'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

Love the Truth

‘Love the truth’  (Zechariah 8:19)

If ever there was a short text that throws a challenge into our society, it must be this: ‘Love the truth’.

From the pinnacles of government, to the worker in the supermarket; from the religious minister at the front of the congregation, to the lady gossiping in the local café, truth has all but vanished from our world. It seems acceptable now to blatantly tell lies in public, and in private, to spin out some fabricated story with no conscience whatsoever, and no concern about what it may do to those listening.

It is no wonder that there is little or no trust in our politicians and leaders, and no faith in what the media spouts out every minute of the day. All have been proved to be utterly untrustworthy.

The Bible says that ‘truth has fallen in the streets’, and indeed, the populations have been lied to so much, that it is easier to believe the lie now, than to try and find out the truth.

Looking at the glamorous stage-shows of so-called ‘Christian’ television and its network of ‘televangelists’ wrapped up in their own self-importance and staggering wealth, one realizes that the corruption and contamination of deception has washed the simplicity of truth out of whatever it is they preach about. 

It is no surprise that ordinary, sensible people want nothing to do with the nonsense being spouted by the overdressed, over-paid religious comedians. They bring shame and contempt on the message of the cross and the dreadful sacrifice of the Son of God. He never came to make us millionaires and rich beyond our wildest dreams. He came to save us from our sin and from hell, and reconcile us to God.

Truth flies in the face of the trickery and cunning of the false ‘prophets’, and exposes their lies and their sinful motives.  They turned the simplicity of faith in God into a money racket, which is no better than the illegal and unlawful practises of the con-men selling cheap and broken products to unsuspecting and gullible shoppers looking for a bargain. Millions follow them and attend their entertainment shows, where the punters lay on the floor giggling like the insane, and the preacher waltzes round as though he were God’s right-hand man.

However, there is only One at the right-hand of God, and his name is Jesus. To hell with all the lies and deceptions.

The truth brings everything into focus and is a light in the darkness, even in self-inflicted delusion. The truth never changes and stands as a citadel against all the hordes of darkness and the sea of spiritual blindness that has flooded the nations like a tsunami.

We stand on the brink of destruction, with great and powerful nations rising up for war, and populations being imprisoned and enslaved by their leaders through an agenda of deception and lies. Rampant unrest is growing louder and louder every day. It seems there is no audible voice to lead the people out of the darkness and into the light, no herald, no-one crying, “This is the way, walk ye in it!’

Yet here upon earth, in nation after nation, the truth that can make people free, the truth that has the ability to turn things round even at the last hour, is alive and in the hands of true believers: if only they knew its eternal awesome power and efficacy.

The Bible, this Book of Life, this Word of God, this evil-destroying Sword of the Spirit, lies on the table under some magazine or other, or covered with dust on some bookshelf, or in a box of other books, rarely, if ever being noticed, let alone respected or opened.

The church-goers would rather use some ‘app’ on their phones, rather than actually carry a real Bible in their hands. They have no clue as to what the Bible is, and are happy to be interrupted whilst reading it, by some ridiculous or even disgusting advert or video popping up to make them laugh. This is how cheap and disrespectful modern ‘Christianity’ has become. ‘There is no fear of God before their eyes’, says the prophet, and this is the generation that arose ‘who knew not God’, even if they do go to church every Sunday.

If there is no reverence and godly fear when holding the Bible; if there is no sense of the holiness of this Book of books, then there is no understanding or knowledge of God in that person. ‘Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against Thee’, says the Psalmist.

In another verse he says, ‘Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path’, I cannot do without it.

In Luke 4:4 (but only in the old amazing Bible KJV), Jesus quotes directly from the Old Testament, and says, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.’ It is not a suggestion, neither some good advice, nor just a general statement.

It is a command.

‘Man shall not live by bread alone.’ – a command

‘Man shall live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ – a command (Deuteronomy 8:3)

The Bible is the tower of truth that stands in the face of the evil of this world. It shines its light, whenever it is read or spoken, like a lighthouse sending its warnings and promises across the raging seas of man’s discontent and hopelessness.

Love the truth.

Love the Word.

Hold it in your hand like the finest of fine gold.

It is the Spirit-breathed voice of God, eternal in its essence, alive and living, holy and majestic, fearful and convicting. When you preach it, or speak it out-loud, the Spirit of God is in the words: and they become more than words. They are spirit and they are life.

In these dark days, and if ever there was a time to get things right, go get yourself a real Bible, and hold it with understanding and godly fear. And as you hold it, let God speak to you, and let the fear of God put respect and love in your heart for this incredible, and precious, and totally awesome Book. When you open it, it will breathe life into your spirit and open your spiritual ears to hear from God himself.

You do not need some fancy conference or some slick-mouthed flash preacher to tell you that he knows what God is saying to you. The preacher may well be self-deceived; but you can know God for yourself, and His Word will indeed open up and deliver truth to your heart.

Love your Bible. Read it every day. Underline and mark it every time God shows you something.

When it gets too worn, get a new one and start again. Keep the old one as most sacred, or give it to someone who will feel mightily honoured to receive it.

Never place some inferior object on top of it, or disrespect it. It should be your most treasured possession. Nothing should be compared to it. If your house catches fire, it should be the first and most important treasure to rescue.

Love the truth. 

‘Thy Word is truth’.



JGM 2022

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