Some people think my messages too tough and too 'Old Testament', and unkind to the poor church-goers who just want love, peace, and happiness.
I receive the whole Bible as God's Word, the Old Testament as the New concealed, and the New Testament as the Old revealed. It is one Book, one message, for all generations up until the Day of the Lord.
We live in daunting times, when nothing is perfectly clear, and the future poses uncertain and fearful events that we do not wish to think about or allow to spoil our dreams for prosperity and blessing.
If you were on holiday in Sri Lanka in 2004 and saw the tsunami building up and increasing in front of your eyes, would you not give warning to anyone you could see? People, standing in balconies of the hotels, watched in horror as waves began to sweep away the lives of those on the sea shore, whilst others continued to stand at the water's edge just to see the unusual spectacle unfold in front of their eyes.
The rocks upon which some of the bravest (or most foolish) spectators stood, actually separated them from those who would be saved. They presumed they were high enough to to be safe, but were suddenly submerged beneath the waves, and lost forever.
What a picture that is of those who presume that because they go to a certain church or attend religious meetings, they shall be saved from the judgment to come. Presumption is the high road to ruin. There is only one Rock that will guarantee our salvation and heaven. It certainly is not the Pope, nor being religious and singing all the spiritual songs.
The Rock is Jesus Christ. The Roman Catholic Church claims that Peter was that rock (the first 'pope' upon which Christ would build his church), and upon this wicked heresy every pope falsely claims that he is 'Head of the church' on earth. This deception and lie was founded upon the verses in Matthew 16:15-18
However, let it be clearly noted that Peter was not the Rock. He was a rolling stone.
Jesus said to him, 'You are Peter (Greek = 'Petros', a stone that moves), but upon this Rock (Greek = 'Petra', a craggy, great, unmoveable rock), upon this foundation, that I am the Christ the Son of the Living God, I will build my church.
You can know a whole lot about Jesus, and you can attend all the meetings and conferences they hold in his name; but unless you are truly born-again of His Spirit and washed in his blood, then you are standing on a stone that will be blown away when the Day of the Lord comes.
You will be separated from the living, and separated for all eternity. Many millions attend churches all over the world, but do not know Jesus, are not born-again, and will be left behind when Christ returns.
The tsunami did not just come as a sudden massive wave (as we have seen in some films), but gradually built up strength, first a growth in height of the ocean, then it receded and drew back, leaving the beaches and rocks as they were before. This, however, was a great deception to anyone who did not think things were as bad as they first appeared. The water rose again, and this time with greater power and aggression.
Finally, the tsunami did hit, in full strength, and all those thousands who had not considered it to be a real problem, and that life would soon return to normal, were taken away in the fury of its unstoppable power.
There are many people believing that the current worldwide crisis will fade away soon and things get to level out in some 'new normal' (as they describe it). However, there is a storm approaching, the likes of which the world has never seen. It will come on a multiple of fronts that will touch every part of society and commerce, and will make the recent 'viral' and fear agenda look like a walk in the park on a rainy day.
The warnings of Scripture are there for very good reason, and the countdown of the clock for humanity has already been engaged and the start button has been pressed.
So, if people do not like what I am saying, they can always find a good vantage point somewhere down by the edge of the sea, and wait to see if what the Bible says is true.
I will continue to blow the trumpet both in Zion (the church), and 'sound an alarm in God's holy mountain (the place where the congregations are supposed to gather in God's name), and in the nations of the world wherever possible.
'For the Day of the LORD cometh, for it is very near at hand.' These words are from Joel chapter 2.
Preachers love reading verse 21 of that chapter, but are more than happy to ignore the warnings that proceed it and with which it concludes.
JGM 2022 Telling it like it is