'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

Get out! Get out!

Depart ye, depart ye, go ye out from thence, touch no unclean thing; go ye out from the midst of her; be ye clean that bear the vessels of the LORD.’  Isaiah 52:11

Say it different!

'Get out, get out, get away from where you find yourself right now in life, Do not be involved or touch the thing that is unclean and wrong. Separate yourself from whatever or whoever it is that is an offence to God. If you are going to be of any use to God in this degenerate age, you need to be clean; you need to be righteous.'

Now, here is a straight-to-the-point verse; and it is a message to the every believer in these critical days; and it is a message to you and me for such a time as we live in.

It is time to make a decision; it is time to do something about the lukewarm-ness and half-heartedness of our compromised and powerless life of faith.

It is time to forsake the world and all of its sinful attractions. It is time to make radical decisions and choices as to whether you and I are going to be of any use or effect in the kingdom, and in reaching this world for Christ.

Time is short, and what we do next will decide whether God can use us in what perhaps is the most critical time in the history of this planet. We've got to be clean in heart and hand.

It is time for separation. We are not of this world, but chosen and called out of it to become witnesses and preachers of the good news of salvation. That is why we are still here. This is not our home or inheritance. We are headed for our eternal home with Christ, and we need to make sure we do not go there empty-handed. We had better make sure that we have laid up some treasure there, for where our treasure is, there will our hearts be also.

What is that treasure, except the lives of men and women, of boys and girls, who heard about Jesus through our voices and the way we live?

It is time to turn around.

I do not need to be specific any more than the verse above is. The Holy Spirit is the one who will convict, convert, and lead us into all truth; but it is truly time to stop playing games with the spirit and depravity of this age and all of its delusions and sinful practises. We need to get up, shake off the dust and muck of all that distracts us from the ways of God. We need to put away everything that offends Him.

If we are to be those who will carry the light and healing, the hope and assurance, the joy and evidence of the transforming power of Christ, then we need to wash our hands of all the pollutions and worthless gimmicks which this age is contaminated and hypnotized by.

We need to be clean in hand and heart so that we shall indeed be those that carry in our palms the power of the gospel, and not just the talk.

‘Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD, or who shall stand in his holy place? asks the psalmist.

The answer: ‘He that has clean hands, and a pure heart’.  (Psalm 24:3-5) 

It is time to decide for what purpose God has called us, and whether we are fit and true enough to fulfil the work he has given us to do.

The love of the world and the glittery things of this world will steal your soul away from the call of Christ. You can talk the talk, but it is nothing if the heart is lost in the attractions and pleasures of sin and selfishness.

2Corinthians 6:17

Let us be who and what God called us to be for his glory and praise.


Pilgrim Warrior    

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