'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

Just sit there....

There is a well-known saying, 
'The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.' It is a real truth and is evidenced in reality more than ever these days throughout society.

When you see evil abounding and wickedness inflicting pain and injustice upon the innocent, it is easy to sit back and think, "Oh, well, what can I do about it?"

You may be angry and even distressed about some of the things that are going on all around you, and even further afield in distant countries, but to sit and do nothing about it actually makes you complicit. 

The Bible says, 'Therefore to him that knows to do good, and does it not, to him it is sin.' In other words, when someone knows what needs to be done that is both the right and the good thing to do, but just sits back and does nothing, then that person is guilty, and is sinning even against their own conscience.

Some say that the Bible is not relevant today, but never was there a time when it was more needed in our world with its words of wisdom, encouragement, and warnings. Never was there a time such as now for the message of hope and salvation, of judgment and eternal destiny, to be preached, shared, spoken of, spread throughout social media, and lifted up for all to hear.

The church-goers all sit in their churches to sing songs and hear their platform champion bring them another pep-talk week by week, but that is all that happens. What happened to 'Onward Christian Soldiers, marching as to war; with the cross of Jesus, going on before'?

We have ended up with a religious social club that bleats over their troubles, moans about all their hardships, and prays for all their own needs. It never exercises itself to put on the uniform of the gospel and go rescue the sick and dying of our totally godless communities. It has no time for such things because everyone has their own 'schedule'. Oh, and then there is the shopping to do.

We 'tut-tut' at the violence and criminality of a youth gone wrong; we tell each other that our town is just too hard and indifferent to 'Christian' things; but when did we actually give up our comforts, do what Jesus commanded us, and physically go somewhere to make a difference?

The church has ended up as a cheap clubhouse where most of the members treat it as a spiritual hospital, rather than a training camp for evangelists and a school for a new generation of missionaries.

No wonder the world does not want to listen to the nicely dressed attendees with their grouchy faces and make-up. There is no heart for the business that God called them to. They have lost themselves in the fashion and gadgets of this deluded age. They would sooner talk about football or their new house, than discuss, with any passion, about how they might reach the unsaved of their neighbourhood.

Now, there is nothing wrong in having nice things, but where is the passion for the gospel and the winning of souls to Christ? Our divided hearts may trick us, but God is not fooled.

Unless God stirs up our hearts toward him again (if indeed our hearts were ever stirred), we shall remain asleep in the night while the devil steals, and kills, and destroys, just about whatever and wherever he choses.

Now, you can just sit there and think me to be too intense, too strong in my words, too direct with the message, but at least I have tried to wake you up. The night is coming, indeed, is already upon us, and the dark clouds of a frightful storm are just over the next hill. We would rather pull the blankets over our heads and pretend that everything will be fine.

The ostrich buries his head in the sand, but some big boot is about to kick it into reality!

The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.  (Romans 13:12)

Of course, you can take no notice of this and stay asleep, but you will be woken up before very long; but by then it will be too late to do anything about anything. You will go looking for oil to replenish your lamp, but while you are busy trying to retrace your steps and find out where you might buy some spiritual fuel, the Lord will have visited and moved on, and you will be left way behind.

You can talk all the 'spiritual talk' you like, but it does not mean that you are right. I recently heard someone boasting about how they are the conduit for God's blessings to those around them. However, God will not pour anything through a vessel that is full of the junk of this world. 

We can all play religious games, talk the talk, try to convince everyone that we are right and doing right, but by our fruits we are known. Our attitudes, our words, but especially the trail left behind us, will speak louder than anything we have to say. 

It's time to change.

I tell it like it is because only the truth will make us free.

You can sit there and do nothing, carry on just as you are, enjoy the game of life; or you can get up, turn around, and put things in order. 

And then dare to do something amazing for the glory and honour of the name of Jesus, not in your strength, abilities or even determination, but through the power of the Holy Spirit.

JGM 2022

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