'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

Building business on truth


How do others see you or your business? What do they really think about you?

‘You shall not steal, neither deal falsely [pretend, take advantage of, or ‘con’ your brother], neither lie one to another [use tricks and deceptions and tell lies, make false promises, or seek to cover your real intentions].

You shall not defraud [keep, or intend to keep, back what you promise to] your neighbour; neither rob him [of what was agreed]: the money that you owe him or promised him shall not stay in your pocket through a single night.’  (Leviticus 19)

Pretty straightforward words and no messing about as to what they mean. The Bible is so precise and on target, especially for these corrupted times, where even those who use the name of God believe that they can behave in business and practise just however they want.

The commandments and laws of God still hold today, along with the promise that God himself is the avenger of all those who defraud their brother.

Sadly, the religious people and the world play the same game, and there is no distinction or separation between them. It is now commonplace for pastors, Christian business men and women, and ‘believers’ in general, to defraud, lie, steal, and make promises they do not intend to keep or know that they cannot keep.

The very worst part when ‘Christians’ act in this way, is to add the words, ‘In Jesus name’, or ‘IJN’ (the cheap and irreverent abbreviation so often accompanying texts and emails). It is a convenient ‘scapegoat’ for them when their trickery fails to materialize. They can simply offer the excuse that ‘It was clearly not the Lord’s will brother’!

The Bible teaches that a Christian should have a good report from among the believers, and more importantly, must have a good report from those outside who actually see more truth than the church-goers and pastors often see.

What is a ‘con-artist’?

It is a person who, at first, appears to be good and honest, has persuasive and endearing characteristics, and comes offering all sorts of benefits and promises of prosperity. They are ready to offer you the world and all the blessings that money can buy.

They are (as their title suggests) ‘artists’. They are skilled in their approach, practised in their trade, manipulative in their talk, and come with big, confident smiles on their faces. They will talk about the things that interest you and tell you that they will help you to achieve your wildest dreams. 

They have mastered the art of persuasion, and know every trick in the book. Their artistry is actually what attracts you to them. They have a beautiful gallery of success and philanthropy.

They have photographs of them sitting next to important and wealthy people, letters of introduction from some government official or some leading businessman. They may sport a nice car and show off their latest acquisition, but their hearts are deceitful, and their eyes are full of cunning.

The very worst and most criminal of such ‘con-artists’ are those who claim to know God and can speak eloquently all the words that seek to convince other 'believers' that they are only full of good intentions. 

They will even attend church or special meetings, give ‘testimonies’, and use the name of God to sound like they are part of the ‘family’. However, their hearts are corrupt and full of treachery, for if the light that is supposedly in them is actually darkness, then how great is that darkness?

If a man or woman wants to be a crook, and use tricks and scams to make themselves more comfortable and rich, let them do so; but please do not bring God’s name into it, or bring shame and disgrace by using it like a false signature on a rubber chequebook.

The confidence trickster takes advantage of your honesty and willingness to believe that they are just like you. They seek to convince you that they are innocent, caring, truthful, and have your best interests at heart. It is of course a total lie. They use God’s name as their bona fide.

The only real interests are their own plans and their own safety. At the end, they will quickly sacrifice you, and your money, to maintain their lifestyle and then run off somewhere under the pretence that they are working hard to get your cash back or to make things better.

What does God have to say about this?

There are many Scriptures that tell us that their actions are ‘an abomination’ to him, their injustice and unjust dealings, their false balances and pretensions, will all be brought to an abrupt end; for God is the avenger of all those who defraud their brother or sister. (1Thessalonians 4:16)

I would put all of the Bible verses here, but I doubt if anyone will take the time to look them up or go and see where they left their Bible last time they used it.

So, what is the end of the matter here?

First of all, if you are involved with someone who calls themselves Christian, but who practises iniquity, then you had better get away from them and break off all ties. Judgment shall come soon enough, but you have the opportunity to divorce yourself from their unrighteous ways.

If you choose to continue in their company, then you are a partaker of someone else’s sins. Do not be surprised then if you also end up in trouble because of the sinner’s trickery. The Bible says ‘Be not partaker of another man’s sins’.

Two cannot walk together unless they are in agreement with each other. You have to choose which side of right or wrong you are on. There are no ‘grey’ areas. Truth is truth. Light is light. You can only have fellowship with The Light if you are walking in the light.

To walk away from deception is to allow God to deal with the issue. If you have fallen foul of the tricks and manipulations, have lost money, time, or become disillusioned by the false promises, then you really do need to part company so that God can restore to you all that you have lost. Do not cry over what has gone, for God is able to give you much more when you walk off and sever the ties.

God can and will restore more than you have seen fly away, when you obey him and trust that he is able to do much more than you can possibly do yourself.

‘Come out from among them, and be separate, says the Lord, and I will receive you.’

Fire and brimstone fell upon the cities of Sodom and Gomorra, but only after Lot had left and went running for the hills.

The deceivers can do all the prayers they want, cry and shout, and decree all sorts of mumbo-jumbo, but truth shall stand, and prevail. Cursing others because you do not agree with them, or they do not agree with you or the company you mix with, will only bring distress upon your own head.

I have been in prayer meetings where the types of prayers offered are simply opportunities for cursing anyone who speaks against them or their plans. This is nothing less than ju-ju and witchcraft. You cannot lay a curse on someone whom God has blessed. Read your Bible – discover the truth.

Let light shine into all the darkness of deception and expose the evil deeds of those who profess to know Christ, but in their practises (especially in business) they prove themselves false.

‘They profess that they know God; but in works [in business and their profession] they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate [castaways; rejected].’  (Titus 1:16)

That is the Word of God.



JGM  2022  Telling it like it is




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