the plumb-line to set our lives against; and when we need to straighten things up, it brings us to his standard and not that of the world. That is what makes the real difference.

God help us all to measure up to his ways, and not our own thoughts of what we may think is right and OK.

JGM 2022  Just telling it like it is.

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