'Even the children and teenagers shall become tired and weary, and the young men shall utterly fall (become weak and without stamina,)' .......
I have noticed a type of lethargy that has crept into the lives of our young people, especially in recent months. Even among the fit and sporty there has been a noticeable change as fatigue and disillusionment take their toll. The world has changed, and the fear agenda, along with all the negativity that has enveloped the nations, has brought in its wake a host of psychological and symptomatic issues that will have serious consequences in the coming years.
Even in what may be termed 'a normal year', teenagers and young people do get tired and exhausted through exercise, work and play; but the sentence I began with is followed by this:
'But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength.'
The younger generation, in spite of their youth, will grow weary, but those who wait upon God, (no matter what age they may be, nor how feeble they may feel at times), they shall renew their strength. Here is an open secret that Isaiah 41:28-31 brings to our attention. There is a place where restoration of body, mind, and spirit, can all find refreshment and renewal to such a level that gives you the wings of an eagle, the legs of an athlete, and the stamina of a soldier.
'They shall mount up with wings like a great eagle; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not grow tired.'
You can trundle along to your local surgery and get some pills and advice from your doctor, but the doc does not know about this secret remedy!
God has shown within his Word that he has provided for all of our needs. He says that He is never tired or fatigued. His power is limitless and has lost nothing for all eternity.
And, 'He gives power to the faint (those who have nothing left): and to those who just have no might (no energy or reservoir of effort to draw on), he increases strength.'
'Those that wait upon the LORD'...... It speaks here of stopping what we are doing: to stop listening to the news and depressing, satanic, media brainwashing, and get ourselves a quiet place to kneel or sit before the Almighty Creator of all things, and draw from his resources.
Switch off our mobile phones and have a time with our Maker. He is the source of our life and well-being. He alone knows how to strengthen us when we have reached the last drop of what we were hanging on to. We do not need to leave the mobile phone switched on in case someone calls, if we are seeking an audience with the King.
'Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.' Psalm 27:14