'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

How stupid has this generation become!

What a weird world we live in. The more you see and the more you hear, the more nonsensical and insane society has become, especially here in the west. Somebody suggested recently that what we are going to require in the not too distant future is more asylums rather than more prisons. They may indeed have a very good point.

Even a good number of young people who still have the gift of common-sense are astonished at the stupidity of this current generation which is lost in a soup of  self-pleasing, self-determining, self-centred, going-nowhere fog, following the Pied Piper of perdition.

When the world was a nicer place and people more ordinary and actually just rather  'normal', a child could grow up with a freedom that did not have to conform or be forced to conform to something that they would otherwise know nothing about until they were old enough to comprehend it for themselves and make their own decisions based upon knowledge and judgment.

What I do know is that judgment is not only coming to this age, but has already begun to fall across the nations. God is not mocked by silly little ant-like beings who think they are wiser than him, and who disdain him and mock those who know him.

Watch now, as the powers of the heavens and the earth begin to shake! The Bible says that God is angry with the wicked every day, and he will come to judge this earth and bring things to an end. 

There is much talk about ‘climate change’ and all that stuff, but actually creation itself is forming part of God’s judgment upon mankind for all its sin and rebellion. No 'climate change' protests or agendas will change anything. It is the heart of mankind that needs changing.

Creation itself has a voice that is only ‘talking’ at the moment. Soon it will be shouting, screaming, and crashing its rage upon this human race; for all of creation will do God’s bidding as surely as it did when the world was flooded when man had filled the whole earth with filth and violence.

Who is the fool, but the person who says in his heart there is no God!

The angel of the LORD is setting a mark upon the heads of those who sigh and cry over the dreadful condition of this world and the wretched wickedness of its inhabitants; for the LORD knows those who are his and will save them from the coming judgments. 

As for the ‘church’ (so-called), that is where judgment will begin - on those who reckon themselves to be good and pure in their own eyes, but whose hearts are as far from God as the east is from the west; so mixed up in the same insanity of this age that they are as blind as the rest of the blind.

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