'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

Make sure your soul is safe

The planet is shaking under the greed and power-hungry rulers of the darkness of this world. Everything you see happening is not by accident or chance, but orchestrated by devilish men and women who hide their activities and agendas in the sinister shadows of deception.

There is a great battle of evil being waged right now in front of our eyes. Great wickedness is upon the earth, but very few of the masses of media-drunk populations are able to see the truth. The darkness blinds their eyes and takes away their ability to reason or use ordinary common-sense to perceive the demonic plan that is manipulating the nations. As the Bible says, ‘We look for light, but walk in darkness’.  (Isaiah 59:9)

Jesus said, ‘Whoever follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life’. (John 8:12)

The worldwide ‘viral’ of the last two and a half years was just the beginning of their campaign to write off our history and the way we live. Through fear and terror, they aim to subdue the masses and render them nothing more than nice-looking obedient zombies. It is just what Stalin tried to do in his time, but now there are many secret rich ‘Stalins’ out there who have decided that they own the world. They have pledged to Satan to change it on his behalf. They may or may not be aware of who they serve, but they are his servants nonetheless.

China is playing right into the heart of it with her lockdowns, along with the west and their interference in the nations, so as to cripple the world economy in such a way that will bring about a revolutionary change to everything that we once called a free society. The enemies of freedom plan what is nothing less than a worldwide prison camp ruled over by a dictatorship of government which wants to stretch its hateful hands around the whole globe, and around everyone’s neck. Of course, that is not how it will be promoted, nor viewed.

The nations, in fear and trepidation, will all submit to their project as they have no answers themselves, and most have already sold their souls to the devil in any case. The Ukraine extraordinary box-office theatre, Sri Lanka on the verge of bankruptcy, Turkey with 70% increase in cost of living, Europe in the biggest mess for decades, and Australia and New Zealand virtually imprisoned by their own governments. Are these all just chance happenings? No, of course not.

There will be no freedom in the future. The evil ones will display their plan as a promised utopia and a secure and safe world, presenting the fulfilment of a long and wonderful dream they concocted. The only condition will be that you agree to their demands.

The ‘critical mass’ that most likely brings it about will be the crashing of the world economy followed by anarchy and violence raging through the streets of towns and cities in every nation. Through desperation and despair, people everywhere will quickly and readily bow to anything that is being offered to restore the balance and bring peace once more to a terrible living nightmare.

Just have a quick look around even now, and see what is being perpetrated wherever there is unrest or distress in any country. The dark-eyed political horsemen jump onto the steeds of war and suffering, not really to help, but rather to achieve their own goals and agendas. They pretend to be knights of deliverance and heroes of freedom, but truth is they seek their own aims at the cost of the dying and the poor. Even now the leaders of nations are all using the current conflicts to build bigger and better weapons and open up the shipyards and weapons factories to drive forward a new arms race that will promote fresh employment and new industries.

The Bible says that the devil has come down upon the earth with great fury because he knows his time is short before the judgement day comes. Hs legions have already possessed multitudes of leaders and politicians, along with the rich and greedy leeches of the nations that are power-hungry and imagine that they and their children will live forever.

They will do whatever their masters tell them, and for most, they are totally ignorant to the fact that they are simply slaves and puppets of powers that are far greater and more subtle than they could ever be.

You can see the darkness in their eyes on television if you look well with a little perception; but their kingdom is only as strong and powerful as God allows it to be.

The earth is the Lords, and the everything in it. (Psalm 24). This planet, the people, and the rulers, all belong to God. He owns the lot, and he rules over everything. He allows man to be evil and do wickedly, but the day will come when all shall be judged one by one.

The devil knows that time will soon be up for him, and he will be tossed into the bottomless pit and thrown into the torturous flames of hell fire for all eternity, for ever and ever. Thus he has come down in a hell-bent and determined rage to do as much evil and violence on earth and among the nations, before he is seized, bound, and dragged off to his final destiny.

He can boast now of his triumphs and treachery, but he should have learned his lesson when he drove his hatred and raged against Christ, thinking he could win. He lost at the cross, and he was doomed and judged from that moment on.

He tells all his silly followers that he is the champion, but like Goliath, his final damnation and destruction lies just round the corner. Then all those who followed him and chose his side shall also share in his eternal destiny. 

There is no sitting on the fence either. You are either a believer and a follower of Jesus Christ, or you chose to believe the lies of Satan, even if you do not believe he exists. That is also one of his lies! 

There are no middle roads or some form of purgatory after you die to make amends. Only in this life can you get right with God. 

Whether you like it or not, you are a spiritual being that has an eternal destiny once you finish your cycle in this world. Never mind life insurance, what you truly need is ‘death’ insurance, to know where you will end up after this life is over.

There are two paths in life. One is a wide road on which most of the human race blindly travels; the other, a narrow path which goes in the opposite direction to the masses of humanity. One leads to an eternal hell, the other to the joy of everlasting life and happiness. The Bible teaches this most clearly and profoundly. Choose life.

It is not about becoming ‘religious’. It is actually about believing that God so loved us that he gave his only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die on our behalf and to  save us from hell and damnation. All we have to do is believe on him with all of our hearts and receive him as our Saviour and friend.

Repent (turn around) and believe the gospel (the good news) that God loves us and is not willing that we perish, but ready to save us from ourselves and deliver us from evil and hell.

We are, without a doubt, in the time of the End of Days, and none of us know what might be just around the corner. Now, even right now, is the day of salvation for each one of us. We cannot guarantee tomorrow. 

What will it profit you if you gain the whole world, but end up losing your soul? Make sure your soul is safe and saved. It is the most important thing that you and your loved ones can ever do.

Pilgrim Warrior 2022   

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