'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

Why is the world still unreached?

Why hasn’t the world been reached yet in 2022?

I just do not get it. Millions upon millions of church people, pastors, Christian businessmen and women, millionaires, billionaires, all under the same commission and command from Jesus to take the gospel to every nation and impact the people with the message of the Cross, and yet there is hardly a scratch made on many countries, including some of our western so-called ‘Christian’ nations who have forgotten their godly heritage.

I just discovered that I could print the entire Bible for less than 0.25 pence per copy when ordered in sufficient quantity! Furthermore, with all of the communication technology available to us now, with satellites, social media, the worldwide web, and much, much, more, we could do what we are called to do.

There has never been a time like this where amazing and outstanding opportunities are in front of us to tell the world of the love of God:

And perhaps there has never been a time so desperate since the days of Noah for proclaiming both a grave warning and a glorious promise to any who will believe.

There is not a single verse in the Bible where we are instructed or encouraged to try and get people to come to church. Yet, for most pastors and congregations alike, the greatest efforts made for attracting people to the message of Jesus is to try and get them to come along on Sunday, or to some other programme, in a building that to most people is cringe-worthy and embarrassing.

The command of Christ is to go. Go, leave home, leave your rituals and stain-glassed windows, leave your religious habitations, leave your comfort-zone, and take the message to the world.

The world will not come to us. We must go to all the world. The harvest will not walk into our cathedrals or chapels any more than corn will walk into the farmer’s barns.

The harvest is out there; outside of the ‘worship band’, outside of our get-togethers, and outside of our performances and ‘spiritual’ huddles.

We go to the world to buy our food, to find the latest phone, to buy a new jacket or shoes, to sit in a fancy restaurant and enjoy the company of our friends; but when did we go into the world to tell the people about the coming judgment and the love of God toward sinners?

“Oh, we don’t want to talk about ‘judgment’ and all that old-fashioned stuff”, I hear someone say. 

“God is love and he loves everyone", is the standard new moto for church people. 

However, the Bible says that God is angry with the wicked, and his wrath is revealed from heaven. (Romans 1:18)  If men and women do not repent and come to Christ, they will stand before the judgment throne of God and find their eternal destiny in the Lake of Fire. Now, you can tear those pages out of your Bible and choose not to believe them, but the truth remains truth and will not lie.  (Revelation 20:15)

John 3:16, someone has said, is the gospel in a nutshell. ‘For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.’

We all know that verse so well and it rolls off the tongue easily; but did we ever consider the words and the whole message? Yes, God so loves the world, and he gave Jesus to come and save us if we should just believe in him. However, let us never forget the other bit, the ‘should not perish’ bit. The whole world is condemned already and headed for an eternal hell. This word ‘perish’ is speaking of the everlasting misery and torment of hell. God loves us, and if we believe, we shall not perish.

The gospel is the lifeboat that goes out onto the raging sea of sin and evil, of misery and pain, and offers a way back to God and rescue from certain eternal horror.

If we really believed what God says in his word, then surely our hearts would be all taken up with going out there into the night and diabolical storm of destruction, into the sea of misery and woe that is dragging millions to hell every day. If we truly believed that heaven and hell are real, our consciences would not allow us to sit back and do nothing.

If we truly believed, then a passion would grip our hearts and drive us to do all that we can to seek the lost and show them the way to God.

Noah was told by God that destruction and judgment were coming to the world of his time, and unless people repented, none would be saved. He spent the rest of his life building an ark to save whoever would listen to him. Every tree he cut down, every nail he manufactured, every bang of his hammer or thud of a tree falling, shouted, ‘Believe or perish!’

And what do we do? We sit in church singing some modern inharmonious choruses, listen to the preacher telling us how to achieve success and get personal blessings, do some mingling afterwards chatting about football or other worthless and unspiritual gossip, then go home, grab some lunch, and hit the local shops.

We are happy enough to spend some money on the new sound system for the church or the new chairs. We do not even mind having to go along to an extra meeting once a week if we really must. We might even respond to a special appeal by the minister to give a donation toward some refuges that are looking for support, but how much of our income, how much of our savings and treasure do we use to go into all the world and spread the gospel? How much time do we give to reaching the lost?

We have time for everything we want to do. We have time for business, time for pleasure, time for holidays, time for sports, time for social media and all the trivia; but how much time do we have for the Great Commission of Mark 16:15?

There are enough resources and more than sufficient mountains of money in the bank accounts of church-goers and Christian businesses to launch the biggest gospel outreach the world has ever known.

When you leave this world you will not be asked how successful you have been. Your business projects and accomplishments will hold no value there. Your academic qualifications will retain no merit in eternity.

The questions that will be asked are, “What did you do with Jesus?” “What did you do with his gospel?” “What treasure have you stored up in heaven?”

You might be the richest believer on earth right now, and if indeed you do get to heaven, you may end up being the poorest among us all.

The greatest treasure that any of us can lay up for eternity is the souls of men and women, and boys and girls, whose lives have been touched and transformed through our obedience to go into all the world and proclaim Jesus the Saviour.

Oh, I wish that I had some like-minded and passionate people who would do what is needed to reach out across the nations and proclaim the good news, no matter what the cost or how challenging the vision!

I have met many who promised, many who claimed to be sold out to the gospel, many who started on the right path, but very, very, few who today who are focused and truly engaged in what they once said they would do.

‘But the people that do know their God shall be strong [courageous], and do exploits [produce effectual results].’ (Daniel 11:32] In actual fact, that word ‘exploits’ is not necessarily there. The text actually says, ‘The people that do know their God shall be strong, and do.’

You can have a dream and even a vision, but until you do, all you have is the talk.

It is not in the talk, neither in the promises, nor even in the intentions of the heart, but in the doing.

The doing is the going; and the going is the doing.


Pilgrim Warrior  2022

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