I was talking to a group of people by the side of the road last night as others were passing along in both directions, heading somewhere else. I made an observation, and said, “Look at all these people. They don’t know where they are going or what is really happening all around them.
They are living in a ‘matrix’ world where reality is far different from what they can see. They have eyes that can only acknowledge what is in front of them at any given time, but cannot perceive any further.
You really have to have eyes that behold the
truth, and can look beyond the physical dimension into what is more real than
any of them can ever imagine.”
The Bible speaks of the people
walking in darkness, those with eyes but who are not able to see, with complete lack of understanding,
and a spiritual sleep that leaves them lost in the fog, wandering around in
‘For the LORD has poured out upon
you the spirit of deep sleep, and has closed your eyes: the prophets and your
rulers, the seers (those who claim to know the future) has he covered (hidden the truth from).’
(Isaiah 29:10)
It is not just those who have no interest in religion, but also the preachers and teachers and congregations who have no clue that they are even asleep. The spirit of sleep, the fog of obscurity, is upon them also.
However, the habits and practices of weekly religious routines just
continue as though nothing has happened and they think that everything will be OK. Summer is
coming and they are getting ready for holidays and tea-parties. “This also shall pass,” (referring to the current troubles), is one of their favourite sayings just now.
The ‘prophets’, and those who
claim to know so much about God, and
stand on their pedestals spouting about their own wisdom and knowledge, are as blind as the
sheep that love following them.
Only those individuals who have
such sight (as has enlightened their understanding) will see beyond the
curtains of this physical world all around us. They can see through the spiritual deception that
has created the many religions of the world, and infected the church wholesale
with false teaching and lying spirits.
I watched a video of some fancy church in London that boasts over 50,000 members in a number of countries. It sported a magnificent auditorium, with flashing disco lights, smoke machines engulfing the ‘worship’ band in a chemical cloud, and a crowd of screaming worshippers who might just as well have been in a nightclub. It was most impressive and very attractive to the youth, as it appealed to their visual appetites.
The ‘pastor’, a multi-millionaire who stands there with his own twist on the truth, is hallowed by the audience, and marches around the platform as though he were a king over all the children of pride.
He has his unsanctified iPad in his hand which he holds up and refers to as the Bible. What a disgrace and utter lack of reverence and respect he has to the Word of God.
That plastic, Chinese-made portal to all the world's perversion, violence, and unrestrained evil, can never, never, never, be a Holy Bible.
Shameful man! Get yourself a real Bible with pages and no adverts or texts from the pit of the internet bouncing all over it. God help us when depraved men belittle the Word of God and nestle it inside the filth of this anti-Christ world.
Is he ashamed to carry a real Bible? Is it too much trouble? Might it be too cumbersome for him in his flashy Mercedes or Range Rover?
You only need the flashing spotlights, the smoke, the noisy unspiritual band, and the jiving congregation, when God is not among the people and not in the house. It actually is evidence that they don't really know God (even though they certainly are getting spiritual ‘highs’ being there), especially when the preacher refers to Jesus as ‘that dude up there’.
You can get a spiritual 'high' at a football match or a rock concert.
Read the story of the Welsh Revival of 1905 if you want to know
what it means when God really visits a church and a nation.
When Moses went up to the mountain to receive the commandments from God, the people quickly turned to the carnal and unholy worship of the creature, and false glittering idols made by man.
When they could not get God to ‘perform’ on their behalf, they created God
in their own imagination, and had a party!
Nothing has changed even to this
God does not accommodate our ways and practises of ‘worship’.
God will meet with the Moses or Elijah, the David
or the Jacob, the Peter, James, and John, up on a hill, and send down fire and glory that needs none of our
twenty-first century gizmos and gadgets to try and make the place look like or feel like something 'spiritual' is in the building.
God will send his own smoke and
light where hearts are true and right. His Holy Spirit will not attend the
false, pretty, man-made altars that we create and erect in the name of Jesus.
‘And if thou wilt make me an
altar of stone, you shall not build it of chiselled or cut stone: for if you
lift up your tools upon it, you have polluted it.
According to the Scriptures, the altar
of God was to be made from uncut stones, not touched by man’s efforts or
machinery. No tool was to be used to make the stones look nicer or more
attractive. They were to be taken straight from the soil, with no opportunity
for man to claim praise for his talent, or take some sort of personal merit for
the way they were shaped.
The altars of the early church were their knees.
They moved heaven and earth, and turned the world
upside-down. No electricity, no dancing bands, no pretend fire to make it look
authentic: just the power of the Holy Ghost and the Name of Jesus, that saved
the sinner, healed the sick, and raised the dead.
God needs nothing from us. He will not inhabit the trash and nonsense of this new-age religion that faces itself up as Christianity, but operates under a false mask of pretended holiness and twisted truth.
Not all that glitters is gold, and not all who claim to be ‘men of God’, are known of God.
That is why it is vital that each
of us pray for the gift of discernment, for knowledge and the gift of wisdom, and
that the eyes of our understanding be enlightened by the Spirit of Truth: for
many false prophets and preachers, and spirits of anti-Christ are already in
every nation, and in the churches.
Then we shall have eyes to pierce through the lies and deceptions of the delusion, the smoke and mirrors of the counterfeit.
The true church may not be what
you think it is, or where it is. ‘For where two or three are gathered together
in my name, there am I in the midst’, said Jesus.
‘But believe not every spirit,’
says the Lord, ‘for many false spirits are out there, masquerading to be my
JGM Telling it like it is. 2022