Check the shampoo, shower gel, bubble bath, baby shampoo, and many other beauty products that you use, to find out if this 'ingredient' is listed in the small print.
Formaldehyde (or Formalin) is an embalming fluid used in the preparation of dead bodies before burial.
It is said to be highly toxic, cancerogenic, an irritant, and can have many bad side-effects; and yet we soak our bodies with them and smear them on our faces and hands.
What are some of the symptoms of formaldehyde exposure?
'Low-dose acute exposure can result in headache, rhinitis, and dyspnea; higher doses may cause severe mucous membrane irritation, burning, and lacrimation, and lower respiratory effects such as bronchitis, pulmonary edema, or pneumonia. Sensitive individuals may experience asthma and dermatitis, even at very low doses.'
What we soak ourselves with or shower under may actually be harming us.
Sin is just the same. It may come in nicely printed packages, beautiful and attractive bottles, described as relaxing, comforting, exciting, and what you always wanted, but it is a poison that will attack you, steal your life, ruin your future, and withhold good things that should have been coming your way.
So in the same way, what we may believe is good for us may be utterly wrong for us in the sight of God.
God says, 'Your iniquities [your mischief and self-indulgencies] have turned away the things you really need [like the necessary rain for a good harvest], and your sins have withheld good things from coming to you.' (Jeremiah 5:25)
Sin and disobedience are a spiritual chemical that block the blessings from God.
Jeremiah tells God's people, 'That is why the showers of blessing have been held back, and there has been no spring-time rain [no rain of increase and supply that was so needed]; and you had a whore’s forehead [thoughts of adultery, fornication, and perversion, as through turning away from your God to serve other gods], and you refused to even be ashamed. (Jeremiah 3:3)
If we will listen to what the Bible tells us and come back to God with all our hearts, stop soaking ourselves in the contamination of sin, then he will forgive us and save us from our folly, and bring healing into our lives.
'If you will diligently listen to the voice of the LORD your God, and will do that which is right in his sight, and will listen to his rules, and keep all his instructions, I will put none of these diseases upon you, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I [am] the LORD that heals you.' (Exodus: 15:26)