'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

No perfect church

Are you looking for the perfect church? 

Can you find the perfect person?

No matter how hard you go searching, you will find neither. So do not be disappointed, because if you look in the mirror, you will not find one there either!

However, here and there you might stumble across a church which is actually a real house of prayer and void of the 'razzmatazz' of the modern trend to imitate the performances of a certain Australian 'showpiece' for stage-oriented 'worship'. 

Such an assembly will be identified by its practise of the simple exposition of Scripture and its dependency on God's word, rather than the flashing lights and the dancing music group who take centre stage in the programme.

It will be a gathering of people who walk humbly with God and who are genuine from head to toe. They walk in the fear of the Lord, and live for the love of Jesus Christ. They hold no discrimination, do not judge one another, and are not in love with this world and its passing fashions. 

They do not worship the big name prosperity preachers, but live in the contentment that God will supply all their needs and give them their daily bread. They have not forgotten where they came from, and live their lives as according to the Lord's prayer.

Jesus is their focus, and the teaching is not from the money-driven tele-evangelist's latest paperback or podcast. They do not promote the false prophets and their millions of online attendees, but follow Christ in simplicity, and the knowledge that time is short. The things of this world have grown strangely dim in their eyes. 

Their church is not a building, but a gathering of the Family. It is a centre of evangelism and outreach, and not a social gathering for 'church-goers'. The money it receives is not for a latest-gadget, awesome auditorium designed to attract non-church-goers, but a boxing ring where the members take on the principalities and powers and stand in the gap for their nation and their community. 

It is a beacon of light in the darkness, and although they are a worshipping congregation, they have not got lost in the wall-to-wall chorus singing and guitar-wailing music that is now the main event in most churches. 

They care for one another, love one another, and serve one another. The Bible, that most holy Book, takes centre stage in their meetings: not an unholy iPad, but the Book of books. Respect!

Over the last forty-six years I have come across three or four such churches. The first was an assembly in Plashet Grove, East London, 1976. When you walked through the doors there was a hush of reverence, a very real and moving sense of the presence of God, and a people who bowed before the Lord in honour and prayer the moment they entered. 

The second was similar, and people fell to their knees as God came to the house, and at times with such awesome holiness, that lunch was soon forgotten and time became irrelevant.

There were no perfect people in those churches, but they did have perfect hearts toward God. 

But of course, that was way back then, and most church-goers now would have no clue as to what I am talking about. They have their programme, and know what time it will finish so they can go and grab a Costa coffee and a sandwich. The pastor is more ready for his lunch or afternoon football than he is for a divine visitation of the Holy Ghost that will mess up all his plans for the rest of the day.

I just say it as it is. 

You can call me what you like, but I shall not mince my words just to make you feel more comfortable. I will not compromise the truth just to get accepted or invited to your church. 

Revival can only happen when repentance begins in the house of God, and when we start to put things back in order according to God's word. 

The world must come out of the church before the church can impact the world. 

We are a people separated unto the gospel and are but pilgrims passing through, not stopping, not staying. We are kings and priests unto God, born again of the Spirit, and are as strangers and aliens among the population. We should be living on a higher level and conducting ourselves as though Christ might return at any moment. 

When did God last turn up at your meetings and come with such power that sinners cried out for mercy, and the hypocrites ran from the building? When was the Lord Jesus Himself given centre stage or even offered a spot between the 'praise' session and the offering time?

Unto Him shall the gathering of the people be. 

The man-planned programme will fall apart if He visits.

So, the question is, Do we really want Him to visit this weekend?

JGM 2022

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