'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

Transformation Generation


I had the privilege of meeting a new-generation warrior of the gospel just recently. 

Sat in the reception area of a Thai massage parlour (of all places! and only because I was called to meet this person), it was like going back to 1982 when I trained an international team of evangelists in London. That was a team of firebrands sent from God! This young warrior told me how she had come from the darkness of idol worship and witchcraft into the light of God after meeting Jesus for herself. Her heart was burning with the love of God to reach her people for Christ.

Some years ago in India, I was blessed to plant a work called Transformation Generation. I believed then, as I do even more now, that a new generation of believers would arise who would refuse the ritualistic habits and 'religiosity' of denominations, and rise to become true soldiers of Jesus Christ. 

Their goals are not to become the 'worship leader' (whatever that may mean), nor to be recognised for some great talent, but simply to raise the name of Jesus high, and see others find the salvation that has brought freedom and joy unspeakable to their own lives.

They will not be moulded into the customized shape of mundane church-goers, but will know the true liberty of those who have met the risen Saviour, and who know the power of his words: 'Where two or three of you meet together in my name, there will I be in the very midst'.

These may not have spent a single day in some theological seminary or Bible college, but they know who they have believed, and with the knowledge of God, their hearts are all taken up with the command of Jesus to go into all the world with the saving gospel that brings the miracle of deliverance, freedom, and new life. When they meet together with like-minded and like-spirits, Jesus is there with them to confirm his word with signs and wonders.

They cannot just conform to the religious status-quo of sitting in church, singing songs to each other, and simply being yet another number stuck on a seat. Their hearts have been set on fire, their thoughts filled with the urgency of the hour, and their spirits flowing like rivers with a love and passion for the lost.

The pastors and leaders will try to bring them under 'control' and dampen their enthusiasm, but shall utterly fail, for these are those who have been plucked from the flames and are already set on fire of something that is far, far greater than anything the church has yet seen. They have been touched by the hand of God for such a time as this.

My encounter with such a new-born warrior the other day, confirmed my belief that such a generation has begun to arise all across the world, even here in darkest England.

I have said that this year of 2022 is the year of change. 

Already, right from the start, there are huge changes occurring out there in the political and international world of economics and warfare. However, and even far more importantly, dynamic changes are coming into the spiritual world. The darkness of evil has lifted its voice in the thunderclouds of fear and terror, nature also is growling and is beginning to roar at the wickedness of mankind.

But more significantly, and more importantly, there is a stirring in the world of Light, in the Kingdom of God, amongst the angelic realms, and in those being called by the Spirit of the Lord, as we face the countdown to the end of time.

Only those with eyes to see will see it. Only those with ears to hear will hear it. The religious will carry on in their routines and sentimental practises, and will marvel at the things God will do through those who seem to be nothing, and who are not prancing about on the platform, or elevating themselves on the stage of glamorous 'Christian' satellite TV channels.

They do not seek their own fame or glory, but point people to the cross, and preach the cross, not in words only, but in the outward demonstration of the Holy Spirit and of power!  (1Coritnthians 2:4)

They may seem foolish in the sight of other people (especially the very 'religious' ones, or those who think themselves spiritually superior to everyone else), but they move under the true anointing of God, and fear no one. 

They don't give themselves titles or even claim to be anything, for they are the SAS of the kingdom, secretly called and chosen in this time, and who will have their medals and rewards at the return of Jesus Christ.

The command of Christ is to, 'Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that he would send forth labourers into the harvest'.

When did we last do that???

JGM 2022

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