They cannot even tell us what the weather will be next week, let alone in three months time.
Turn off their agenda of fear and terror, and come to the truth.
'You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is rested and secured on you: because he trusts in you.'
In all of this troubled world where the only thing that can be heard is the voice of scaremongering and a hopeless future, we need to come to a place of assurance and confidence. No matter what the lying politicians and the wicked profiteers of doom and gloom may be saying, we have a peace that passes understanding and a hope that goes beyond anything this world might seek to dampen or dispute.
The quote above says that there is one who will keep us in perfect peace even if the world is falling apart, because our minds and our hearts are at total rest in him, because we trust in him. That is what the Bible says, and that is why we should read the Bible every day. The truth will make us free.
God himself will keep our hearts and minds in perfect peace as we trust in him. Jesus said, "I am the truth. Nobody can come to the Father except through me."
Only the truth will maintain our lives through these utterly untrustworthy times where truth no longer exists in the nations and where what is right and proper is refused and thrown out.
Society may indeed crumble and fall; nations may fight each other; the rulers of the nations may all be part of the agenda to hurt and destroy as much of the human race as they can,
BUT truth cannot be destroyed, because truth is the plumb-line of the universe. And Jesus said, "I am the truth."
Perfect peace is the outstanding benefit and blessing that comes to those who place their full trust in Jesus Christ the Son of God.