'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

The Holy Bible is not an 'app'.

Whatever happened to the respect and reverence that was once afforded by church-goers to the awesome Word of God?

People turn up to church with their mobile phones or other plastic gadgets and assume that it is acceptable to use such things instead of real printed Bibles.

Shame be upon every preacher who believes that his iPad or laptop is the same as using a proper Holy Bible. The missing part is the word 'Holy'. Do not tell me that your mobile phone is holy. God's Word does not share the same 'platforms' as your texting, carnal viewing, and social media full of this world's antichrist and perverted content.
People now come to church with their phones and who knows what they are looking at or who they are secretly texting whilst pretending to be meeting with the Almighty Maker of heaven and earth. There is no fear of God before their eyes.

When King Charles was presented with a copy of the King James Bible at his Coronation, he was told that it was the greatest of all gifts, and more than the world can afford.

So why is it that people and ministers no longer want to carry a real Bible in their hands?

Is it because they are embarrassed?
Is it because it is considered 'inconvenient' to have to carry it along with their phone and their bottle of water?
Is it because they feel it is 'trendy' and the minister wants to look like he is '21st century'?
Or is it simply because we are too LAZY to search the scriptures diligently for ourselves?

Shame on the preacher, and shame on the church-goers. There is no reverence or real love for the written Word any longer. We have to have the latest gadget or toy instead of the Book of  books.

The Bible is  SACRED, Holy, pure, and God is in it, speaking to us through it.  

Your mobile phone, iPad, or whatever other plastic gadget, is not sacred or holy. It is filled with nonsense and unholy junk that cannot be part of God's Word. 
For some church people, their phones are the storage facilities of lies, perversions, stupidity, and ungodly and antichrist wickedness which holds a greater place and interest than the bible app that they have got somewhere amongst all their other apps.

Don't like what I say? Then you have no fear of God and no respect for his Word. While you are in church, 'meeting with God', you believe it right to be holding a text conversation with someone else about any old rubbish that comes into your head. So where is your heart, where is your affection? It's certainly not on things above.

There was a time when people stood in respect and reverence when the Bible was being read in church.
That was when the church was the real salt that had savour and effect in society. But now it has lost its savour, and men have cast it out, refused it, and trample on it in the street as being worthless and irrelevant.  Jesus said that.  (Matthew 5:13)

Get rid of your embarrassment at carrying a real Bible.
Honour the Word of God above your 'inconvenience'.
Put to death your need to look 'trendy' and 'modern'. Heaven has no interest in your fashion fad.

Maybe it's LAZINESS or 'CAN'T BE BOTHERED' to learn where the books of the Bible are located, so lets just put the book name into the app and it will do it for us. 

But let me share a serious warning that might be worth considering:

As Artificial Intelligence continues in its fast expanding and manipulating efforts to take control of everything online, how long will it be before it alters the text in your online bible to suit the demands of those who wish to dispense with biblical truth and the claims of Christ? 
Has it already changed some of the text online? And how would you possibly know? What will you measure it against?

Ai cannot alter the text of my printed Bible, no matter how masterful and clever it gets.

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