'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

Where we are headed?

The one thing that is very clear to anybody who has even an ounce of spiritual perception is that the world has moved into a different phase. 

For many years we have lived as though things will go on forever. We have been able to overcome all the difficulties that have presented themselves over the last many decades since World War 2: so why should we worry about tomorrow?

I have noticed that there are many voices now on social media, all claiming to be 'prophets' and 'prophetesses', and all having their own interpretations for the latest 'spiritual' forecasts of doom and gloom. Nobody really knows anything as a fact, and all go guessing at where exactly we really are in terms of the continuation of life on earth. 

Even the soothsayers of the world are digging up stories of abductions by aliens, and the writings and utterances of strange mediums and astrologers from hundreds of years ago.

The Doomsday clock has edged dangerously closer to midnight, and even the leaders of the nations have no answers to the questions that currently are being voiced by multitudes living in fear and uncertainty.

Jesus simply told us to 'watch and pray', and be ready and industrious in the work of the Lord. We should be looking for, and anticipating his sudden return to this world. The Bible tells us to make sure that we are prepared and not taken by surprise at the troubles that will surely come to the nations as we draw closer to his return.

Wars and rumours of war, earthquakes in different places, distress of nations, and evil growing exponentially every day, all should lead us to wake up and start to count the time, and make very good use of it. 

Some people will of course argue that all these signs have been around for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. They will say that nothing has ever changed, and let's not get all worked up about some virus and the threats of Russia invading Europe.

However, leaving all those things to one side, there has been a real spiritual 'shift' upon the earth which has been recognised by believers and non-believers alike. Things have moved, and spiritual powers have begun to reveal their hand and their determined plans for the future of mankind. I have heard many non-church people saying how they feel that this whole 'viral' thing has been 'spiritual' and from an evil that cannot be seen.

In the coming days the dark and hidden forces of darkness will become more evident and recognisable to those who have understanding of the times, and who have the ability to see beyond the constraints and blindness that has enslaved the great majority of humans.

You may feel that this way of talking is a bit weird or unscientific. That's OK, you can say that if you wish, but I care not whether it is unscientific, for the facts remain that the entire planet has now come under new rules and regulations that none of us could have imagined just a few years ago. 

People readily and willingly surrendered their freedoms, their thinking, their common-sense, their loyalties to family and friends, upon the words of a handful of men and women who claimed to be experts of just about everything.

Looking into the eyes of those who stand on their governmental podiums dictating to millions of lives what they must and must not do, I see a great darkness within and the surrendering of their own souls to another power from without. Some may laugh at this suggestion, but look for yourself into their eyes, for those are the window to their souls; and if you have any discernment whatsoever, you will recognise something that is not of this world, but is of the unseen spiritual dimension.

The great majority of people do believe in devils and demons, even of angels and spiritual entities, but they do not want to believe in God. I guarantee that even an atheist will soon run from a room if something begins to move of its own accord in the dark and stillness of the night!

Even if people laugh at the Bible and what it says, they still believe in retribution and judgment for those who are evil and commit dreadful crimes. They all refer to the place of punishment as hell. 

They say that they do not believe in heaven or hell, and that neither of these places exist except in the imagination; but by their own admissions, they soon acknowledge them when someone dies, especially when that soul is an infant or the victim of an heinous crime.

The fact remains that the world has changed, and I personally believe that the count-down has begun to the end of all things. This is not based upon predictions or prophecies, but upon what I recognise and perceive as a spiritual being who is a pilgrim walking through time until the day of redemption. 

I was once part of the blinded matrix-like population, but after I was born again of the Holy Spirit, I was given eyes that can see beyond the limitations of time and this physical world, and ears to hear from another kingdom that is not of this earth. 

The clock has started its final phase, and the seconds are running. I have no clue as to how many months, years, or even decades it may be, but what is impressed upon me is that time is shorter than any of us may imagine, and the cascade of troubles coming to earth has already begun, and more is coming clearly into focus.

So, in the light of such understanding, what should we be doing? How should we live? 

I hear of preachers and churches planning as though they had generations in front of them to enjoy all that we can provide for them now for their future. They get more engaged with 'saving the planet', and recycling their waste into neat little piles, than they do with the Great Commission that Jesus gave as a command to the church.

Jesus said, 'Be ye also ready, for at a time such as you think not, I shall return.'

The most important issue right now is, Are you ready to meet God? 

Make sure that you have truly been transformed by the power of God and have been delivered from the kingdom of darkness, and been transferred into the kingdom of light.

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved. He only is the way, the truth, and the life.

JGM  2022

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